All A Little Bit of Magic? (Currently Closed, Fantasy + Romance Focus)

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All A Little Bit of Magic? (Currently Closed, Fantasy + Romance Focus)

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Hey. I'm MonsterInTheDark. Call me Mons, Monster, whatever. I've been writing for around eleven years now. I've taken lots of writing classes and written a lot in my free time, mostly fantasy. Fantasy is by far my favorite genre to write and read in. I also have two novels I'm working on, one 150,000+ and one 80,000+, so you know I write a lot, haha. I'd consider myself an experienced writer. I used to role-play back in the day on various websites, but I stopped as I got older and it became harder to find people who were able to match my effort and energy for creation. I consider myself Advanced Lit these days because of my writing experience and tendency to go detailed in my own responses.

I am back after a long period of inactivity and some rough experiences with incompatibility, as last year was my first instance of role-playing one on one. I'm generally looking for long-term role-playing partners, but I think naturally some plots conclude sooner than others. I'm mostly just invested in reaching the end of the story and playing it out in a satisfactory way. I write some very, very detailed plots, but I also write some plots that are more bare bones to build on. I am very interested in collaboration, but sometimes my world building can get out of hand for some plots. If you prefer to collaborate on that stuff from the very beginning before I get too many specific ideas about the world, I totally get that and I have made efforts to include plots which can support variety of approaches, some which I do have very specific ideas and details on and others which are more about the dynamics so far.

Just updated this thread to be open to be more genders. I have role-played with a multitude of genders and gender combinations before, but over the years sort of fell into a comfort zone with MxM. I've been seeing some pretty cool role-plays outside of MxM lately though and a lot of my recent plot ideas were more gender neutral. So for now it will be an all thread.

Writing and Role-Play Preferences:

Literacy and Writing Style:

I prefer literate or advanced literate role-play. I don't mind some spelling mistakes now and then or shorter replies, especially for dialogue, fight scenes, etc. but in general the grammar has to be good enough that posts are readable, and one-liners or very short posts without much character or plot content aren't for me. I want to build a lush world and vibrant characters with someone else. In the past some people have criticized me for taking over the world building aspects or writing too a specific role for the character when writing my plot ideas and that's fair, but please tell me if I'm doing too much on my end or you have differing ideas rather than being rude about it. I can be flexible about that kind of thing, it's more that the habits I built off being a solo writer lead me to sometimes doing 'too much' defining of the other person's role, more so than being some kind of control freak. Though in some cases we just won't be a good match, and that's fine. When posting, please write minimum two long paragraphs, or three short ones. Around 300 word per post minimum is ideal in most cases. My own average is more like 800 words per post but I can easily do 1000+, all depending on what the scene is at the moment and my mood.

I am a character driven and focused role-player who adores world-building. Adventures, mysteries, and all that overarching plot stuff is super fun, but characters are what draw my interest. However, I do prioritize plot over smut as without plot smut holds no meaning. I do think it's natural for some parts of the story to be more tending that way than others, and so ratios don't always make a lot of sense to me. Therefore I am quite flexible about this, but I do not do porn without plot and must have some sort of story to get interested in the relationships between the characters. I strongly prefer slow burn, too, although for some characters this could possibly include having sex before having and/or realizing feelings for the other person as that's lovely drama.

I role-play exclusively in the third person, and write both past and present tense. I am quite experienced and able to adjust between tenses. No first or second person, please.

Please provide a writing sample if your profile is new or does not have any role-plays viewable. Otherwise I'll just glance at your profile after you DM me/before I DM you to see if it'd work out.

Subject Matter:

My preference is for stories with a lot of darkness and struggle in them at times, but also bright spots and ultimately hopeful, happy endings. My favorite genres are romance (and I do not do non-romantic role-plays in most cases), fantasy, sci-fi, drama, political intrigue, historical elements, mystery, speculative fiction of any type, and supernatural, though I'm willing to work with other things. Stories featuring sports and most schools are not my thing, though if it's a fantasy academy of some sort I'd consider it. Feel free to message me with ideas!

