MxF ❀ — a search

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MxF ❀ — a search

Rules Check
  1. Confirmed
  1. MxF
Preferred Genres
  1. Fandom
  2. Romance
  3. High Fantasy
  4. Low Fantasy
  5. Slice of Life
  6. Dystopian
  7. Crime
  8. Supernatural
  9. Modern


autumn leaves
Local time
Today 1:22 AM
hello! i go by celestial and i'm fairly new to the site (though not new to roleplaying). i'm currently 26 years old and working as a freelance graphic designer. i spend most of my time on my laptop so i'll most likely be online quite a lot. i've been roleplaying for almost 12 years now and i can confidently say that i'm a much better writer now than i was when i first began (don't let the lowercase fool you — it's purely for aesthetics and will only be found ooc). this thread is going to be long as it is with pairings and plots so i'll keep the intro short and move on to more important things.
one. post length: i average around 3 - 5 good sized paragraphs. i can definitely do more, but rarely do i write less. i'm also a strong believer in quality over quantity. most of the time i tend to match my partner so as long as you give me a decent amount of writing with proper grammar, spelling and sentence structure, we're good! given that i don't know many people on this site, i may request a writing sample, but i'll be happy to provide one from my end as well.
two. characters: i primarily play female mains in mxf pairings. i'm not against other pairings, i'm just in the mood for more mxf pairings lately, and am looking for partners who don't mind playing the main male role. i also double up in the case of fandoms (i don't expect people to be comfortable with just portraying a canon character against my oc — but if you are comfortable with doing that then great). all of my characters use realistic face claims and i usually require that my partner use the same for their characters. nothing against drawn or anime ones, i just prefer using real people/celebrities.
three. activity: i'm online every day but that doesn't mean i can reply to posts every day. i try to post at least once every day, sometimes i can do more in a day, but there'll also be times when i may not be able to get more than a few replies a week or one reply a week. taking longer than that is rare but i'll usually let you know if that's the case. i'm a pretty patient person myself so i'll never pester my partners for a response. if i can get a reply a week, i'll be happy, but of course more is always welcome. just let me know if you're going to be gone for really long, so i don't assume you've lost interest.
four. smut: i enjoy writing smut, but i don't want it to be the focus of any roleplay. i'm also fine with not including smut at all and simply fading to black, so please let me know what you'd prefer. let it also be known that all my characters will be 18 or older — and the same goes for fandoms as well. wherever there's a fandom with a school setting, it will be altered to reflect either a college/university setting or something beyond that, depending on the plot we come up with.
five. communication: i love chatting with my partner and getting to know them! i'm the type of person to gush over our stories, and characters and come up with pinterest boards and spotify playlists. i'm not saying i require you to do the same, but i can lose interest in our roleplay if there isn't some kind of communication going on between us. i also really need partners who are willing to contribute to the plot. being the sole person to drive the story can get boring and can make me lose interest. i want us both to throw twists and turns into the plot, and for us to create the story together instead of it being one-sided! in terms of ooc, we can either stick to pms or discord. the actual roleplaying, however, will take place on the site, via threads.
six. with respect to fandoms: i prefer canon x oc pairings above all else. i will normally be portraying an oc of mine, and i am definitely open to doubling up and portraying a canon character of your choice, to keep things fair. if you're game with just portraying my preferred canon love interest, that's fine by me too, but i don't expect it. also, if we do double up, i'm more than okay with portraying any gender and pairing for your end as long as you're okay with me sticking to mxf for my end.

fandoms (in order of preference)
marvel cinematic universe: i'm looking for someone who can play either bucky barnes, an aged up peter parker or loki laufeyson. (listed according to who i'm craving the most).
stranger things: looking for someone to play steve harrington or eddie munson.
star wars: mainly only looking to dabble in the sequel trilogy with either poe dameron or kylo ren as a love interest. also willing to do reylo for this.
harry potter: either fred weasley, ron weasley, or draco malfoy please! preferably during or post the second wizarding war, or an au of sorts. and, of course, characters will be appropriately aged up and the setting changed accordingly.
the vampire diaries/the originals: looking for either kai parker or kol mikaelson in any timeline.
the maze runner: looking for someone to portray newt.
teen wolf: looking for someone to portray stiles stilinski.
the hunger games: finnick odair, preferably with a plot that involves the storyline of the second book (i.e, the quarter quell).

word bank (just themes i enjoy including in case you have ideas/plots that might align with them)
angst | drama | vampires | forbidden romance | opposites attract | drunken texts | taboo | love triangles | sexual tension | flirting | infidelity | alternative history | dystopian | government experiments | slice of life | fantasy | royal settings | game of thrones aesthetic | violence | action | magic |supernatural | subtle sci-fi | angst | drama | vampires | forbidden romance | opposites attract | drunken texts | taboo | love triangles | sexual tension | flirting | infidelity | alternative history | dystopian | government experiments | slice of life | fantasy | royal settings | game of thrones aesthetic | violence | action | magic |supernatural | subtle sci-fi


1 | summer house: a group of friends decide to rent a beach house together for one month of summer. sue to a terrible thunderstorm on the day that everyone is supposed to arrive, only muse a and muse b show up on the first afternoon. weather conditions become so poor that the roads are closed and the rest of their friends aren't able to make it until the storm clears up (2 days later). on their own for the first weekend, muse a and muse b bond, exploring the house, cooking together, talking until morning, eventually giving in to a strong physical attraction between them the night before everyone else arrives. bonus if one or both of them are already in relationships. double bonus if neither of them knew each other too well prior to that weekend, and were simply invited by a mutual friend.

