MxF +𝟣 Thread ❤f Seeking (Open)

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MxF +𝟣 Thread ❤f Seeking (Open)

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
Preferred Genres
  1. Romance
  2. Erotic
  3. High Fantasy
  4. Low Fantasy
  5. Medieval


Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Corrupting Influence Challenge Champion Confirmed Responsible Adult January Challenge Participant
Local time
Today 2:14 AM
Insert something witty here.
Whatever you want to use
Hello one and all. Call me Yhmera. This should be pretty self explanatory. I'm looking for a few 1x1 RPs to make my day a little better. If they happen to be long term role plays, even better.


What I'm Looking For

✄⋯⋯ Need you to write more than two sentences per post. At a minimum, one full paragraph. Posts don't have to be big. They just need enough detail to work with.
✄⋯⋯ Engage in side chatter. Cause it just makes things more fun. Side chatter and discuses the RP is a must. After all world building and plotting doesn't end once the RP begins.
✄⋯⋯ Be able to post at least once a week. If your going to be away for a while, please say something.
✄⋯⋯ Finally be willing to play male and female characters if you want me to play both.

A Bit About Me
✄⋯⋯ I'm a nurse practitioner. Mostly it means I started roleplaying for stress relief and I work really really long hours at times.
✄⋯⋯ I do spell check but errors do slip through.
✄⋯⋯ Not looking for true love, a boyfriend, or anything like that. Just here to have fun and play.
✄⋯⋯ Always trying to improve my writing. I normally post around 500 words + (That's about 3-4 small paragraphs.) However I'm more than capable of writing more.
✄⋯⋯ Love to make characters that are well rounded. A character with no flaws are no fun.
✄⋯⋯ I play all genders but prefer a female main.
✄⋯⋯ Drop friendly. I just ask that you give me a heads up. I'll try to do the same for you.

My Rp Style
This question is hard to answer. I normally play strong female characters. I've played a few males as well. Usually with more than one character in play. I like just about any setting. Well, me and slice of life don't always get along but it doesn't mean I won't try. Just don't have much practice with it. But I think my list of active RPs speaks louder than anything to my style I guess. All my stories are 95/5 story to smut. I'm not a smut writer. I need plot, reason, motivation. I want to see the passion slowly building. Feel that burn start to rise. Let there be tension, want, and longing between the characters first. Location Location Location- An RP location is EVERYTHING. So where would you like to play? I prefer Forums first but I'm willing to do discord. If that's allowed here.

I'm sorry of this disappoints you. But I don't really have a list of kinks. Doesn't mean I'm not willing to play out kinks. So that side is really open. Just ask and lets talk about things first.

Deal Breakers
I will not do bodily fluids( such as pee vomit spit), scat. I might do extreme abuse and gore (But we have to really talk about the scenes and the aftercare involved)
If your not sure then lets talk about it first. It's why I like to chat.

The Good Stuff

High Fantasy
Low Fantasy
Dark Fantasy
Space Pirates
Monsters (like werewolf and vampire)

To help, I'm bolding anything I would like to play. Hearts gives you an idea how badly I would like to play it.

If you have suggestions, I'm all ears!!!!

High fantasy setting
Orc rider x Dragon
Orc x Elf

Orc warrior x Primal God
Orc Chief
X Captive
Dragon x Dragon Rider
Royal Marriage (Arranged or forced)
Royal x Knight
really in this setting just about anything is good for me

Low fantasy setting
Barbarian x Oracle
Beast Master x Sorcerous

Oracle x Barbarian slave ♥♥♥

Vampire x Prey
Vampire x Hunter
Vampire x Demon
Victorian Vampire x Anything

Werewolf x Human
Werewolf x Hunter
Werewolf x Werewolf
Wild West Werewolf x Anything (think old western with werewolves)

Death x Murdered Soul
Summoned Demon x Human ♥♥♥
Slave x Master
Scientist x Experiment
Monster x Human
Escaped Experiment x Random Person ♥
Pirate x Slave
Pirate x mermaid / merman
Blind Girl x Blind Date ♥

Kamisama Kiss
Angel of Death ♥♥♥♥♥♥
Joker & Harly
Bed & Breakfast for Spirits
Inu X Boku Secret Service
Vampire Princess Miyu
Alice in Wonderland
Chrono Crusade
Black Butler
Blood Lad
xie wang zhui qi (the demonic king who chases his wife)
Firefly / Serenity
Magic Kingdom for Sale/Sold

all canons and OCs will be age 18+ (no children or minors)

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Just a few random ideas.
Everything is subject to change to help meet the needs of my partners.

