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Character(s) π‚𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑 π‘π„π‚πŽπ‘πƒπ’


rose the hat
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Today 8:18 PM
  • EFF5ft7XoAA5RsA.jpg Name: Adela
    Age: 22
    Birthplace: Port Escalon, Lantica
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins

    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Sword-craft, hand-to-hand combat, stealth and agility, knife-throwing
    Bio: Adela remembers very little of her life before the guild. Her mother worked on ships and paid a local innkeeper to care for her daughter in her absence. One month she failed to return and when no coin was sent, the innkeeper kicked Adela out on the street. In the years that followed she survived by begging and thieving, sleeping on the docks with other orphaned children. After stealing a dagger from Master Deomar, Adela was welcomed into the White Rose Guild and trained as an assassin. She has remained there since, fighting alongside the other students. To this day, she has no knowledge of what happened to her mother.
  • 2.jpg Name: Elias Conti
    Age: 26
    Birthplace: West Quarte, Lantica
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Archery, hand-to-hand combat, free-running, climbing

    Bio: Elias was once the son of a wealthy merchant, raised in the reputable West Quarte area. When Elias was still a boy his father became involved with some dangerous people, conducting illicit deals and trades. One such deal led to the family home being raided and both of Elias' parents were killed. He managed to escape into the night and was found by an assassin from the White Rose. Elias was welcomed into the guild and has been training there for over a decade, conducting missions and hits on behalf of Master Deomar. He is less bloodthirsty than his counterparts, but still presents a danger to the targets of the guild.
  • 3.jpg Name: Jurian
    Age: 25
    Birthplace: Little Market, Lantica
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Sword-craft, hand-to-hand combat, endurance, charisma

    Bio: Jurian was yet another orphan to find his way into the White Rose Guild. Formerly the son of a farmer, Jurian spent his childhood caring for the family horses and carting vegetables to the market. When he was seven years old his father was killed in a farming accident. The family were forced to sell the property and after Jurian's mother passed away from consumption, he was left alone. After two years spent on the streets of Lantica he was approached by Master Deomar and offered the promise of a new life. With no other choice, Jurian accepted. He's bold and quick-witted, but is prone to making reckless choices.
  • 4.jpg Name: Audric Dayne
    Age: 25
    Birthplace: The White Rose Brothel, Lantica
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Brute strength, horsemanship, hand-to-hand combat, axe-throwing
    Bio: The only member of the cadre to have lived at the Guild since birth. Audric was born to one of the whores at the White Rose brothel and spent his childhood within its walls. His mother was cast out of the establishment when Audric was eleven, but he stayed on in order to pursue a career as an assassin. He proved himself, becoming the first amongst the cadre to make a kill. The others regard him as a brute and a bully, but his ruthless nature has earned him both praise and status within the guild. He stands hopeful that Master Deomar might one day reward his efforts by leaving the establishment to him.
  • 1.jpg Name: Benessa De Marion
    Age: 27
    Birthplace: Meledin, Corinth
    Affiliation: The White Rose Brothel
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Charisma, charm, etiquette, persuasiveness, poisons
    Bio: Born in the neighbouring kingdom of Corinth, Benessa came to Lantica to study the arts. She had always intended to pursue a life of intellect, but ultimately fate had other plans for her. She started working as a courtesan in order to fund her schooling, and spent many nights attending to nobles and swanning around expensive parties. The abundance of coin and luxury gifts, soon derailed her plans and she has since forgotten her pursuit of the arts. In the years since then, she's developed an acute knowledge of poisons and has become a serious asset to the secret guild that dwells behind the walls of the White Rose.
  • 3.jpg Name: Dario
    Age: 24
    Birthplace: Ambera, Corinth
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Horsemanship, sword-craft, knife-work, climbing, hand-to-hand combat
    Bio: Unlike the rest of the cadre, Dario has every belief that his family is still out there and likely looking for him. He was stolen away by slavers at the tender of age of six, but managed to escape them when they docked in Lantica. Dario fled into the city and spent several months begging before he was found sleeping in an alley behind the White Rose. One of the courtesans brought him inside and he was deemed a worthy addition to Master Deomar's guild. He's since trained with the rest of the assassins, forming a close friendship with Luca and Audric. Though not particularly bright, he instead relies on his charm and wit.
  • 4.jpg Name: Luca
    Age: 26
    Birthplace: Port Escalon, Lantica
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Axe-throwing, stealth and agility, climbing, offensive combat
    Bio: Luca was raised by fishing merchants in the port district of Lantica. He was the youngest of three brothers from a well-regarded family. When he was nine years old his father and brothers left for the fishing season. They failed to return, leaving Luca and his mother to fend for themselves. She succumbed to illness and Luca was taken in by a neighbour. They were exceptionally cruel to him and so Luca ran away. He ended up in the employ of the cityguard, before a few crimes lost him his role. His skills did not go unnoticed though and the teenager was then inducted into the House of the White Rose to work as an assassin.
  • 5.jpg Name: Master Eduard Stennon
    Age: 44
    Birthplace: South Quarte, Lantica
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Sword craft, knife-throwing, archery, teaching, discipline
    Bio: Eduard Stennon was formerly employed as one of the guilds top assassins until a fall from a rooftop ended his murderous career. A valuable asset of the guild he was kept on as trainer, teaching the next generation of assassins how to kill as he once had. He keeps a relatively quiet existence within the guild, but is revered by its students and courtesans alike. They know little of his past, but understand that he is someone who Master Deomar trusts explicitly. Though he no longer works as an assassin he contributes by collecting information and maintaining contacts with key players in the Lantican political sphere.
  • 81313b802295f4ea3ae679ac08251ad4 copy.jpg Name: Kitson (Kit) Fiore
    Age: 30
    Birthplace: Donatere, Corinth
    Affiliation: The White Rose Assassins
    Status: Alive
    Skillset: Hand-to-hand combat, sword-craft, horsemanship, lock-picking, thievery
    Bio: Kitson or Kit was born into an assassin dynasty in Donatere, Corinth. For a time the Corinthian Guild maintained an alliance with Deomar's White Rose until a betrayal saw the establishments turn on each other. The only survivor, young Kit was presented with a choice, join the White Rose or perish just has his fellow assassins had. Rather than face death, Kit joined Master Deomar and flourished under his tutorship. Any desire for revenge was trained from him and to this day he is still one of the Guildmaster's greatest achievements. Now he mostly operates on the Corinthian border, his need for vengeance long since buried...
  • 7.jpg Name: Helene Corvelle (The Shadow of Antilla)
    Age: 32
    Birthplace: Sicar, Antilla
    Affiliation: The Antillan Blades
    Status: Presumed Dead
    Skillset: Poisons, knife-throwing, sword-craft, hand-to-hand combat
    Bio: Helene was trafficked to Lantica as a youth. She succeeded in killing her captors and escaped into the city where the Master Deomar found her. He was establishing himself as the guild leader at the time and immediately took her in. Helene became a model assassin, capable of besting all within her cadre. And so it came as a shock when she failed to return from one of her missions. Later, Master Deomar received a box with her severed finger inside, bearing the White Rose ring. Her death became a cautionary tale for those assassins within the White Rose, though rumours about her demise continue to circulate even now.
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  • 19419150._SY540_ copy.jpg
    Name: Lark Kincade
    Age: 24
    Birthplace: Beacon's Point
    Occupation: Hunter/Farmer

