A Little About Myself

Currently reading:
A Little About Myself

Sun Spirit

Probably a faerie
Local time
Today 10:27 AM
Hey everyone! I'm new to this site, but I'll have been roleplaying for 9 years once the new year rolls around. My name is Kristen, but I like to use the username Sun Spirit in honor of a character I created several years ago. I turn 23 in January, and I'm a literature Masters student who just got my first tattoo and publication. I've been reading fantasy since I was old enough to remember, and I love writing in any world where magic exists (although fae, necromancers, and vampires are my favorites).

I tend to love more descriptive type role-plays where we create cool worlds and magic-systems (one of my favorite examples is how, when I was much younger, I took a typical angel/demon role-play with someone, and we created rules for our characters going into heat instead of having periods and created different races of demons and hierarchies). Romance is great, but I also love exploring sibling relationships, how people might become enemies, how those enemies might reconcile and begrudgingly tolerate each other, how friendships form, and everything in between.

Honestly? I just love to write.

So, that's my introduction! I hope to get into some interesting role-plays with you guys. ^-^
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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