A Fabricator General actually doing what he suppose to!?

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A Fabricator General actually doing what he suppose to!?

Fabricator General

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Today 8:42 PM
Hmm, it seems my void ship has suffered a cataclysmic warp drive failure. Now I reside here, marooned on a very intriguing roleplaying site......which means! I have no other option than to continue being the self-respecting, tech-hoarding Techpriest I know myself to be and take refuge here. To all those who happen to stumble across this scrambled array of vox communications...Salutations! Now that will be 10 thrones...What? You thought an intergalactic data plan was cheap?

The first thing you can no doubt tell from my painstakingly edited profile pic is that I am a proud Warhammer 40k addict, a badge I wear with the highest of boisterous swagger machinery can allow. The second thing you have astutely noticed is my love for roleplaying and terrible jokes.

Roleplaying has been a near-constant rabbit hole of fun for me ever since I could remember. Be it from my earliest memories of running around with a stick pretending it was the coolest of swords, to joining sites such as; Rpnation, GuiltyPleasure or just doing some homebrewed DnD games. For those who are no doubt wondering, yes, I was that kid who claimed to have the coolest sword-stick, any who reject my claim are free to challenge me to a duel, name the time and place and I will be there with my trusty weapon "Sir Thorn"

Getting back on topic, lest my ADHD makes me ramble about the pros and cons of servitor orange juicers. I hope to continue my hobby of making new and intriguing stories with everyone here, and yes that means I will actually fabricate something and not dig up some ancient derelict piece of machinery and slap my name all over it.

If I had to describe my Top 3 pillars of requirements and values in a roleplaying partner, they are simply; Communication, Time, and Effort. You give me those 3 and I will journey with you to the deepest parts of Slaanesh's realm and back with you.......Or until a new and shiny STC pops up on my radar, sanctified holy oil mileage may vary, I am a Techpriest after all.
Heya and welcome to the forum! We have a ton of great writers here and I'm sure you will happily be writing with one or more of them soon!

But enough about them! I too have been hit with the plastic crack addiction for the better part of the last 17 years, and its usually quicker to jsut say I havn't had a Nids/stealers or harlequins army. Oh wait they re added squats, so theres that too now. I am an avid kitbasher/converter/scratchbuider so Long live the Omnisiah! I have a regular Mars Mechanikus army and a Orkus Mechanikus version as well, along with 4 or 5 other current armies.

Well, if you come across an questions as you explore the site there are always a few friendlies and usually a mod or two hanging out in chat if you need anything or just wann talk.

Welcome to the Inner Sanctum! I do hope that you enjoy your time here! Good luck to you and Happy Writing! 🌻
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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