On the flip side of this, stories which are all dark/depressing/gritty/gorey start to feel pointless after a while. We live in enough of a hellscape as it is, and further more if it gets too over the top it gets to be almost dull in a way. To me the emotions of the characters are the point and development is the goal, and an eventual happy ending of some sort, even if it takes a very long time and a lot of hardship, is very much the goal of my role-plays. I root for my characters even when I put them through hell. Variety and an eye towards character growth and plot progression even including darker elements is what I aim for. Though I absolutely love dark stories with happy endings when done well since it makes that happy ending all the sweeter.

I role-play primarily MxM pairings. I will do MxNB, NBxNB, and MxF. However, I will only do MxF if it's not hyper dependent on gender roles. Trans characters always welcome.

I do not mind differences between the gender/sexuality of the writer and the gender/sexuality of the character. That is fine. However, don't expect either hypermasculine or hyperfeminine characters, as in general I'm not a fan of strict dichotomies or boxes to put characters in. That means I probably won't vibe with someone who uses 'top' or 'bottom' to structure their character's personalities, as that can often fall into stereotypes.

However, I'm open to the fact that some characters just do have preferences, and if there's enough variety otherwise, I do not mind characters that stick to one role within sex scenes so long as those preferences do not affect the character being well rounded and having a life and identity outside of their preferred role in penetrative sex.

Replies and Messaging:

Frequency wise I can reply once every day. I prefer a partner that replies at least once a week, which even during busy times I can match. I don't tend to reply less than once a week than that unless there is something else going on in my life. I will let you know if I won't be replying within maybe a few days, such as finals and such. My preference, however, is for more frequent replies. I can reply once a day unless noted otherwise, although as said I am open to other schedule so long as they're not too infrequent. I am quite a prolific writer and adore frequent replies, but I worry about burnout and lost interest past maybe replies twice a day. For that reason I would be reluctant to indulge in role-plays with a partner unless like me they are not prone to burnout from large amounts of writing and already have a lot of plot ideas. At least once a week is a requirement for me as a 'regular' schedule, but if you notify me it'll be a while I don't mind. More details are covered below in communication expectations.

I won't pester you to reply, but I will send a 'you good' type check in after a few days unless you've notified me previously you won't be on.

As for ghosting, I am not ghost friendly. I become very invested in all the stories I write. I understand it can be scary, but I think a good compromise is just messaging 'sorry lost interest', no need to elaborate beyond that. If the problem is just me messaging you too much or that you feel the role-play is stagnating, I'd love to talk about it and change things up, but if the vibe's not there or you're just not enjoying the role-play as much as you thought you would, a simple 'lost interest' message without further explanation is just fine. I just prefer the closure rather than expecting a message that will never come.

If you have a tendency to lose contact sometimes for non-ghosty reasons, I will be understanding of that, just make sure to communicate when you can.

Communication Expectations:

I need communication during our role-play, as otherwise I find that there can be a lack of engagement or story ideas flowing. I do like to chat OOC and especially love discussing creative works both related to role-play and not. In general I am quite friendly, but I would prefer for there to still be some discussion related to role-play at least within private threads. Role-play on public thread on Writer's Sanctum. OOC discussion either on private thread or over Discord — the latter being preferable — please. And as well, please do remember we are communicating in a form that lacks voice, body cues, or anything else but words, which makes communication extra important.

I am neurodivergent and do not always understand social cues in real life either. I can get very obsessed with story and characters details as well, and my natural tendency is to message a lot about our role-play and characters, just random thoughts. That isn't a must for me. I can withhold it if you find it overwhelming in volume or distracting and prefer more collected posts less frequently, but it is a must for you to tell me how many OOC messages you are willing to tolerate on a regular basis. They will pretty much always be about the role-play, but what I do not want is to begin a role-play and be told I 'message too much' when no limits were discussed. While I've found that kinks and triggers are often discussed which is great, these kinds of social and out of role-play boundaries aren't very often and they're quite important to over all enjoyment. That said, if you prefer to be more private and reserved or message less frequently, I can work with that. I do prefer partners who will at least message me sometimes about our world and characters and get excited with me, though.