--> Don't see what you like? Then please feel free to suggest something. <--


It's the height of the pirate era. Muse A is one of the most famous pirates around, rumored to be the captain of the cruelest, most powerful crew to sail the seas. Muse B is the child of the governor of a small port town with an unhealthy obsession with a person they've never met but has been passing letters with for months. It all started when Muse B found a love letter washed up on the shore in a bottle. Having lived a life lacking love, they pretend the letter is for them. One day Muse B works up the nerve to write back, although when they sends it to the address on the letter they doesn't expect much. But Muse B receives a response not long later. Tired of their life, Muse B end up running away to find Muse A. Only to find out that Muse A is the one thing they couldn't stand. A pirate


Muse B must have a reason to reply to the letter, even if it isn't because of their abusive father. Otherwise there would be no plot, would there?

Muse B must hate pirates, although the reason is up in the air, I just suggested that it could be because pirates killed their mother. This isn't strictly necessary for the plot, but I think it adds conflict between the characters and conflict makes for a juicy story.

Muse B cannot be a sailor or anyone who travels the world much. This is, again, personal preference, but I feel like part of the fun of the roleplay will be Muse A showing Muse B the world, and Muse B showing Muse A how to live in that world.

Muse A should be a well know, very feared pirate. Again for the dynamics and drama.

Muse A has always been sick they entire life, they visited hospitals many times and was near death several times. Muse A's father dedicated his life into finding a cure for his child. Somehow Muse A found a hunter's clan which promised the blood of a mythical creature (to be decided) that would heal his child- only thing is, Dad must find a pure-blood creature and kill her to cure his child. His luck only turned up half-breeds. When Muse A decided to join the search when they became an adult, wanting to be cured.

Muse B is said creature, living among the humans hiding in plain sight. They do have healing powers as they are pure-blood.

Muse A and Muse B meet up and becomes friends (perhaps more), neither of them having a clue that one's a hunter, and the other's a creature. Will they find out? Will Muse A stop their father from killing said creature or fall into desperation for a cure?

Muse A is a vet. After a long day of work and a jog in the woods behind they house they find an injured dog. No, Wolf? Surely not a wolf so close to the city. Well, no matter what it is. It's hurt and needs help. Muse B is a werewolf. Thankfully the person who found them passed out thinks they are a dog. Only they aren't a dog. Worse Muse A decides to keep Muse B as a pet. Only what happens when the rest of the pack comes looking? Don't forget the hunters that was tracking Muse B to start with. Or when Muse A learns the truth.

Muse A never asked for these gifts. Never asked to see the past, present, or even possible futures. All it takes is one touch of an object. From there they can see it all. Only they don't want to and does they best to supress these powers. That is until Muse A was kidnapped. Now Muse A is being forced to hunt people for a group of hunters. Only they use the term people very loosely.

Muse B has been around for a long time now. They lead one of the largest supernatural havens known to the hinters. Muse B is described as uncaring, cold and brutal. Doing what ever it takes to keep the haven for vampires, werewolves, and other things safe.

What is Muse B going do when they learn of the psychic being forced into hunting them. How will Muse B get out alive when they learn not everything is as it seems.

Muse A is an owner and lead ringmaster of a dark gothic circus. There's no happy giggling clowns in this traveling circus- only acts of death-defying stunts, freak shows and dark themes. With an emphasis of the dead, Muse A is a vampire hiding right out in the open letting people believe they're nothing more than an actor that plays a vampire. Muse B would happen to have something special about them. Yes, their delicious blood that makes any demon desire a taste from them. Blood trait that comes once every century, a rare treat for the nosferatus. Once MA discovers MB has this tempting golden blood, will MA ever let MB go? Will MB ever find a way to escape their captors or learn to like being held by the vampire?

Old Plots
Vampires, werewolves, and demons have always existed. The trick is keeping the mundane from knowing about them. A young heir/ heiress was just like the rest of the world. Not knowing that such creatures were real. Not believing in the supernatural. That was until the manner was attacked and practically everyone inside killed. During the attack, a disembodied voice called to the heir/ heiress. The voice promised they would serve them faithfully as long as they proved to be strong of will and determined to see justice served, no matter the cost. By the time the deal was struck, a huge hulking monster of a beast came forth from the shadows and saved the child. Now, years later, that child is grown up and the head of one of the world's largest hunter organizations with a monster of unknown powers and origins by their side. After all the deal was struck and your body and soul belongs to them.
When rivers run dry and the stars fall from the sky the horned one will return to reign in an era of death.
An oracle takes off on a perilous journey after receiving a vision. According to the vision, the key to saving not only her kingdom but the rest of the world would be found in another land. One in which the oracle knows little about. Unfortunately once there, the oracle finds little help or assistance to be found. Never seeing a slave trade before, the oracle goes and watches. Maybe it's out of a lack of understanding, pity, or fate. But the oracle ends up with one of the slaves. Whether the slave believes the oracle or not, the slave finds themself in the unwanted position as guide and bodyguard. As the unlikely pair track across the lands, looking for the clues to the prophecy, they find themselves under constant attack. Just as the oracle made it a personal mission to stop the dark vision from coming true. A cult of the dark god Dareyr, a god of death and destruction, has made it their personal mission to see the prophecy fulfilled and the two killed in the process.
(This one is more of a spoofy comedy RP)
A young upstart dungeon keeper (can be any race this is an evilish character) makes its den near Castleton (A large rich kingdom). The only problem is all the blasted heroes that think they can barge right into the lair that was just built and try to kill you. Stealing your treasures when they can. One by one the heroes have slowly fallen. But what about this latest challenge? Think your up to it? Worse is when you see the latest hero, all thoughts of killing them go out the window.
Once every 5 years, young warriors from every village battle and show off their skills in hopes a dragon will pick them as a rider. But this time has been different. The contest and games to try and win over a dragon falls under a solar eclipse. The dragon that came this time is a rare and powerful breed. Not wanting to be won over like a prize, the dragon takes a human disguise and finds an unlikely pairing in the place it least expected.
If someone asked you "Do you believe in monsters?" What would you say? It's funny how people react to such a simple question. Some would just say no. Others look for proof. Then there are those who want to believe in vampires, werewolves, and monsters but too scared to say anything. Me? Well if I was asked that question a year ago, a month ago, or even a week ago then I would have laughed it off. I didn't believe in much back then. But now? Now I know what is real and what is not. And the deaths this past week are my fault.

