A few of my Múses

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A few of my Múses

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So here's a few of my characters! I might be adding some more later. So sorry they aren't the best. But I thought maybe these might be a good few to start with. I'm really open to crossovers and AU's and such. If anyone is interested in writing I'd so love to plot! Please feel free to hit me up!

Amelia Sorren
Age: N/A
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Faceclaim: Clara Paget
Ship name: The Devil's Bride

Personality: Her looks mask a borderline-psychopathic personality. She's not very nice and has a bit of a potty mouth. She's only really nice to her crew and a lot of that has a lot do with her past. Most don't know that she is known to have a softer side that she doesn't show very often.

Her back is heavily scarred from multiple floggings courtesy of her late husband.

When she was a 13-year old girl she was forced to marry a man who repeatedly abused her letting his colleagues rape her. One day they were in a tavern and a man saw Amelia's husband hurting her. The man slit her husband's throat. That man was Jack Rackham and Amelia joined him. The two became lovers and at some point they joined the pirate crew of Charles Vane. Over the years she became a cold-blooded killer which gave her the strength to overthrow the captain and take over the ship. They then forced the previous captain to walk the plank. The crew was grateful to his death and instantly took a liking to her as a captain. They traveled for many years making a name for themselves.They showed next to no mercy on enemies and Amelia became known to other captains as someone to avoid. 3 years after her take over Vane returned and soon killed Jack as revenge only for Amelia to kill Vane. The loss of her love added to the anger. Shortly after Jack's death it was rumored that Amelia was no longer the only female captain which infuriated the red head. She has never had any real issue with coral other than seeing the other female captain as competition which soon enough made them enemies.

Name: Grace Smith
Age: Varies
Birthday: October 8th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Faceclaim: Barbara Palvin
Family: Tobias Smith (Brother)
Blackbeard (Father)
Jazmine Smith (Mother)

Personality: She usually gets what she wants and she's a very great liar. She's smart and sometimes quite ruthless. Much like her brother, she is ruled by anger. She really only has a soft spot for children given her background. Cocky and definitely sarcastic.

Bio: Grace grew up in a very abusive home. Her brother and mother did their best to look out for the little girl but they weren't always successful. She and her brother were close given the situation but the two were separated one horrible night. The girl's father attacked her brother and in the scuffle of it all her mother was killed and she was badly injured. Her brother was believed to be the only survivor however the girl did escape the house that burned. It took her months to recover. Burns covered her back and truth be told the healers who found her didn't think she'd survive. But she did and she spent the rest of her young years with the healers and even became close with one of them. His name was George. The two grew up and became the closest of friends who were simply trying to survive. Times were growing hard and the people were broke and lost. It wasn't long before pirates came to raid the camp. They stole supplies and killed many people. But they weren't prepared for the healers to fight back. Despite being outnumbered the healers one but it was at the cost of George. Grace couldn't stay. So she took the pirate ship and left. She built her crew up and started her search for her brother and father She had heard many rumors about her brother traveling with another captain so she began to lure in other ships stealing and killing. Her plans always worked. She had the best trick around. Whenever a storm passed through the pirates would dress their boat up to look like it had been ravaged by rough seas. Grace would then stand on the deck and plead for help from passing ships. When the unsuspecting rescuers came near they were boarded, robbed and murdered. She continues her hunt looking for revenge and loads of gold.

Name: Tobias Smith
Nickname: scar
Age: A little over 300
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: December 26th
Faceclaim: Jared Leto

Personality: He's a bit standoffish but also very sarcastic. He's known for being protective of those he cares about. It takes a lot to earn his trust and while he does have a calmer side it's hardly ever seen except for with very few people. Very angry..

Bio: Tobias grew up in a rather small village with his mother, father and sister. His mother was quite sweet however his father was awful. He often hit them and one night when things got bad he cut the boy with a blade when he tried to defend his mother and sister. The altercation ended in a fire that ended up killing his mother and sister. His father ran afraid of the outcome of their deaths leaving the boy alone. The orphanage was awful and once he was 18 he left. He did a lot of traveling searching for the man who was supposed to be his father. He was older and stronger and he wanted his revenge. His traveling meant he was often hopping around on many ships until he settled on Blackbeard's ship. He had been there for months until one knight he learned the man was his father. He had every intention of killing him..However, before he got the chance to, A woman named Coral beat him to the punch. He didn't stop her and the two even began a relationship. The two we're close for quite a long time. But as she became more of a leader the two soon split. It hurt him more than he cared to admit so he left the ship. He no longer needed to be there and his father was dead. Even if it wasn't by his own hands. After leaving he worked with a band of thieves and mostly kept to himself and drank a lot. Years went by and he was caught stealing. He didn't realize it was Coral he was stealing from but one of the crew caught him and held onto him bringing him to the captain. This brought the two back together again. Their lives are constantly intertwined. Once the pair was together again he decided to stay. After lots of time together their ship was raided. Somehow in the scuffle Tobias ended up dead. But he didn't stay dead. He now lives his life as a cursed man and is working hard to break the curse before it's too late. After searching Tobias found Coral and the crew. That's when he learned his sister was still alive and very angry with Tobias. This made them have some distrust and trying to get the young woman to come around was going to take work. Now he must break his curse and save his sister from her own anger.