Please notify me before making permanent changes to character relationships or appearance, such as a disfiguring wound or an attempt to kill the other character. I will also do the same for your character unless you like the surprise. In general some pre-planning will be necessary to see if the characters will fit well together and to work out the details of the world.


Non-Sexual (some restated from above but this is just a master list):

  • First or second person
  • Role-plays purely based around kinks or sex. I don't mind that as an element in the story, but it doesn't interest me to do something on which that's the entire basis.
  • Needles in a medical context
  • Plots based entirely on homophobia/transphobia
  • Plots which are pure angst or torture porn
  • Abusive relationships between the main pairing. Relationships which are ultimately supportive, if not completely drama free, are preferred.
  • Fanfiction (I've written fanfic before but I'm looking for original stories right now)
  • Romantic doubling. I could see something like this working in a polyamorous type situation for me, but I'm afraid that simply having a main couple and a side couple doesn't sound like much fun to me. I do love writing side characters generally, though.
  • On-page depictions of suicide attempts or graphic depictions of self harm. 'Graphic' would be a physical description of the self harm that is more than a statement of the fact that it happens and the way it's performed. On page suicidal ideation is fine, even connected with self-harm, as is mentions of past suicide attempts. I would only ask you take mental illness seriously and strive to represent it well during any role-play.
Sexual Content:

I do write sexual content, and I'm comfortable with that being a plot element in role-plays. I don't have a set ratio and do things by the flow of the story, and I prefer to focus on the characters and their specific dynamics than any particular kink, although some of my characters I definitely think of maybe having certain tastes. Which isn't to say kinks aren't involved, more so that I like to personalize it to the characters per role-play and I wouldn't want intimacy centered around just one thing. I prefer smaller age gaps, and if an age gap exists, the characters must be in a similar place in life and power level. Either that or the younger one is the more powerful one, just to even things out. Just to let you know, I also see most of my own characters as switches/versatile and dominant or submissive varying based on the situation and partner, with their preferences having little impact on their personality, though this means they could also pair well with either a top/bottom character if well written enough to be interesting. Any scenes of this nature that I would write would focus on character emotion as much as physical pleasure. That doesn't necessarily always mean romantic feelings, as some characters may be in denial or just not developed those yet, but definitely there'd be some thoughts beyond the physical act and it'd be at the very least character relevant. Pure smut isn't really that enjoyable for me to write. That doesn't mean I mind things getting pretty explicit, just that I like there to be layers to it.

On pregnancy: naturally for some characters possibility of pregnancy is a fact of life. Pregnancy and discussion of pregnancy is perfectly fine, and some characters may even be into the idea, but if it would be painful or unwanted for either character, I would rather avoid it. This includes giving birth through a penis. In addition since it would so massively change the role-play, I would prefer to save that as an end-of-roleplay happily-ever-after thing in most cases.

Things I Have Enjoyed Writing Before (will not necessarily work for all characters/stories):
  • Praise
  • Body worship
  • BDSM dynamics
  • Overstimulation
  • Marathon Sex/Multiple Orgasms
  • Come Play
  • Blood Play (small amounts, mostly blood drinking)
  • Dirty Talk
  • Magical Sex

I do not do:

  • Extreme masochism or sadism (permanent injuries, etc.)
  • Trans fetishization
  • Erotic feminization
  • Spit play
  • Piss/scat/vomit anything during sex
  • Incest (including step siblings or other familial dynamics turned romantic)
  • Choking
  • Noncon as a thing between the main pairing. Dubcon would require in detail discussion or particular circumstances, such as sex work, sex pollen, or other outside forces, to work for me, rather than simply one character not really caring about consent and the other character finding them hot enough not to care. I am alright with it occurring as an element within role-plays outside of that. Consensual role-playing between characters during sex scenes that simulates these things is acceptable (consensual non-consent, etc).
  • Furries. Monster or beastly elements, yes, but anthropomorphic animals is going to be a no for me.
  • Actual slave/master (BDSM should not be used as an excuse to cross into this territory)
  • Daddy/mommy kink
  • Vore
  • Pet play
Anything you do not see mentioned, I am probably open to seeing as an element, just ask!