You see I let it out.
Just outside of town was one of the S-Corp lab facilities. No one understood what they did there. Besides having super high tech security and midnight deliveries, no one is ever seen coming in and out of the labs. But all kinds of strange sounds are heard. Then a few weeks ago POOF, just like that the labs closed. A big for sale sign was put out front and that was the end of the S-Corp labs mystery. Yet a week ago I noticed a tiny light coming on and off. Just in a small corner of the lab. My best friend went with me to investigate. The labs had a creepy ax murder or aliens vibe. And I don't mean the kind of aliens that eat reeses and sleep in the closet. I mean the kind that spits poison and will eat your eyes out.

I wish he hadn't come with me.

As we walked through the maze of halls somehow we got separated. It wasn't long after that I heard the screams. I would never forget the bone-chilling screams. It was the last time I saw my best friend alive. However, I did stumble across something. Guess you could call it someone. A young.....

This is where we put our heads together and work everything out. Who wants to be the monster? Who wants to be the one that found the monster. What kind of thing will it be? Let's build this together!
Something has gone horribly wrong in Character A's life. (Lost their spouse, lost their family. Whatever it is was really bad and you can't get over it.) Just when character A is ready to throw in the towel, end their life, they find something intriguing. In a catalog for the most eccentric of people. In the very center, where it lay open and waiting for someone to see is a magical kingdom for sale. It promises knights, dragons, fairies, and adventure. A new life. But once there, character A finds out that everything isn't as it seemed. Yes, the Kingdom was real. But there is a catch and a curse. (character B can be someone in the court, or someone appointed to teach character A about the new world so on. Character B is very open and can be just about anything.)
In the world, the clergy or church are trying to overpower the thrown and weaken the people by spreading superstitions and lies about the monsters that roam the nights. They persecute or even burn people at the stake that disagree or go against the church. They have even gone as far as calling science witchcraft just to take a person down a notch or two. Since the church started taking control and throwing their weight around things have gotten worse. Towns are infected by plague. Healthy crops are withering and dying with no reason as to why. Rivers are becoming poisoned. The sun has even forsaken everyone, hiding most of the time behind a wall of gray clouds. Leaving everything a dreary drab color. If that wasn't enough yes the monsters you have always heard about are very real. Vampires, werewolves, zombies, all of it. But what to believe? How much of what the church is saying is true? If it came down to it, would you trust the monster with your life?
Stories were once so simple, they had beginning, a middle, and an end…

In the beginning, there were dragons. The physical embodiment of raw power and speed. Eternal, forever living in an endless limbo of black, grey, and white. For eons, they were the masters of the world. Time was non-existent, and all lesser beings were servants to the mighty serpent's rule.

Mortal races soon feared them and had enough of the dragon's oppression, seen as nothing less but cattle for the dragons to do with what they willed; the seeds of rebellion grew strong. However, was only because of the actions of a few outlandish dragons. Still, none dare had the courage or strength to face the great beasts.

Until one being arrived to champion mortals against the dragons; one who had the very strength and powers of the mighty beasts within them. The mortal races rallied behind this chosen one, this Arisen mortal. With the Arisen leading the armies of the lesser beings, the mortal races challenged the dragons and fought for their freedom. They didn't just accuse the few but all the dragons.

For hundreds of years they fought; mortals matching the dragon's limitless powers with superior numbers and with the powers of light and dark. Two halves to a whole; one that trump the dragons grey existence. In the end, after countless continents were lost, and entire populations were wiped out, mortals rose their flags in victory, and the dragons were no more.

In the end, mortals took the lands of dragons and built kingdoms of their own. In time, they grew together, forming alliances, and rivalries. Living, dying, fighting and coming to peace time and time again. And soon the dragons were all but forgot.

