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I have a very specific craving as of late, that I figured warranted its own post. If you want to know about me as a partner and what I look for in a roleplay check out my main RT.
I have a very specific craving as of late, that I figured warranted its own post. If you want to know about me as a partner and what I look for in a roleplay check out my main RT.
Genre: Dark Fantasy, Angst, Medieval/Victoriana
Pairing: MxM or MxF (MC = M, YC = M or F)
Plot/Smut: between 100:0 and 70:30
I'm thinking something that is kind of a non-con pet/owner dynamic but not in a kink way. I have two possible routes for this.
Kingdom A (YC) invades a neighbouring Kingdom B (MC), which is home to a species of humanoid mythical creatures (e.g., lycans, dragon shifters, far, etc.). Kingdom A desolates Kingdom B, killing most of the people and enslaving the rest. Some of the 'prettier' (or otherwise more desirable) people of Kingdom B, including MC, are sold to the rich as 'pets'. Could be YC is a wealthy noble who wants to degrade this particular species, as they truly believe them to be lesser people. Or it could be that YC is gifted MC, even though they think the practice is barbaric. It's up to you.
Alternatively, could be MC is more nomadic, but the race is hunted to near extinction, because they are highly valued. MC is captured by a Bounty Hunter and sold to YC (as above) at a regularly held creature market.
For this, YC can be whatever you want. Human, vampire, elf; any race is fine by me. Also, as I want to focus more on the oppression of a race, the angst, and those sort of themes and dynamics, more than smut (I'm happy for there to be no smut at all), there isn't really a need for either character to be dom/sub unless we choose to bring that in ourselves.
I have actually developed a character for this; he's a druid/cleric type character. I have a full CS about both him and his race.
Name: Khyren Iadian
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Therian (shapeshifter)
Therian Appearance:
Therians appear much like humans do, though are slightly shorter in stature and generally have more lithe frames. They have tan skin with numerous markings across their body, showing the 'flow of their individual energy'; markings are unique to each Therian soul and range from black to dark blue/purple. Their hair, often worn long and simply styled, is usually the same shade as the markings on their bodies, though other, brighter shades, have been reported. Their eyes are usually somewhere on a red/yellow/gold spectrum. Their ears are long and pointed, often pierced and worn with a number of jewelleries. Therians also have horns, usually two but it is not unknown for some to have four; they are mostly dark coloured and can be tightly curled or loosely spiralled.
Therian clothing has a distinctly organic feel about it, as if part of the natural world itself. Colours tend to be dark and/or earthy, often adorned with feathers and/or imitations of plants. Clothing is not overly loose, instead being practical for traversing the landscape. Many Therians opt to go barefoot, wanting the continual contact with the natural world. Jewellery tends to be uncomplicated, though the use of natural gemstones is common; Therians wear a lot of jewellery, though it is not considered a status symbol.
Therians, who have a lifespan similar to that of humans, are a relatively peaceful race. They rely on natural magics and ancestral worship, which has often been mistaken by outsiders as primitive or even barbaric. Therians have a strong sense of community, due to their soul system; all Therians are considered family.
There is a place, outside of the Therian Kingdom, of which the location is only known by members of the Therian Order. This is known as the Grove of Souls. When a Therian dies, their soul returns to the Grove, where it shares its knowledge and life experiences, as well as being able to act as a guide to still living Therians, before being reincarnated into a new body. Due to this, only a certain number of Therians can ever exist at one time, and children can only be born when there is a soul available. Destruction of the Grove would result in eradication of the Therian race; control of the Grove would result in control of the Therian race. This is the reason its location is a closely guarded secret, though all Therians know of its existence. A living Therian in the presence of the Grove is at the peak of their spiritual/magical power, but also most physically vulnerable.
As Therians cannot reproduce the way other races can, their views of sexuality are far more lax, with an emphasis on forming strong emotional bonds over the ability to produce offspring. There are many types of love in Therian culture, all of which are valued. Though while it is not unusual for Therians to have multiple romantic/sexual partners, monogamy tends to be the norm.
Therians are nature loving and loosely nomadic; though there are settlements and borders to the Kingdom, it is common for individuals to move from place to place. Travel and exploration, considered a means of self-discovery and experience, are highly valued by Therians. Though, biologically, they are omnivorous, they are almost solely vegetarian/vegan, only eating animal products when there is no other option.
