Name: Rosalind Andersen
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Species: Witch
Magic specialties: Though Rosalind possesses a more incline toward protection and strength spells, she mostly has an apt for clairvoyance and mediumship. Though it is an involuntary talent at best.
Personality: One might call Rosalind unpredictable, she can be serious and stern at the best of times, but is mostly mischievous and playful. No one can say that she isn't passionate about many things and she can't stand injustice of any kind and will make it known through her loud opinions or through her equally loud artistic activism. Her magic is very intention-based and she puts everything into the spells she casts. She must always be on the move and is rarely caught sitting still. Either she's exercising, walking her wolfdog familiar, graffiti a side of a building, or feeling out the spirits in an area
Appearance: Rosalind stands at a height of 5'7" and weighs about 145lbs, being a kickboxer she possesses more muscle weight. She's well built and toned, usually can't be seen without scabbed knuckles or at least one bruise somewhere on her body. She has usually pale skin, but not for lack of trying, she'll usually get a natural tan once summer rolls around. Her body is also covered in tattoos usually having to do with Nordic mythology, runes, and symbols. There are still some gaps in her skin that aren't covered by the tattoos, but this seems to be purposeful as a few of the spaces are reserved for the scars she's accumulated over the years.
Her hair is gold and never in the same style twice, so her friends might say. Sometimes she'll dye it with obnoxious bright colors, but she'll never fully cover her natural hair. Her eyes are a steel grey and she has several piercings along her ears, on her nose, eyebrow, lips, and her tongue.
History: Rosalind is quite the young witch with an old soul. Her mother had said that when she was younger. She always said, "You've been through life before." Rosalind always liked the way that sounded. This seemed true for most of her life, she was equally cautious and adventurous, as if she knew what the risks already were and which ones she was willing to take. She rarely got hurt, but she also seemed to take the more out-of-the-way paths. Her childhood was rather uneventful until she turned thirteen and things changed.
Those intuitive guesses soon became visions and voices in her head. Usually, these were helpful, but after a while of sharing her gift with others, they became harmful. No one really believed that she could see the future at first, but the more odd comments that she made to people the more they realized she was telling the truth, and the more ridicule was sent her way. After being bullied quite badly for this, Rosalind decided to keep her gifts a secret and to delve a little deeper into her ancestry. It wasn't like she came from a long line of witches, her mother was quite agnostic and her father was as well. They rarely spoke of anyone past their own parents and her grandparents weren't much different. Still, there were things that hung around their houses, symbols, landscapes, statues, and other such knickknacks. She wanted to know what they meant. At sixteen she was able to follow a few records back to her homeland and realized that the symbols around her house were Nordic symbols of protection, the landscapes of Nordic mountains and lakes of her ancestors' home, the statues were of their gods.
Learning this only solidified her determination to learn more and she reversed her desire to keep her gifts hidden. She embraced them fully and let the spirits of her house and home guide her to the truth. At eighteen she invested in DNA tests to confirm and her bloodline reached back to the Old Norse, finding that her mother's ancestors in particular seemed to be old wise women, seeresses. Her gifts grew and she expanded further out to give her true magic that granted her protection and strength. After learning this knowledge she began to seek out people like her and stumbled upon the Rosenthal coven, quite by accident as she was spray painting Yggdrasil on one of the manor's walls she was found by the familiar of the coven. While she would've been chased out the familiar realized what he was looking at as he stared at the wall full of runes that possessed a magical aura of protection and preservation. So, she was led into the coven and made a witch.
Fully embracing her craft and heritage, Rosalind threw herself into the "Viking lifestyle". She took up kickboxing and sword fighting as well as reading runes and adorning her body with all sorts of symbols and depictions of Norse mythology. Once she reached twenty-one her loyal and ferocious companion, Hati, a wolfdog became her familiar. She would become the modern völva, this she swore.