Until one chance day, when the skies erupted in a great light. A portal from the heavens, and from it a lone dragon descended and brought fear once more. The Arisen hero who had championed mortals had long been buried, their bones turned to dust. When all seemed lost, the Dragon did something, which was unexpected. It wrought fire and flame to all that crossed its path. But when able it chose to run instead. And just as none seemed to be able to stand against the dragons, one rose up with the power of the Arisen. One was able to stand toe to toe once more with the great beast.

To this day, this cycle has been repeated over and over again. Sometimes in decades sometimes in millennia's. The dragon's coming is never the same. But for every single one defeated by the chosen Arisen, another comes, to choose the next champion to do battle. This cycle, known as the Romance of the Dragon, has long become tradition that none dare consider questioning. Why is it that the dragon is reborn time and time again? Every victory, every defeat, the dragon comes again, every hero risen or fallen, the dragon comes again... what is the beast trying to accomplish? These questions long have gone unanswered. However, a new cycle is to come. One that will call into question the very fabric of life itself. Life and Dark, eternity and time.
The Kingdom Of Dreali held a shaded history. In the old days, a cruel tyrant of a King named Zaion enslaved his own people. He forced men into the army to help conquer new lands and women were little more than his toys to play with. No one was safe from his wrath. Not even his most loyal of subjects was shown mercy. Tired of the king's cruelty, the people rose up and revolted. The king fled taking a male child with him. Although everyone who served the tyrant willingly was killed, the king and child were never found. To insure that this would never happen again, Dreali was split into four regions. Each with a Duke and Duchess that ruled over the area. Yearly all of the nobility would gather to meet and talk about the wellbeing of the kingdom.

The region to the north was known as Spellmont. Some of the strongest magic users come from this area. It was mostly grass lands and hills, with a few outlining mountains. Winterash was to the south. It's the coldest region and most of the mined goods come from that region. Dorden was to the east with lush forests and meadows. Lincliff was to the west and was mostly mountains. The army's of Dreali recruited from all four regions and rotated annually so they could train in all environments.

Years passed and Dreali prospered and bloomed. Granted that the four regions didn't always get along, but no one suffered as they once did. The stories of the cruel ruler slowly faded into myth along with the reasons behind why they kingdom was split. But it didn't matter much to the people. For now was the age of peace.

It was spring when the Duke and Duchess of Dorden celebrated the birth of a daughter. They named her Charlotte and upon her 18th birthday she and whoever she wed would become the rightful rulers of the lands. But happiness was short lived. A new darkness had started to spread across the land. A war lord by the name of (insert name) was trying to over throw the rulers of each kingdom, claiming he was the rightful heir of Dreali and the descendent of Zaion. Fearing for Charlotte's life, she was sent into hiding. Meanwhile, slowly the rulers of each region fell. None except Dorden had any heir.

The people were restless as it grew closer to Charlotte's 18th birthday. The long awaited return of the last living ruler was they only hope many of the people had left. On the day of her grand debut and coronation, a letter was delivered to the palace. Charlotte was to be handed over to (insert name) to try and end the wars that had devastated the lands. But if she married the cruel warlard than he would be ruler of Dreali and the kingdom would fall into the dark ages once more.

Meanwhile (insert name 2), a mad man, who once was the leader of Lincliff. Leading the army's, he took an active role in all training and none of his men could ever best him, and he knew it, but over time he was overcome by his own greed and attacked the king of his land, but they knew of his plan, he took down the kings guards and in the end was taken down by a gunshot to his back falling so easily to just a low ranking officer in the army, he was caught and put in the dungeon bound and restrained for some time before he was sold off to the slave market as a trophy pet not meant to be released from his bindings. (you can play just about any part. I left it open so you can play the part of an evil war lord or a military genius who was sold into slavery, your choice)

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I have a few writing prompts. I would like to talk about then and maybe find someone willing to maybe do a long tern rp based around it.

The feeling of falling through an endless dark void came to an abrupt stop as she hit the cold rocky ground. Like always, the musty cave smelt of sulfur, mold, and death. Rotting corpses that lined some of the walls left a pungent aroma that was worse than anything she had ever smelt before. The first time she arrived the smell alone twisted her stomach with such a furious wrath that she spent an hour clearing the contents. But now... After months of visiting this place, the odor knotted her guts but at least it didn't leave her immobilized. Staying in one place for long was never a good thing and most likely would be detrimental to her health.

