A new chance at RPing

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A new chance at RPing


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Yesterday 11:29 PM
So, I'll admit I have never been the best at this sort of deal. People always tell me that I am either really good or bad at introductions. But hey I will try my best.

As my Username says my name is Bakuyoshi, but if it's a bit much just call me Baku, lots of people that know this handle do. I have been into role-playing for 3 years now. Started with what I could call "An itch" started off on another site I will not name. I stayed with it for a while but in the end with an issue that happened I came here (For reference not a kick just an issue with the community as a whole. I left with good graces.) A new start, with a hopefully more mature group of role-players to interact with.

For reference I prefer writing based in fantasy, in my time I have been in writing groups. Some torn apart due to drama, others just splitting apart. But I love talking about world building, I built an entire kingdom for an RP in only a matter of days. Mind you I did it in parts but I am still proud of it.

Anyways hello again, looking forward to meeting all of the people of this site.
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
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