Note on public sex: I am alright role-playing it in some circumstances, but the aspect of potential non-consensual voyeurism of people catching sight of it is what bothers me. If everyone there is agreeing to potentially or actually see the encounter or the public place is empty for some reason, that's fine. Semi-public is also fine.

Plots, Pairings, and Cravings (bold is of particular interest):

High Fantasy
Low Fantasy

Friends to Lovers
Enemies to Lovers
Allies to Lovers
Mutual Pining
Bickering/friendly arguments/banter
Partners that make one another better
Working towards a mutual goal
Cultural differences
Human x Non-Human
Caught Between Two Worlds
Magic of any kind/supernatural abilities
Non-human species

Magical Curse
Loyalty & Service
Duty vs. Personal Fulfillment
Forced Proximity
Alliance of Convenience
Arranged Marriage

King x Loyal General
King x Usurped King
Warrior King x Prostitute

Witch x Witch Hunter
Enemy King x General
Enemy General x King
Master Mage x Rival Master Mage
Cryptid x 'Sacrifice'
Dragon x Dragon Slayer (or Monster x Monster Hunter generally!) [Note: while the monsters in the pairing can have fully monstrous forms, they also must have humanoid forms they can shift into and human level intelligence, and any sexual content must occur with humanoid forms. This both accords with sight rules and personal preferences.]
Vampire x Hunter
Hero x Villain (fantasy world, picture swords and dark towers)
Merperson x Researcher
Assassin x Target
Alien x Researcher
Prince x Diplomat
Prince x Personal Trainer
Demon x Human

Demon x Angel
Other Pairing Ideas (feel free to suggest)

Plots (at this time). Bold means I have a strong preference for that role. Ideas welcome!:

Half Demon King x Enemy General (MxM, !!!)
Half Demon King x Enemy General

Low fantasy, drama, enemies to reluctant allies to lovers, culture clash, romance! My favorite plot right now and the one I'm absolutely dying to write.

Has its own thread:

Usurped Prince x Usurper King (MxM)
(High fantasy, drama, enemies to lovers)

Character A was a once a beloved prince known for his kindness and idealism, though he became withdrawn in his late teens after the death of his mother due to illness. His father the king was very old, and refused to give up rule to his son out of stubbornness. In the meantime, Character B was an outcast at court, a minor noble who inherited his position despite being an illegitimate child due to both his father and his elder brother (the legitimate son) passing away. Frustrated by the old king's reluctance to let go of his position, unconvinced A was ready to rule, and wanting power and respect, B seized the throne and killed A's father.

He forced A to flee the country, with whether B thinks he's still alive or not after that up to you. Regardless, A does survive, albeit through some less than savory means, turning to thievery, forging of magical artifacts, and prostitution, having no one left in the world aside from himself. All in service of paying for his revenge, with his sole goal in life being to regain the throne. He trains in magic, having inherited his mother's power over all four elements, and in the sword, and then returns undercover as some sort of palace servant, maybe even a courtesan, with requisite bitterness over serving the nobles who are supposed to serve him. He's changed a lot since leaving, and no one recognizes him. At least, not right away.

A notices, though, that B isn't quite the monster he'd always suspected him. He still hates him for taking everything from him, but he notices he's a surprisingly good king, and eventually he starts to question this path of revenge.

I'm thinking they either come together against a common enemy or just fight so much once A's identity is revealed they just decide to get married to stabilize the country.

Cursed Prince x Magical Doctor/Attendant (MxM/NB)
(Fantasy, drama, romance)

A has been cursed since birth, causing magical maladies that ensured he was always hidden from public view, locked in a public tower and forced to hide behind a mask. No one knows what the nature of the curse is. Rumors of the nature of the curse have long circulated: A is hideous, A merely has extremely potent and hard to control magic, A becomes a ravenous monster at night. No one knows the truth.