Name: Victoria Frankenstein
ReBirthday: December 15th 1795
Age: 222
Sexuality: Bisexual
Scars/Tattoos: Many scars and a dragon tattoo on her back.
Faceclaim: Noomi Rapace

Personality: Can seem very cruel and cold. Keeps her distance from everyone. Prefers to be alone and comes off as aggressive. However she often finds herself reliving and struggling with her past. So while she seems cold and uncaring she's really just broken and lost which makes her mean. She doesn't always have control of her anger so it usually gets the best of her.

Bio: The young woman had a troubling life. She had grown up in whore house given her mother was quite poor. Given that was all she knew… she soon was forced into the business. The man who ran the house was usually quite brutal to the girls and if they didn't reach their quota he would beat them. Given it was hard for Victoria to ever give herself away she was often beat which is where most of her scars came from. When she could no longer take the beatings she gave in and agreed to visit a rich client who would pay nicely. The man was a young doctor and his brother had ordered the woman's services. The young doctor was named Victor. Now obviously the two had a good laugh given their similar names but Victor had no plans in making the young woman do anything she didn't want to. So instead of turning down her services and having her face the wrath of her employer he would take her into a private room and teach her things. Victoria had never felt so much happiness and soon the two fell in love. Her time with him was a great escape from the horrible life she lived when she wasn't with him. One night her employer found out what was truly going on and grew very angry. He had beaten her and chased her into the street. Victor had just been arriving to see Victoria when he saw the man ultimately stab his love. He ran to her side trying to aid her but there was nothing that could be done. Victor decided then that he wouldn't lose her. His studies as to resurrecting the dead hadn't been perfected yet but Victoria would have to be his next test subject. To his surprise it worked. However not well. Victoria wasn't quite the same. Some words had gotten lost and she was angry and in constant pain. The biggest issue? She couldn't remember who she was let alone the man who brought her back. As time went on Victor did his best to teach Victoria everything again. However her memories never fully recovered. She had been kept hidden for so long to keep her safe from the world but the more Victor taught her the more curious she grew. She had begun to sneak out and one day she was caught. Her old employer had recognized her and soon mobs began to form wanting the monster dead. In the chaos of it all Victor was killed. Victoria was heartbroken and angry. She ended up killing her former employer and going into hiding. Over the years she's been in hiding still trying to continue Victor's work and bring her memories back. She spends a lot of her time working to help women in need in secret.

Name: Jade Vorontsova
Age: unknown but probably 18 or 19
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status Single

Personality: Comes off as cold or cruel. Struggles with PTSD and depression but keeps it well hidden.

Hobbies: Art. Shooting. Throwing blades. Music.

Dislikes: Children and really most people.

Jade had nothing before she was trained to become a purpose-built killer. Her instruction is to, without question, assassinate individuals around the world. A young girl who was left at an orphanage. Unwanted and abandoned. She had always dreamed about having a family and at the age of 13 she was adopted by what appeared to be a nice family. However that wasn't the case. The family she went to live with was horribly abusive. The woman who was her adoptive mother was known only to the girl as mother; the adoptive father was just a father and their biological older son was only known as brother. The boy was treated well and she was seen as a gift to him. A companion of sorts. Father and brother had constantly taken advantage of her. Life was hell and she had only tried to escape once. She never got the chance to try again because they locked her in a basement room. She was trapped until the age of 16. One night,father came down with a gun. He was drunk at the time and she managed to get the gun away from him. There was no way she'd get out unless he was dead. So she shot both of the men leaving the woman alive. She ran away however, she was weak and in loads of pain. The police caught her and given no one believed her she awaited trial in prison. She was surely going to die there. That was until a man came and offered her a way out. If she followed him he would train her as an assassin, give her a better life and she would never feel weak again. Being young and alone she didn't see any other options so she agreed. Shortly after her agreeing he moved her to Boston. He tells everyone he is her uncle and keeps her life hidden. She blends in by attending school just like any other kid.