2 | halfway: after being wrongly imprisoned for 2 years, muse a gets out on parole. adjusting to life on the outside is difficult with a conviction on their record, especially since no one knows the truth– which is that muse a was innocent and had to take the fall for someone who was threatening their family. as a term of their parole, muse a must live in a halfway house and maintain employment for 6 months without committing any criminal offenses or they risk an immediate return to prison. muse a just wants life to return to something resembling normal, so they take the first job opportunity that will have them. muse b is a customer who frequents muse a's place of work. although muse a tries to keep to themselves in order to avoid any potential trouble, muse b manages to crack muse a's hardened exterior. over time, muse b becomes someone whom muse a looks forward to seeing and spending time with. as a tentative relationship grows, muse a starts to feel like they can put their unjust past behind them. that is until muse b invites muse a to meet their sibling, muse c, who muse a recognizes as the person they went to prison because of. now muse a must decide whether their budding relationship with muse b is more important to them than seeking revenge on muse c and jeopardizing their freedom.

3 | the bucket list: muse a, muse b and muse c were childhood friends. they were the three musketeers, and they rarely did anything without one another. somewhere along the line, it seemed like muse a and muse b may have had a thing for another. maybe it stretched beyond just 'a thing', but along the way, something happened to cause a rift between the two of them and things were never the same again. since it all happened around the time that high school got over, once graduation came and went, muse a, muse b and muse c all went their separate ways, with muse c being the only one in contact with either of them, though separately. five years later, after finishing with college and starting to move on with their lives, both muse a and muse b get a call from muse c's mother informing them of his death. apparently he'd been battling with a fatal disease for a while but never told either muse a or muse b, despite speaking to them frequently over the past five years. both former friends stop everything and head back to their small hometown for the funeral. there's a little tension in meeting one another again but they keep things together for the sake of muse c.

during the wake, muse c's mother leads the two former friends to muse c's room where he left a bunch of stuff for them. after digging through it all, they stumble upon a bucket list that muse c started to make the moment he found out he was sick. only one thing seems to be crossed out on the list though, and both muse a and muse b feel sad that muse c couldn't complete it, so they decide to set their differences aside, take some time off, and try to complete everything on muse c's bucket list together. along the way, some unresolved issues are likely to pop up, and some can hopefully be laughed about. more importantly, the spark between muse a and muse b never faded away after all these years, despite the fact that muse a is now seeing someone else, so who's to say what else could happen during this impromptu adventure?

4 | the ring: it's a ring that's said to hold a lot of power. it grants that power to whoever wields it, but the ring has been missing for centuries. the only ones around who know of it now are angels and demons. naturally, humans aren't aware of their existence, and therefore don't know about the ring. that's why when muse a stumbles upon it in a pawn shop, she doesn't think much of it other than it looks interesting, especially the inscription on the inside that seems indecipherable. it was selling for almost nothing so muse a jumped at the chance to get it. call it a gut feeling. muse a starts to wear it, and the moment she does, she becomes a beacon for angels and demons alike. suddenly, they all know where to look for the ring, and muse a is unknowingly in danger. the first to get to her is muse b, a conniving demon who was hired by a greater demon to retrieve the ring for him. there's a huge paycheque involved, and muse b has never failed to disappoint — until now.

he shows up in her home unannounced and isn't interested in going through explanations and answering all her annoying questions about how he showed up there and how his eye colour tends to shift when he's a little annoyed. his plan was to take the ring off and then put her to sleep. she wouldn't remember a thing that happened. his plan is foiled, however, because when he tries to take the ring off, he realises that he can't. the ring doesn't seem to want to budge, no matter how hard he tries, and no amount of help from her works either. they both seem to be in a dilemma. muse b is running on a deadline. to make matters worse, several other demons are coming for the ring too, which means he has to drag this human around and protect her till he can figure out how to get the ring off her finger. meanwhile, muse a is introduced to the political world of angels and demons and this was not what she imagined would happen when she bought a stupid ring at a pawn shop for a buck.

that's all from my end! if you've seen anything on this thread that interests you please dm me rather than replying here, and please tell me a bit about yourself as well as what you're interested from my thread! feel free to come with your own ideas as well if you think we'd work well as partners but none of the plots and/or pairings struck your fancy.

have a good day! :)

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rediscovered this site after ages so i'd love to write some stories!
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