'Gouna' is a racial slur used by other races against Therians.
All Therians possess the ability to shapeshift, though the creature(s) differ between individuals. They are often mythical creatures, such as winged canines/wolves, gryphons, unicorns/nightmares, etc.. Although it is an innate ability, it is possible to learn to 'unlock' further forms through study; most Therians only learn to one or two of their shifts, but some devote their lives to it and have been known to have hit double figures (in these cases, the Therians usually live their lives primarily in an animal form rather than their human form).
Therians also have a natural inclination to nature based magics, though for the most part their interaction is low, more like having a 'sixth sense', such as being able to 'feel' what the flora and fauna around them need, or instinctively knowing what plants are poisonous. Certain individuals are born with a stronger connection to the natural energies of the world; these Therians are often taken in and raised by the Order. Here, these Therians are taught how to better harness these magical links and develop their skills in healing, animal/spirit communication and protection/warding amongst others. Another skill they learn is divination, although it should be noted they can only see *possible* futures, not a single, definite future.
Therians are generally more agile and acrobatic than humans, being able to climb most natural surfaces (such as trees, rock faces, etc.) and run faster. However, what they have in dexterity they lack in raw strength in comparison to humans.
Khyren's Appearance:
Khyren's physique is not unusual for a Therian; a willowy frame and a height of 5'8". His hair is a deep, near black, purple and hangs to his waist. He has two horns, that arch away from his scalp in soft coils. Khyren has amber coloured eyes. For his markings, Khyren has three broken circles around his wrists and ankles, wavy marks following the lines of his torso, down to below his hips, and a series of teardrops running horizontally under each eye, as well as on his chin.
Khyren's History:
Khyren is a Therian Cleric. He was born to Alaida, a Therian who was in a trinity relationship with two men; as such, it is unknown who is biologically his father. Khyren as the youngest of three, though his older brothers were older by fifteen and twelve years. It was noticed that Khyren had a strong link to the natural world when he was five years old; he was taken to the local Cleric and trained as his apprentice, though he still lived primarily with his immediate family until he was fourteen. At this age, he was taken on a pilgrimage through the Kingdom by his mentor to further develop his skills and to meet more members of the Order. Khyren made it a habit to return home to his family at least once a season (roughly four times a year). At the end of his training (when he was twenty), Khyren was taken to the Grove. He had visited once more since then.
Khyren has taken the role of a wandering cleric, having a love of meeting new people. He never stays in one place too long. Khyren is a skilled healer in both herbal and magic medicines; he also has what his mentor always felt was 'impressive' divination skills. Khyren has a particular affinity for water and smokes a number of herbs/plants both for relaxation and to keep in touch with his magic.
Khyren has two known shifts; a creature that seems to be a cross between a stag and a wolf, but appearing to be part of/made of a forest, the other a small (cat sized), winged dragon.
Age: 24
Gender: Male
Race: Therian (shapeshifter)
Therian Appearance:
Therians appear much like humans do, though are slightly shorter in stature and generally have more lithe frames. They have tan skin with numerous markings across their body, showing the 'flow of their individual energy'; markings are unique to each Therian soul and range from black to dark blue/purple. Their hair, often worn long and simply styled, is usually the same shade as the markings on their bodies, though other, brighter shades, have been reported. Their eyes are usually somewhere on a red/yellow/gold spectrum. Their ears are long and pointed, often pierced and worn with a number of jewelleries. Therians also have horns, usually two but it is not unknown for some to have four; they are mostly dark coloured and can be tightly curled or loosely spiralled.
Therian clothing has a distinctly organic feel about it, as if part of the natural world itself. Colours tend to be dark and/or earthy, often adorned with feathers and/or imitations of plants. Clothing is not overly loose, instead being practical for traversing the landscape. Many Therians opt to go barefoot, wanting the continual contact with the natural world. Jewellery tends to be uncomplicated, though the use of natural gemstones is common; Therians wear a lot of jewellery, though it is not considered a status symbol.
Therians, who have a lifespan similar to that of humans, are a relatively peaceful race. They rely on natural magics and ancestral worship, which has often been mistaken by outsiders as primitive or even barbaric. Therians have a strong sense of community, due to their soul system; all Therians are considered family.