Laura. wasn't sure how all of this came to be. One night, a few months back, her dreams became dark and twisted. It wasn't the fact that she dreamed of such horrible things that bothered her. It was the fact that it felt so real. Slowly, she had started spending more and more time sleeping. Drifting unwillingly in and out of consciousness, between worlds. In the world that Laura was most familiar with, she was an accountant. There was nothing spectacular or exciting about her job. Or her life for that matter. Every day she would go in, crunch some numbers for clients, then head on home. Occasionally on the way home she would stop in at the local bar for one quick drink, but never more than that. Never would she let her inhibitions run wild. Even the way she dressed lacked spirit or pizzazz. Usually she would be seen in a grey polyester skirt with matching vest and powder blue button-down blouse. Her head full of long white cascading curls was always kept up in a tightknit bun. That way no matter what the weather conditions were her hair was always perfectly in place. Although she desperately try to hide it, most people can see how cute she really was. Even through the barrier she seemed to put around herself. Laura only stood about 5 foot 2 and bordered on the edge of being fluffy with her softly rounded features.

But that's not how she was at night, in her dreams. They are in that hellish place Laura was a fighter, a survivor. Every night she would arrive in brown rags. And every night she had to find weapons, food, a new way out as she battled to maintain her freedom. She had learned where to find a sword that was long and thin. It looked much like a foil or a rapier. The weapon was oddly fitting considering her sleeves puffed slightly at the shoulders and tuffs of white curls tumbled down around her face. It was a stark contrast from the woman she was in the daytime. There were nights that she made it through the labyrinth of demons without a scrape. But those nights for far and few between. There were nights when she would run, fight, and fail. On those nights. She was shackled and tormented until the first rays of morning light would come and set her free from her imprisonment. For the longest time she thought it all was just a dream and nothing more. Then one morning, after waking from her torment she found a lingering scent of sulfur on her skin. Bruises were she had been held and chained. She tried sleeping other places only to find the same results. In day she was an accountant and at night something altogether different. And when she started to tired of it all, wanted to give in and be done with it, something would change. Maybe it would be the location, the monsters, or even her outfit. It was always just enough to keep her going once more.

Then one night something new happened. It wasn't just a little change that occurred in her dream world. Everything seemed different. She landed in a black silk garb that hardly covered her body. It was accented with gold and ruby embroidery. The rapier in her hand was ornately decorated. Instead of the rank cave she was on a volcano side. Before her was a huge castle surrounded by a river of lava. Standing just before the massive doors was a huge hulking beast that brought a whole new meaning of fear to her. Her knuckles turned white gripping the weapon so tightly in her hands. Without a word, she turned to run, only to find herself tripped up and sprawled out across of obsidian coated ground Before she could say a word, a figure appeared before her, dressing in armor that looked much like the obsidian rock that covered the landscape. in his hands was a chain and collar. She could see her life flash. Oddly enough, Laura had grown accustom to this dismal place, her dreams. Here of all places she was more alive, more herself and freer then she ever was in the real world. Was it all really going to simply come to an end.....(so many possibilities. We can talk about it. ^^)

Everyone was talking about it. The entire city was abuzz. A new circus was in town. One that promised oddities and curiosities. Not just a man with a pillow stuffed up his shirt or a woman with hair glued to her face. No, the flyers say that you will be mystified, horrified, and not for the faint of heart. It was enough to have Mandy up in arms wanting to go. A tall blond with soft curves. Still what she lacked in sexapeal she made up for in tasteful teasing. Her boyfriend Jimmy wanted to have something to make fun of. Standing only 5'9, he was the tallest of the group by just a hair. Sarah was simply hoping to forget her divorce. The blackest of marks a woman could have against her. The buxom raven haired beauty hadn't had much luck with men since it happened. So where did that leave poor Emma? As the driver to the strange event. Only going because she didn't have the strength that day to keep saying no to her two best friends. "Fine.. FINE! But I'm driving and we leave when I'm ready to leave." She sighed, slumping her shoulders as she grabbed her narrow-brimmed cloche hat. Wrapped with a wide white silk ribbon against the grey-blue fabric. Her hand bag and patent shoes matched the color of her muted blue dress almost perfectly. White gloves and a long string of pearls completing the outfit.
"Can't you at least dress up a little more?" Sarah asked, wrinkling her nose at the plain outfit.
"She's scared she'd finally find a boyfriend if she did." Mandy Teased.

The two women dancing out the door with Jimmy in tow. All of them were too eager to get to the mysterious circus that sprung up overnight. Jimmy sat in the back with Mandy pulled close while Sarah sat up front, powdering her face during most of the drive. Gently rolling hills and tall maples made for a rather scenic trip. Especially with the newly paved road weaving back and forth through, trying to take the smoothest path through. Each time the Ford Model A car started down the hill, the girls would cry out as it tickled their tummies. Emma only laughed softly at her two free spirited friends. How she wished to be more like them at times. To have the ability to drop her defenses and allow herself to be uninhibited. Yet that wasn't her. It could never be and she knew it.