Name: Eris Discordia
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: single
Species: Greek goddess of chaos, strife and discord.
Parents: Zeus and Hera according to other myths, she was the daughter of Nyx.
Faceclaim: Scarlett Johansson

Personality: Difficult
And hostile. While she's difficult she is reliable and can be very persuasive. She really only does things for others if she's getting something out of the deal. She cold but only because she's never known love. While she's a bitch she is very loyal to those who deserve it.

Bio: Eris always felt as the unfavorite child. Because of this she often found herself making trouble for attention. All the girl had really wanted was for her parents to love her. It was something she didn't get much of. Making trouble had become a talent for her. While she was beautiful it always felt as if others came before her. This caused her to act out. Often hanging out with "unsavory" characters. One she had grown quite fond of. The son of Prometheus and a known human. The child was dangerous because he was both man and god. His name was Atticus. He was good and often kept Eris out of trouble. He gave her attention and affection that she never seemed to get from her parents. The two had fallen but all good things come to an end. Once Zeus heard of the boy he knew he had to be taken out. A prophecy read of a great power that was both man and god that would cause the fall of the gods. Zeus would not see his kind fall so he killed the young man.
Eris begged and pleaded with her father but it did no good. The heartbreak was too much for Eris so from them on
girl grew up doing all she knew. Making fights for attention and revealing in other people's misfortune.
Because of Eris' disagreeable nature she was the only goddess not to be invited to the wedding of Peleus and Thetis. When she turned up anyway and was refused admittance, she raged and threw a golden apple amongst the goddesses inscribed "To the fairest." Three laid claim to it--Hera, Aphrodite and Athena--and in their rivalry brought about the events leading up to the Trojan War. After that Eris really realized her knack for making trouble and often finds herself having fun teasing the mortals.

Name: Ares
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: Single
Faceclaim: Ruby Rose

Personality: Obviously she's not exactly good. But she's not bad either. She's killed but only those who deserved death. Loyalty is VERY important to her.
Very ambitious, pretty impatient.
extremely resentful.

She is a mute assassin working as the bodyguard and right-hand of Santino D'Antonio. Her father was killed, her mother was murdered.. Santino had been very clear about the difference of it all.
Her father was killed by contract. Her mother's death was unnecessary. It was murder. Santino had taken her under his wing when he found the girl scared and alone after seeing the death of both of her parents. She trained hard and became the best... She was made Santino's chief security enforcer. His bodyguards were vetted by her, tested by her, anyone who came near him was checked by her. He promised he'd find the men who destroyed her life so she could kill them. So he did just that.. Or so she thought..
Soon enough she was sent to kill a man to save Santino. It all ended when that man killed Ares then Santino. However she didn't die.. Ares made friends on the way up who saved her life. Shortly after gaining her strength she started her own underground crew. Not too long after she learned Santino was truly the one who destroyed her family. She's now looking to seek revenge on those who took part in killing her family. Which also included helping John Wick escape those were trying to kill him when he was labeled excommunicado.

Name: Evelyn Stark Hansen
Age: Varies
Relationship status: single
Parents: Tony Stark and Maya Hansen
Faceclaim: Emma Dumont

Personality: She has bipolar disorder. This affects her moods and while she has tried to rein it in over the years so she doesn't have a full-on bipolar episode, she can sometimes become very depressed and cynical, but later shifts to being very motivated by anger, or then sometime later shifts to be more friendly and playful. Her personality topically depends on who she's with.

Ferromagnetic Sense
Radio Frequency Distortion

Evelyn's childhood started off fairly normal. However she often wondered about her father who she knew nothing about. She asked her mother plenty but Maya didn't tell her much other then that it was complicated. It wasn't answer the little girl liked. The truth was her mother hadn't spoken to her father in quite some time. Given her mother was a Botanist she often met a lot of people. One of them being Aldrich Killian. Maya had Aldrich worked together and even created a Virus the ended up curing his crippled disabilities. The two had become close. However Aldrich had plenty of other ideas on how to get powerful. He played Maya and acted as if he we're in love with her to make her make a stronger virus that would make him even stronger. When Maya had the first round of injection ready to test he decided that Evelyn would be the perfect test subject. Maya tried to stop him but it was too late. He already injected the young girl and had her locked up. He threatened to kill Evelyn if Maya tried to stop him or if she refused to perfect the serum. He knew that the girl was far too important to Maya which meant she wouldn't play fast and loose and would make sure the serum wouldn't kill her daughter while in trial stages. For 3 years Evelyn was locked up and given injections that often made the girl very ill. It was truly torture. It wasn't to long before Maya had the idea to see Tony Stark again. She told Evelyn about her father before leaving to find him. She didn't tell Tony about Evelyn and just requested his help in stopping Aldrich. Somewhere along the line Aldrich kidnapped Tony and planned on killing him. Maya couldn't have this happen. She threatened to kill herself if he didn't stop. However Aldrich could tell that Evelyn was growing quite strong from the doses of serum she had received and he knew he could do it Without her. So he ended up killing Maya. Given the amazing abilities she had gotten from the injections Evelyn knew her mother was dead. She managed to break out amongst crying over her dead mother; she told Tony that she was his daughter. Evelyn still doesn't fully understand her powers or even how to really use them. She often loses control and is found to often have migraines and bloody noses likely from the injections.