There is a place, outside of the Therian Kingdom, of which the location is only known by members of the Therian Order. This is known as the Grove of Souls. When a Therian dies, their soul returns to the Grove, where it shares its knowledge and life experiences, as well as being able to act as a guide to still living Therians, before being reincarnated into a new body. Due to this, only a certain number of Therians can ever exist at one time, and children can only be born when there is a soul available. Destruction of the Grove would result in eradication of the Therian race; control of the Grove would result in control of the Therian race. This is the reason its location is a closely guarded secret, though all Therians know of its existence. A living Therian in the presence of the Grove is at the peak of their spiritual/magical power, but also most physically vulnerable.
As Therians cannot reproduce the way other races can, their views of sexuality are far more lax, with an emphasis on forming strong emotional bonds over the ability to produce offspring. There are many types of love in Therian culture, all of which are valued. Though while it is not unusual for Therians to have multiple romantic/sexual partners, monogamy tends to be the norm.
Therians are nature loving and loosely nomadic; though there are settlements and borders to the Kingdom, it is common for individuals to move from place to place. Travel and exploration, considered a means of self-discovery and experience, are highly valued by Therians. Though, biologically, they are omnivorous, they are almost solely vegetarian/vegan, only eating animal products when there is no other option.
'Gouna' is a racial slur used by other races against Therians.
All Therians possess the ability to shapeshift, though the creature(s) differ between individuals. They are often mythical creatures, such as winged canines/wolves, gryphons, unicorns/nightmares, etc.. Although it is an innate ability, it is possible to learn to 'unlock' further forms through study; most Therians only learn to one or two of their shifts, but some devote their lives to it and have been known to have hit double figures (in these cases, the Therians usually live their lives primarily in an animal form rather than their human form).
Therians also have a natural inclination to nature based magics, though for the most part their interaction is low, more like having a 'sixth sense', such as being able to 'feel' what the flora and fauna around them need, or instinctively knowing what plants are poisonous. Certain individuals are born with a stronger connection to the natural energies of the world; these Therians are often taken in and raised by the Order. Here, these Therians are taught how to better harness these magical links and develop their skills in healing, animal/spirit communication and protection/warding amongst others. Another skill they learn is divination, although it should be noted they can only see *possible* futures, not a single, definite future.
Therians are generally more agile and acrobatic than humans, being able to climb most natural surfaces (such as trees, rock faces, etc.) and run faster. However, what they have in dexterity they lack in raw strength in comparison to humans.
Khyren's Appearance:
Khyren's physique is not unusual for a Therian; a willowy frame and a height of 5'8". His hair is a deep, near black, purple and hangs to his waist. He has two horns, that arch away from his scalp in soft coils. Khyren has amber coloured eyes. For his markings, Khyren has three broken circles around his wrists and ankles, wavy marks following the lines of his torso, down to below his hips, and a series of teardrops running horizontally under each eye, as well as on his chin.
Khyren's History:
Khyren is a Therian Cleric. He was born to Alaida, a Therian who was in a trinity relationship with two men; as such, it is unknown who is biologically his father. Khyren as the youngest of three, though his older brothers were older by fifteen and twelve years. It was noticed that Khyren had a strong link to the natural world when he was five years old; he was taken to the local Cleric and trained as his apprentice, though he still lived primarily with his immediate family until he was fourteen. At this age, he was taken on a pilgrimage through the Kingdom by his mentor to further develop his skills and to meet more members of the Order. Khyren made it a habit to return home to his family at least once a season (roughly four times a year). At the end of his training (when he was twenty), Khyren was taken to the Grove. He had visited once more since then.
Khyren has taken the role of a wandering cleric, having a love of meeting new people. He never stays in one place too long. Khyren is a skilled healer in both herbal and magic medicines; he also has what his mentor always felt was 'impressive' divination skills. Khyren has a particular affinity for water and smokes a number of herbs/plants both for relaxation and to keep in touch with his magic.
Khyren has two known shifts; a creature that seems to be a cross between a stag and a wolf, but appearing to be part of/made of a forest, the other a small (cat sized), winged dragon.
All of this is very open, with space to bring your own ideas, so as to better develop something that we both want to write.
If interested, feel free shoot me a PM and we can discuss this further. I look forward to hearing from you!
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