It was just past dusk by the time they arrived at the circus. Long yearning lines of people were forming to see the macabre. Hushed whispers rolled through the waiting crowds as dark clowns performed their pre-show stunts. An occasional yelp would startle the onlookers into silence as a brief glimpse of something could be seen from the cracks of the tent flaps. Only to have a clown or ringmaster pull their attention back to him once more. Sarah and Mandy giggled and clapped in their excitement. Pulling Emma along, encouraging her to have a little fun and cut loose for a bit. Jimmy little more than a third will trailing behind them. As if he was their chastity escort for the evening.

Emma finally let out a firm and resounding. "No." Her lips pursed as she feigned annoyance at her friends. Honestly she hadn't had this much fun in a while. This would give her fodder to write about for weeks on end. "I'm just here to babysit the lot of you." Her façade broke into true frustration as she was jostled a bit too rough. Clearly less than happy as a few golden ringlets tumbled free from their bobbies. Swaying strands stopping just past her shoulders. Quickly she went to work pinning the curls back up in place. "Now if you two can't behave then I'll bend you over my knee before we leave."

Jimmy only smirked as he leaned in to whisper to the girls. "Only if I get to watch." The words were a bit louder than he intended. Causing a wave of laughter from those who were close enough to hear.
Mandy and Sarah let out a round of shrill giggles as they chortled between themselves. All Emma could do was pull her hat down as far as it would go to hide her embarrassment. Never would she act so shameless. How she envied her friends. Little by little the line moved forwards. Both Mandy and Sarah making eyes at the gorgeous ringmaster. Hoping for a tantalizing meeting with him. A momentary brushing of skin, the meeting of eyes, and the exchange of sweet nothings. Ignoring that Jimmy was even there. Then again, the man was busy eying a woman a few groups up. One with a short dress and large bountiful assets.

Quietly Emma pulled back so she was standing a few steps behind the group. Her arms wrapped around herself as she waited with her friends to get in. Trying to ignore the lecherous things they were saying about their gracious host. Yes, the man was easy on the eyes and there was a small part of her that wanted to know if his hair was as soft as it looked. Not that she could be that brazen. "Come on, the line is moving. I'm sure the show is about to start. Let's get our tickets and find a seat before it's too late." Surely it had already started. Most circuses would have already been closed. With the ebony blanket of night wrapping snuggly around them. Thankfully the area was lit just well enough to see.

Her feet slapped against the wet pavement as she ran. The rainy night made her getaway harder than originally planned. For almost two weeks the strange men held her. Two weeks of being forced to touch objects and tracked down so called monsters. Seeing unwanted events that would later haunt her dreams. They were crazy and obsessed with hunting and killing vampires and everything else they deemed not human.
From some of the items she touched, Ashley could tell they truly believed vampires and werewolves existed. What she hadn't expected was to see the truth of the matter first hand. A burnt belt buckle revealed a man being tortured until he shifted. Then the hunters shot and burned the werewolf to death. Yes, the werewolf was real. But these so-called men of god were the real monsters. Making her hunt down people, creatures. Forcing her to help in their deaths. However there was one they wanted above all others. One that they claimed was the mastermind behind all the crime in the city. A vampire.

The hunters had brought her object after object. Forcing her to see things she never wanted to see. It was maddening, reliving death after death. Murder after murder. For two weeks she had tried and failed to locate this one for the hunters. Keeping her well past a point of exhaustion. One night, while their guard was down, Ashley clobbered the man charged with watching her. A part of her wanted to check and make sure he was ok. On the other hand, she was going to lose her mind if they tried to make her look for Victor any more. Every time she thought she was getting close to finding the elusive vampire, everything in the vision would blur and she would lose track of him. Not one did she ever get a clear look of this person. Almost like something was stopping her from seeing him.

Worse, out on the field Ashley was referred to as a weapon. That was exactly how they treated her. Only giving her the bare minimum in comfort. Just enough food to keep going and little more. "If the weapon gets away, it's our hides that will be tanned. Find it." One of the hunters hissed as they scattered into the streets, trying to find her. "Where is it going? Home? We have the place already under surveillance." The one who was barking out orders ran a hand down his face before looking up at the dark sky. "If you can't get the weapon back then make sure it's well disposed of."

Even now Ashely could hear them calling for her. She was a psychic. Able to see past and present events through objects a person had interacted with. For the longest time Ashely was able to keep this gift a secret. That was until she forgot her gloves and accidentally touched a man's car on the way to work. He was going to kill his wife and she was able to help stop the murder. Only the wife was a reporter who told everyone about her unexpected savior. The hunter organization in the area didn't see her as a hero, Just a tool to be used against their enemies. Only a tool to be used. Apparently in their world that only made her slightly better than a werewolf or a witch. Still, in the eyes of the hunters she was less than human. Only using her for their sick quest to purge the world of anything they didn't deem as worthy.

Ashely skidded around a corner. Then ran through a little corner store. Already she was growing tired from the non stop running. Not used to this much physical activity. Her day job was an insurance adjuster. Spending most of her day behind a desk. Plus pulling psychic impressions had used most of her energy anyways. "Please.. Please.." She huffed softly. Strands of wet chestnut hair clung to her face as puddles splashed around her feet. "I can't..." Making a sharp right she cut through an alley way then moved a few blocks over. She didn't know where she was going at this point. Only that she had to get away.