    Status: Alive
    Bloodtype: Immuno+
    Bio: Lark was born in the former settlement of Beacon's Point and lived there with her family until she was six years old. When Bloodfarmers came to town, Lark's father was killed and her mother was taken. Though her memory of the time is hazy, Lark was able to escape south with her Aunt and Uncle. They found home in the marshland settlement of Ambletown, which is where Lark has lived the remainder of her childhood and adolescence. She's spent much of her adult life developing skills to survive in the wasteland, namely hunting and herbal medicine. She counts Roan and Sydney among her closest friends.
  • EFF5ft7XoAA5RsA-3.jpg
    Name: Roan Deckard
    Age: 28
    Birthplace: Ambletown
    Occupation: Welder

    Status: Alive
    Bloodtype: O Negative
    Bio: Roan grew up in the settlement of Ambletown, the only child of the town blacksmith and his seamstress wife. He's been friends with Sydney since they were teenagers and grew close to Lark when she started joining them on their scavenging trips. Though Roan has been approached several times to join raiding groups, he's never accepted their offer as he knows he couldn't bring himself to commit the atrocities they do. He's happy enough working the forge and continuing to supplement his family's food supplies by hunting and trapping in the hills. He's an excellent shot and the best tracker in town.
  • 1-3.jpg Name: Sydney (Syd) Walker
    Age: 22
    Birthplace: Roach City
    Occupation: Barmaid

    Status: Alive
    Bloodtype: A Positive
    Bio: Sydney spent her early years in Roach City where her father founded his brewery business. Her mother died giving birth to Sydney's sister, Erin and so the family relocated to Ambletown to be closer to her aunt and uncle. Her father set up a bar there and Sydney often assists during peak hours. Much of her time is take up with that or housework, but when she's not working she'll be found in the company of Lark and Roan. She's much quieter than her friends, and isn't particularly adept at hunting, so mostly just comes along for moral support. Her family are well regarded and among the wealthiest in town.
  • EFF5ft7XoAA5RsA copy-2.jpg Name: Val Kincade
    Age: 44
    Beacon's Point
    Occupation: Herbalist

    Status: Alive
    Bloodtype: O Negative
    Bio: Val is the younger sister of Lark's father and her only surviving relative. She previously lived in Beacon's Point, until Bloodfarmers attacked the town and killed her brother. Having made a promise to keep Lark safe, Val and her husband (Garth) took their niece south to Ambletown. They built something of a life there with Val working as a herbalist and Garth as a medic, raising Lark as their own daughter. Garth became afflicted with radiation sickness around give years after they'd arrived in the town and passed away soon after. Val never remarried and has continued to protect Lark in the years that have passed since.
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