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MxF A Plethora of Plots!


Tim Hortons Addict
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Today 10:28 PM
Welcome to my tiny corner of the site! Hope you're doing well and thanks for clicking on my request thread. Let's begin with the introductions, shall we?

Who am I?

The name's Kai or Ally, if that's what you wanna call me. I'm a 19 year old roleplayer and I've been roleplaying since half a decade now, I believe. I might not be the most experienced on the block but I can assure you, I am in love with roleplaying and will do my best to satiate your brain devil. That aside, I'm a talker when I get to it, though it takes me a little while to get adjusted. And then, well... I'll talk up a storm. OOC of course. Though, let me know if you don't like that. Don't worry, I won't be offended.

Moving onto other stuff, I'm a College sophomore student (though I'm at a University technically...) doing my studies in Architecture and because of that, I might not have unlimited time but I will definitely get to replying as soon as I'm free. I can reply at least once a day though it may vary. Also, if I haven't responded yet, please be assured that I will soon and if not, do send another text my way in three days of non responding. I'll get to it. I usually tend to give my partners 2-3 days to a week before giving them a little poke.

Next up, the follow up list that I'd like to be considered while we build up a roleplay:

  1. All characters must be 18 years of age or older. Cannot be negotiated.
  2. I do not need perfect grammar but just enough to understand what my partner means is perfect.
  3. Please don't use text talk. It kind of gets very annoying if you know what I mean.
  4. I don't require a page worth of reply either. Two paragraphs at a time are enough.
  5. In reference with rule #4, one -liners are unacceptable.
  6. Story and smut ratio can be discussed.
  7. Post frequency can be discussed.
  8. I write in third person and would expect the same.

Here are the genres and themes that I usually love to do:

  1. Modern Dark Fantasy
  2. DDlg
  3. Urban Fantasy
  4. Dystopian Sci-fi
  5. Fandoms with OCs
  6. Slice of Life
  7. Romance
  8. socially unacceptable relationships
I want to try:

  • Mystery
  • Victorian Gothic
  • Historical
    • Egyptian
    • Roman
    • Greek
  • female x female
  • High School (well plotted and well written)
  • Cyberpunk
  • Medieval
  • Steampunk
Never would try:

  1. Zombie Apocalypse
  2. Horror
  3. Incest



  • Vampire x vampire
  • vampire x human
  • werewolf x werewolf
  • werewolf x human
  • werewolf x Dhampir (hybrid of vampire and human)
  • Vampire x witch
  • Werewolf x witch
  • vampire x hybrid ( witch-vampire / witch- werewolf / vampire-werewolf)
  • mermaid x human
  • Fae x human
  • Humanoid (like in X Men) x human {got a plot for this one}
  • selkie x human
  • Human x Angel
  • Demon x Angel

  • Best friends
  • In a relationship
  • Teen parents
  • Teacher x student
  • More to come...
(I don't do adultery, cheating and Incest, so anything that doesn't cover that is fine with me.)



  • The Shadowhunter Chronicles (All of them in the Shadowhunter Universe)
    • The Mortal Instruments
    • The Infernal Devices
    • The Dark Artifices
    • Tales from The Shadowhunter Academy
    • Bane Chronicles
  • The Vampire Diaries (TV and books)
  • The Vampire Academy (Books)
  • Percy Jackson and The Olympians (Books)
  • Dead Beautiful Trilogy
  • Supergirl (watching)


All of it changed after the war that destroyed everything and created a weapon hybrid race that were called - The Mutants. Looking exactly like humans, no one knew in the wars when they were getting attacked by one causing a large population of humans to be wiped out. Now years later, humans and Mutants live in peace. As it seems.

Mutants are considered the creation of the devil and discriminated against in all the kingdoms. Not exactly the loveliest living conditions are provided. Each kingdom has humans living in the rich, lavish center while Mutants are driven to the outskirts.


Eleanor Garroway is one of the humans. The pure blooded humans but she doesn't understand what is just that special about it. She is a smooth, A-grade journalist for the kingdom of Atropates making it up the media ladder to fight for Mutant equality rights. Along with that, she also works as a criminal investigator when called upon.