Name: Aurora Barnes
Age: Varies
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationship status: single
Faceclaim: india eisley

Personality: Distrusting, strong willed. She is the type to shoot then ask questions. She doesn't show fear very often despite feeling lots of it. When she's more herself and less hydra she lets her guard down and has moments of sympathy.

Shortly after Bucky was found by Hydra they learned that Connie was pregnant with Bucky's daughter. Given Bucky had proven to handle hydras method's they believed the child could also be a good Hydra asset. They allowed the girl to grow up with her mother until the age of 10. They then kidnapped Aurora and killed Connie. She was trained under harsh conditions and was brainwashed repeatedly given she continued to remember her mother's death. She became the youngest winter soldier known. Much like her father she was frozen for long periods of time only unfrozen when needed for certain missions. She was quite lethal and able to get the jobs done because no one suspected her. It isn't until Zemo that she becomes known as another winter soldier. Unlike her father who has been regaining memories, Aurora was completely clueless to the truth about Hydra and who she was. After she shows up to assist zemo with fighting Steve and the others she is knocked unconscious and brought back with the team. Given it was obvious she was so young they didn't want her hurt. However in their care she was angry and volatile. Under their care they run her DNA and learn she is Bucky's daughter. She has flashes of memory that are extremely painful but leads them to believe that she can be helped so she is sent to wakanda with her father to help restore her memories.

Name: Delphi Riddle
Blood status: Half-blood
Age: Varies
Relationship status: Single/multiship
Sexuality: Bisexual
Also known as: Delphini Diggory
The Augurey
House: Slytherin
Faceclaim:Emma Mackey

"You can't remake your life. You'll always be an orphan. That never leaves you."

Personality: Manipulative independent and highly determined. Known to be charming when needed. Bad tempered. Because she wasn't showed much love she is often looking for it in others. Clinging to the idea of it even though she knows she may never find it.

Parents: Lord Voldemort and Bellatrix Lestrange

Skills: Wandless magic, Parseltongue, Flying and Dark Arts

Bio: Delphi was born at Malfoy Manor, shortly before the 1998 battle of Hogwarts. As Bellatrix and Voldemort were both killed in the battle and Bellatrix's husband Rodolphus was imprisoned at Azkaban, Delphi was raised by Euphemia Rowle, a Death Eater. This woman was quite horrible to Delphi the only reason she took her in was because she was paid to do so. Delphi was fascinated by Euphemia's pet, an Augurey. Which reminded her that the future was hers to make. She spent most of her childhood with the bird and often found comfort in it. Eventually, Delphi even got an Augurey tattoo on the back of her neck. Her heritage was kept secret from her and she only found out the truth about her parents when Rodolphus Lestrange, broke out of Azkaban and told her so.

Delphi also learned of a prophecy that was about the return of Lord Voldemort. Delphi made it her life goal to return her father to his power.As Voldemort considered Cedric Diggory "the spare" before he told Wormtail to kill him, Delphi decided that Cedric would be somewhat involved in fulfilling the prophecy. She placed Cedric's father Amos Diggory under a powerful Confundus Charm and made him think that she was his niece, despite neither Amos nor his wife having any siblings. When Amos was put into a nursing home for elderly witches and wizards, Delphi accompanied him and acted as his caretaker. She was never mean to the man in fact he became the family she didn't have. What started as just a scam became much more and she would often leave the school to visit him in the home. Being the only child of Lord Voldemort, Delphi became the only known living heir of Salazar Slytherin after the demise of her father. Learning of her mother's and father's death she seeks the Time Turner to go back in time and change the events to save her parents' lives. The girl mostly wants him back to have more family and is very unaware of the fact that Voldemort will never truly have love for her.

((In the cursed child she doesn't attend Hogwarts but that's hogwash so yeah. She does here.. sorry.))

Olivia Benson (working on bio SVU Character)
Maleficent (also working on bio Disney/OUAT Character.)
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