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A test of skill
Her song echoed in the market as she played a soft melody on her lute. Lazily strumming each string. A few coins here or there were dropped into a small brown and cream woven basket at her feet. It was just as Vivika wanted it. No one looked twice at her. No one thought much as they passed her by. She had kept it that way in her last town, Woodhurst. That town had mostly been elves with a few halflings here or there. How she missed playing Faera, the wood elf. She had kept a small shop under that guise. Selling dried fruits and meets. Making fresh bread. It was a simple and quiet life. That was until someone found out the truth.

Tired of getting chased out of every town just because she was a changeling, a shapeshifter. As her thoughts turned dark and bitter, so did her music. The passers stopped and staired as they waited to see if something would happen. It was only after her thoughts came back to the here and now that she paused. Blushing at her mistake, Vivika started once more. The young human was a stark contrast to the shy quiet elf she wants once was. No, Faera would have never played anything in public. Nor would she have willingly made a spectacle of herself. "Come and listen. But do not miss a beat. For each note tells a tale of love and loss!" She strummed the strings hard, making it all part of the act. Straight thin strands of chocolate brown hair starting to fall from it's lazy bun as she moved about. Faera on the other hand had full rich platinum blond hair that held in place no matter how she put it up.

"ORCS!" A voice cried as a young woman came running into the market, warning of the dangers coming. Vivika stopped playing and sighed. Torn between running like everyone else and going to help. It was outside of the changeling's nature to get mixed up in battle. Then again, if she helped to save the town then maybe she could stay. Even if found out? She slung the lute over her back and headed west, where the woman came from. Sure enough, about four or five of them on horseback heading this way. One looked to be a shaman. And maybe a fighter or two? But it was hard to make them all out. "This is unpleasant. What to do?" As she thought over her options, changing into an orc came to mind. At least then they might leave her alone. But it would still lead to more conflict than she wanted.

"Everyone run, I got this." Her sing-song tone more confident than she felt. Although everyone had already fled the scene. Cause no one in their right mind would face down even one orc, let alone a hand full of them. Unsheathing her rapier, Vivika started to sing. It was a song to boost her speed. Bards were good for enhancing people's abilities. And in this case, a little extra speed and agility wouldn't hurt things. In her other hand, she pulled a large dagger free to aid in blocking and counter-attacks. Ready or not the battle was about to start. As the orcs started to get close, she darted forward on foot. Moving faster than any human would. Each movement was like a graceful dance. Swinging her rapier at the horse's legs then darting back. First thing was first. To disable their mounts. Then the real fight would begin.

Ecrin, a city carved into the seaside cliffs. Each and every stone of the earth carved carefully to create a bustling cityscape. At the rim it was most wide, every level down into the center of the city shrinking more and more until the bottom was reached. Rope bridges connecting the upper levels, along with singular zip lines and weighted lifts. The lowest levels setting on the white sandy shores far below. Ornately carved stairs winding throughout the city. Ecrin seemed to burst alive each day as the sun rose up over the crystal sea. Merchants and travelers from across the realm visit for a chance to see the rare sights.

It was another beautiful day with the sun causing the sea to sparkle like a rippling blanket of diamonds. Dasha stepped out of her small inset home, welcoming the sun with a soft smile. Long chocolate curls were pulled back into a banded braid in an attempt to tame her wild maine. Her daily job was simple as an earth mage. To maintain the stones and structures that helped to hold and support the city. She was just one of many that helped the unique place to stay functioning. Each day wandering through a new level, looking for any of the stones starting to crumble or give. Then use her magic to reinforce them, making the rocks strong again.

Today was the first time Dasha got to visit the 5th level. One of the lower levels before touching the soft white sands below. This level seemed to be deeper inset than most and almost always covered by the shadows from above. Making it a desirable place for the more unsavory. Shamrock green eyes darted about, trying to keep watch on things as she looked over the stones. It was a rule of thumb that 2 mages always work together down there. But she was stuck by herself after her partner didn't show.

As she worked to mend the stone a darker shadow fell over her. "Sunset already?" Dasha muttered as she turned around. Only to find a hand full of men standing there. All with smirks and snickers. "And what do we have here? I lovely little wallflower in the wrong place?" One of the larger of men said with a gruff voice. "Excuse me, I have work to do." She replied, not looking any of them in the face. She tried to push her way past, but the bunched together refusing to let her through. "I don't think you understand girly. Your not going anywhere." As the leader spoke a man grabbed each of her arms trying to force her down into a submissive position on her knees. Anger flashed in her dark green eyes as she kicked a foot out, causing the rocks beneath them to shift. Sending a few of the men falling form the cliffside city.