It was one of the normal days in the Capital City - Agnepolis when the old memorial was blown up. Many were caught and suspected however it got narrowed down to just three people. Three Mutants to be exact. But Eleanor knew they were never the ones who would have been involved even though the trio are the slight conmen. Fighting for justice for these three Mutants, two males and a female is going to be quite the handful especially when Eleanor can never leave the kingdom due to royal orders.


What I need for my partner to do:

1) You can play one of the two males. Or both or all three convicts.

2) Your character should be quite the man of few words/the tough guy (sort of like an Alpha male).

3) The Mutants can be anything. Literally anything. Like from Sky High or X Men series. (Hint, hint : I really like the good old lycan of sorts. A mutant with telekinesis or controlling elements or something of that sort sounds cool. Just a suggestion.)

Any sort of character is welcome as long as they look human.

Now as for the relationship between your character and mine.

Eleanor is a badass criminal investigator and has come to prove the trio innocent. Y/C and her make a love-hate relationship.

This plot is story oriented more than smut. I don't have any problem with smut but as long as it makes sense, it sounds okay to me.

The world has been infected by dark souls who wanted to gain control of humans with pure souls. Demons and angels worked together now to maintain peace. I was one of those the dark souls had targeted. It wasn't uncommon to be targeted however I had a far more important soul no one knew why. He was assigned to me even though he didn't want to be a teen girl's bodyguard. Most of all because he thought she was just like every other petty teen girl suffering her senior year and the pressure of being 18. So pretty much, she would be a drama queen. Yet, he didn't know that they were destined to be together.

(The plot will need some development so it will be more plot less smut. Also, I'd like it if your character and mine kept having a frenemy relationship in the beginning, word wars yet he keeps her protected. Also, humans do not know about the dark souls. The Guardian angel would be telling their human assignment that. )

2) Luciferxhuman

So the plot remains pretty much the same except that it would be Lucifer acting as the Guardian Angel. Also, Lucifer will not tell my character till a while that he is Lucifer, more like till they fall for each other.

Now to what is targeting by dark souls :

Once targeted, there are five phases. The phases are indicated when the targets start having slight bad luck. It is common for the dark souls to go away after the first phase without the need of a guardian which is why guardians are sent in the second phase when the target starts getting hurt or unhealthy or something. It increases by the phases. The guardians are supposed to protect them and nurse them back to health however they are not allowed to heal the target which they actually can but it is banned. Also, it is forbidden for a guardian to fall for their subject. It may lead to execution of the Guardian and the subject would not be given another guardian thus ending in the subject's death too. In very rare cases, they manage to live without a guardian. Also, there is a point of time after which the five phases pass after which the Guardian isn't needed so then, the subject's memory is clean off of any guardian and dark soul thing.

Muse A is a talented dancer, Muse B is a superstar athlete. The two have little in common, apart from their desire to be the best at what they do. They only know of each other through mutual friends, but don't speak until Muse B's coach insists that Muse B get some ballet training to improve his footwork on the field/ice. Embarrassed to have to take ballet at all, Muse B turns to Muse A for private lessons.

Muse A is on their way home late one evening, driving along a quiet back road. A deer jumps in front of their vehicle, and startled, Muse A swerves sharply to avoid a collision with the animal. The car spins out of their control and causes them to crash, knocking Muse A unconscious. It takes nearly forty-five minutes for Muse B, a passerby (or first responder), to arrive on the scene. They immediately aid muse A, whose injuries are quite critical. Thankfully the quick actions of Muse B allow Muse A to be transported to the nearest hospital and stabilized, where they begin the long, slow road to recovery. Muse B continues on with their day to day life, but constantly thinks of Muse A and wonders how they are doing. Muse A recalls nothing of the accident, and tragically, absolutely nothing about their life up to this point (including their significant other), the head trauma endured in the crash having caused amnesia. When Muse A is removed from ICU, Muse B visits them in the hospital. Muse B is stunned and heartbroken when the nurse informs them that Muse A will have no idea who they are, but they still come forward to reintroduce themselves to Muse A.

Will Muse B back off upon discovering Muse A is spoken for?

Will Muse A eventually recall their memories?

Will a relationship develop between the savior and the saved?