When A's elder brother dies, leaving A the crown prince in his place, B is hired to attempt to find a cure for the curse A suffers from so that he can inherit the throne. The problem is that not only is A's curse immensely complicated magically, but A has grown bitter after so many years in confinement, and is rather resistant to B's attempts to help him.

While he yearns for freedom, he wishes to have it on his terms. B, however, genuinely cares about helping people and finds A a fascinating case. The thing is, he'll have to get through A's walls first, walls as thick as those of his tower.

Cryptid/Spirit x 'Sacrifice' (MxM, NBxM)
(Low fantasy, magi-tech)

Magitech/Fantasy with Modern Elements - For thousands of years, a city worshipped the line of forest spirits that kept their wildlife safe and their lands healthy. However, five hundred years ago the previous forest spirit Zane went mad and most of his consorts and all but one of his children, souring the resident's opinions on the forest spirit. Now they see them as monsters, and blame Zane's child Character A for the magical blizzards that have given them increasingly bitter winters over the past thirty years, which also happens to coincide with the inventions of new magical technology to better siphon magical fuel to run the city from the soil.

The local city sends 'sacrifices' to try to appease Character A every year in order to try to get him to revoke the curse or at least not incur Character A's wrath. Character A is a reclusive forest spirit who prefers not to interact with them, and had never understood why random humans kept wandering into the woods and dying of exposure. Character B is an outspoken city resident whose questioning of leadership on why they had to essentially send someone to die every winter had led to them being sent as this year's 'sacrifice' and dropped in the woods. However this time the people who leave the sacrifices, working on personal grudges, decide to tie Character B up and leave them to die with no chance of survival. This draws Character A's attention, and they find Character B in the snow and take them back to their forest home.

Character B gets to spend some time in the woods with Character A, who is not a monster like the legends state but rather a gentle spirit, who is slowly dying due to the greed of the city higher ups magically exploiting the forest and indirectly causing the curse.

Merperson x Marine Biologist (AnyxM/NB)
(Magical realism/urban fantasy)

In a world full of magical creatures, ordinary humans harness them for everything from fuel to physical labor, believing them non-sentient. A is one of these creatures, specifically a merperson. That merperson is captured for study by B, a marine biologist more used to studying fish. The thing is, B's bosses think that A is little more than a fish, just with a human-shaped upper body.

As B studies A, they realize there's far more to A than expected, and through magic A is able to learn enough of B's language to ask them one thing: to return them to the sea. The only problem is that doing so means defying their bosses and risking their dream job, and their bosses are very dangerous people...

Vampire Hunter x Vampire (MxM)
(Enemies to lovers, modern fantasy, drama, romance)

A's family are vampire hunters, and have been for centuries, even boasting some supernatural abilities themselves. They're traditional, and believe that once turned into vampires all people become irredeemably evil, a view that stands in contrast to some of the more progressive hunter families who believe that vampires can be divided into good and evil just as humanity is. The blood of these hunters is potent and attractive to vampires, but due to their abilities, hunters are particularly dangerous. A is the heir, and he's expected to carry on the family name and hunt vampires indiscriminately.

While A's father is away on business, A manages to capture a vampire. B, a man turned into a vampire recently (within the last century) against his will. Alive (well, not destroyed) for once. He interrogates him, attempting to learn more about his sire and any other potential vampiric contacts, but along the way he learns that surprisingly, it seems that B is surprisingly moral for a vampire. A starts to reconsider his feelings towards vampires, and whether he's truly ready to kill B, but B's sire and A's father both loom as threats that may force their hands.

Witch Hunter x Witch (MxAny)

In this world, witches are persecuted by non-magical people, many of whom believe them risky to ordinary humans. A is a witch hunter, trained from a young age to hate magical people. He begins to suspect B is a witch, which they are. However, B is only interested in making a living, and they're surprisingly good at avoiding A's attempts to catch them in the act of doing magic. Over time A even begins to question their suspicions, and form a bond with B.

Except then they do catch B in the act of magic, and they have to decide whether to betray the principles they grew up with or embrace their magical potential (or actual, depending on how the plot goes) lover. How far will they go to protect them?