There are many things one could call Rain. Happy, eccentric, forgetful, or space case. But the name Rain didn't seem to do that personality justice. She lived in a corner loft over a bar that her hippy parents owned. And she spent most of her time at her little art stand in one of the busier shopping areas in town. Selling paintings and pottery that she would make the day before. That was when she wasn't in class.

Rain was working hard to become the next local sensation and took as many art classes as she could. Even if she couldn't always remember when they started. Or when a project was due. But at least she was giving college life a solid try. The sun just started to crest the sky when Rain came walking out with a bag in one hand and an easel in the other. She was halfway down the stairs when she realized she had forgotten her paintbrushes. Quickly she dropped everything off at her little beetle bug car then headed back up. She was on her way out again when she realized she had left her keys. Rain made a total of 5 additional trips to her loft before finally heading out.

She dawned a dark purple sundress that flowed gently around her. A mismatched bright orange cardigan covered her shoulders and arms. Bits of paint or even smudges were she absentmindedly wiped her hands covered her clothes. Giving it a very abstract look that matched her tie-dyed hair. Amethysts eyes peering over her lightly tinted sunglasses as she worked to get ready for school.

Once again Rain was late for class and ended up with a spot in the back. Not that she minded. It meant she was close to the window and could feel the warm rays of the morning light flooding in on her. Being in the back normally meant she wouldn't hear a thing. However, over the past month things have started to change a little. Before Rain could only hear of she had her cochlear device on. But now, she was starting to pick up some sounds without them. It had become a game to see how much she could hear now. So being in the back often gave her a chance to test her suddenly improving hearing. She just wished it improved enough to hear without them. Whether it was a selfish wish or not, it was one she couldn't help but to make.

Like always, the window offered its blessings but also offered its distractions. Instead of doing the coal drawing of today's model, Rain would glance out the window and focus on the man sitting against the building on the other side of the street. His clothes dirty and hair matted with a few days of hair growth on his face. A bag on one side of him and blankets in a push basket on the other. Held tightly in his hands was a brown sack with a bottle of some sort in it. She could only assume alcohol of some type. Before she realized it, the class was over and all she had to turn in was the coal drawing of what appeared to be a homeless man. Not the model she should have focused on.

After turning in her work, Rain headed out and went to the cafeteria. The smell of turpentine and patchouli clung to her skin. Upon entering she made sure her device was turned off first. Even before the change in her hearing started, the cafe was just too noisy to have it on. Rain bought a few lunches, using her phone to text and help communicate what she wanted. Once everything was bought, she headed out to where she saw the man. As she thought, around the corner were two more people. Walking over, she gave them the meals with the carefree smile she always had. With no reply as they tried to thank her. Just a smile. Turning on her toes, she started back into the college once more.

She walked through the freshly fallen snow. It was almost bright as day with the silver moon looking down from the empty night sky. Patches of clouds blotting out most of the stars and occasionally the moon. Gradually the wind started to nip once more and the trees whistled out a fatalistic warning. The snow was about to start falling again, the storm was about to worsen. Still, She had so far to go.

It was important she got to the next village as quickly as she could. Clinched it her trembling fingers was the medicine her younger brother was waiting for. Sadly her horse had broken a leg after stumbling during the first round of flurries. And money wasn't something she had to spare. But her mission, her thoughts never waivered. She would get back in time. She had to.

Minutes in the cold quickly turned to hours. Soon she couldn't feel her feet as she stumbled along. The vile clinched to her chest with frozen fingers. The snow had started to fall and the wind went from nipping to biting. It cut clean down to the bone. Fear started to worm its way in. What if she didn't make it? What if she was too late. Then Her brother would surely die. Hell, she might even join him if this cursed storm didn't end soon.

At last, she couldn't take another step. Her vision blurred with frozen flakes clinging to her eyelashes. The thick blanket of snow was almost welcoming to her body. In an odd way, it seemed to provide the warming that this journey had been missing. She was so tired and the fluffy flakes made a nice pillow. And as her eyes closed, she swore she could fill the wait of a warm blanket pulled around her.

... Sleep...

She woke with a fright. No longer on the path home, she was in a den of some kind. The vile... gone. Her heart was pounding like a hammer. How long was she asleep? How long had she been here? No.. NO.... NO! She screamed out in her mind. For only a horse raspy sound escaped her blistered lips. From a dark corner, she could hear something moving. There was a shadow of something. "It wakessss." A hissing voice called out. The thing in the shadows sounded as cold and unforgiving as the storm that almost claimed her. "Pleasssse, eat.. drink.. ressst."

Slowly from the dark vale a thing came forth. Half man and half snake. It's body was pale and the scales white. But the eyes, the eyes were as black as night. There was something about the way it stared at made the girl shiver. Was she to be the monster's pray? Before she could protest the naga was upon her, wrapping her in his coils. Ah yes, she knew that filling. It was the same when she was passing out in the snow.
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