Muse A and Muse B have had a roller-coaster type of relationship for a few years. One day, they're up. They're laughing and happy, looking forward to their future. The next day, they're down. Yelling and crying, threatening to call it quits. They've been in a relationship for so long that they've become comfortable in this toxic pattern. It doesn't make much sense to outsiders why they bother continuing on together, but they can't honestly imagine being without one another. One day, after a particularly explosive fight with Muse A, Muse B storms off. Muse A lets Muse B go, knowing that it's only a matter of time before Muse B comes back and they make up. Only, days go by, and then weeks, then a year and Muse B doesn't return. Muse A has a hard time dealing with the unexplained disappearance, but gradually learns to move on, even though they occasionally wonder what ever happened to Muse B. When Muse A least expects it, Muse B shows up at their door in the middle of the night, begging for Muse A to invite them in. Muse A is stunned to see Muse B after so long, and startled because Muse B seems different somehow, but nevertheless, Muse A invites Muse Binside to talk. Muse B tries to break it as gently as possible – that night they stormed off over a year ago, they were attacked by a vampire and now Muse B is one. Muse A doesn't believe it, until Muse B shows them. Muse B promises that they won't hurt Muse A and that they've only stayed away so long because they wanted to be able to control their bloodlust before coming back. Muse B has had time to reflect on how much they need Muse A in their life and how much better their relationship could be now because they're hell-bent on making up for all of the bad times they used to have and they have an eternity to do so. Muse A must decide if they can trust Muse B at all, especially after Muse A accidentally witnesses Muse B feeding on someone.

ne day, on Muse A's way home, they come across Muse B lying in the middle of the road. They appear hurt, but are unresponsive when Muse A tries to rouse them. Not having a phone on them to call an ambulance, Muse A carries Muse B the short distance back to their home and tries to revive them.

After several minutes of rest, Muse B awakens with the most excruciating scream of pain. They jolt up, and immediately start drawing sigils on the walls of Muse A's home with their own blood. Terrified, Muse A demands that Muse B stop and explain themselves. Muse B removes their shirt, revealing where their angel wings have been clipped and states they used to be part of God's Army.

Muse A has never been particularly religious, and needs plenty of convincing that Muse B isn't a lunatic. Muse B explains that they have been banished from Heaven and they need to hole up with Muse A because they have no where else to go and the world is unsafe for them. Muse A reluctantly agrees to let Muse B live with them, and over time, helps to teach Muse B how to pass as a human.


  • After Muse B finally feels safe with Muse A, their former life comes back to haunt them in a major way (i.e. called back to Heaven, required to fulfill duties, etc.)
  • Both muses develop feelings for one another but every time they act on them, something tries to keep them apart.

According to sailor legends, merpeople are beautiful and benevolent beings who guide lost ships to harbor and bring great fortune to kind fishermen who empty their nets for a chance to hear a merperson's song. The song of a merperson is an ethereal treat that few people at sea (and even fewer on land) have the privilege of hearing, but those who do are said to be blessed for the rest of their days.

Muse A is a merperson, born to a merman and a sea witch. Cursed by wicked blood, Muse A's song is doomed to bring misery and death to anyone who hears it. Though it is not their fault, Muse A has been forbidden from singing to anyone (human or merperson) for as long as they live. Unable to sing freely like their seafaring kin, Muse A is an outcast and believes they will never know the joy of changing a human's life for the better. Always lonely underwater,Muse A secretly travels to the surface in the hopes of finding companionship. Merely speaking to a human couldn't hurt, they suppose. One afternoon, Muse A encounters Muse Bstrolling along the shoreline, pitching small pebbles into the surf. Fearing rejection from the first human they've ever seen, Muse Athinks to swim away but Muse B spots their shimmering tail and calls out to them. They keep their distance from one another as they speak, one on land and one at sea, but are too intrigued to part ways. As it gets dark and the air becomes cold, both must take their leave of the beach. Uncertain if Muse Awill ever see another human, Muse A hastily promises Muse B that they will bring them treasures if they come back. Muse B is uncertain if its wise, but they agree to return. True to their word, Muse A brings a valuable trinket from a shipwreck far below in simple exchange for Muse B's company. As the days pass and Muse B continues to return, it seems that Muse A has finally found a friend. All will be well, as long as they don't ever sing to Muse B.

More to come as soon as I can type them up. Do let me know what pairing/plot/theme you're interested in! If you have a plot of your own, I'd be happy to listen just fine. Just let me know!

Good Day/Night!
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