Serious Rival Mage x Jokester Rival Mage (AnyxAny)
(Low fantasy, rivals to lovers, forced proximity, cottage core??, any)

Characters A and B are well known master mages, studying opposite forms of high level magic. What 'opposite' means is open to suggestion (ideas include fire and magic, battle magic vs. healing magic, offensive vs. defensive, general magic vs. potions). They also have differing personalities, with one being serious and the other being a bit of a jokester, causing them to constantly fight.

Both of them are part of an organization of mages that answers to a High Circle of Mages, who give their Master mages overall projects to pursue and assign them apprentices. One day A and B are assigned the same task: researching a magically infested plot of land that's relevant to both their opposite specialities.

They're to reside in the same cabin on the edge of the land, investigating what caused the magics to come together in the first place. That is, if they don't drive each other mad first.

Rival Mage x Rival Wizard x Magical Creature (MxAnyxAny)
(Low fantasy, humor, rivals to lovers, human x monster, drama?)

A more polyamorous version of the prior setup! Similar to the first one, with two rival mages, but instead of being assigned to research an environment the bickering mages are instead assigned to research some kind of magical creature that's humanoid in nature, though they can certainly have a beastly form if you so wish.

The creature misunderstands the meaning of the humans' constant bickering, believing them to be fighting over their affection, and invites them both to nest with them. Also somewhat misunderstanding this, the mages reluctantly agree to live with creature to research them.

Mostly intended to be fluff, although there could be drama, especially if the High Circle of Mages disapproved. Misunderstandings are natural to the set up, but inevitable due to the differing species involved and hopefully not too painfully rom-com in practice.

Cryptid/Spirit x 'Sacrifice' (MxM, NBxM)
(Low fantasy, magi-tech)

Magitech/Fantasy with Modern Elements - For thousands of years, a city worshipped the line of forest spirits that kept their wildlife safe and their lands healthy. However, five hundred years ago the previous forest spirit Zane went mad and most of his consorts and all but one of his children, souring the resident's opinions on the forest spirit. Now they see them as monsters, and blame Zane's child Character A for the magical blizzards that have given them increasingly bitter winters over the past thirty years, which also happens to coincide with the inventions of new magical technology to better siphon magical fuel to run the city from the soil.

The local city sends 'sacrifices' to try to appease Character A every year in order to try to get him to revoke the curse or at least not incur Character A's wrath. Character A is a reclusive forest spirit who prefers not to interact with them, and had never understood why random humans kept wandering into the woods and dying of exposure. Character B is an outspoken city resident whose questioning of leadership on why they had to essentially send someone to die every winter had led to them being sent as this year's 'sacrifice' and dropped in the woods. However this time the people who leave the sacrifices, working on personal grudges, decide to tie Character B up and leave them to die with no chance of survival. This draws Character A's attention, and they find Character B in the snow and take them back to their forest home.

Character B gets to spend some time in the woods with Character A, who is not a monster like the legends state but rather a gentle spirit, who is slowly dying due to the greed of the city higher ups magically exploiting the forest and indirectly causing the curse.

Dragon x Dragon Slayer (any):
(Low fantasy, enemies to lovers, drama)

Character A is a dragon slayer who has heard of evil beasts that kill entire villages their whole life, and trained to kill them. Maybe they lost some of their family to a dragon, or maybe they just have a strong urge to protect people. Character B is a dragon shapeshifter that's mostly concerned with protecting their hoard, and doesn't care for fighting humans, who just wants A to leave them alone with their gold and keeps rebuffing their attempts to battle.

Alien x Researcher (any):
Sci-fi, slice of life, romance

Character A is a scientist who studies humanity. By chance, an alien researcher, Character B, kidnaps them. Instead of being terrified, A wants to learn all about B's culture, and is happy to assist with B's research. They return to Earth, where A and B live together and learn about Earth and B's home planet, as well as their species' similarities and differences.

You may let me know you're interested in the comments here but please DM me with more in depth character and stories ideas. Communicate your limits and elements that you'd like to include in the role-play ahead of time. If you're not sure about something, ask.
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