Closed A Spaceship AI and its Human (21+. MxF/MxM. Looking for male AI.)

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Closed A Spaceship AI and its Human (21+. MxF/MxM. Looking for male AI.)


Aw jeez...
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Yesterday 10:31 PM
Closed for now! c:

(Please message me if you're interested. I normally don't respond to post reactions!)


Hey there!

I'm normally not a heavy sci-fi sort of person - mostly because I have almost zero creativity when it comes to space-themed names and locations. But this idea has coaxed me into giving sci-fi and real shot. I'm always a sucker for AI/Human pairings, whether it includes romance or not. The basic premise is:

A highly advanced, sentient AI controls an equally advanced space exploration ship. The AI has many options for how to present itself physically, including either with free-roaming robot bodies, and/or numerous limbs throughout the ship. I'm looking for a Male/Male-presenting AI to pair with my male or female character, depending on my partner's preference.

Of course, we can take the spaceship/sci-fi aspect out entirely! AI x Human is the true goal here.


  • I am 21+ My partner needs to be the same. The older a partner is, the more comfortable I feel. Same goes for all characters involved.
  • As much as I enjoy hurt/comfort, I also love angst/darker themes. Adult concepts, cursing, and some level of violence/gore is a given here. If someone is exceptionally squeamish, then I may not be the best person to write with. That said, please let me know of any concerns and I will adjust!
  • As above, this could also include psychological torture, possible self-harm, and emotional trauma. Not a necessity, but it's all on the table. Anything that turns the story into something gritty to mix with hurt/comfort fluff is what I crave!
  • Romance not required! Smut is entirely optional and so is romance! Found family is just as good.
  • In terms of smut, I'm not a pure smut type of person. We're looking at a 60/40 - 80/20 plot-to-smut ratio depending on chemistry. I love characters who can switch around and have fun with each other + have realistic flaws and emotions.
  • Also related to smut, I'm pretty flexible when it comes to tame and extreme kinks. I have some hard no's, but I'm down to hear any suggestions completely judgement free.
  • My post length varies, though I average about 2-4 paragraphs. Inspiration can hit me hard, so my posts might be randomly long if the scene's good. Quality over quantity and all that.
  • Post times will vary. I'm in the US and work the average office job, so I'll be lurking around throughout the day (Pacific time zone...I think?), but IC posts tend to be saved for really slow days or after work/weekends. A post a day is what I hope for if I have the time. If not, at the very least a post a week. (Posts have been fairly slow lately!)
  • I'm ghost-friendly. Life happens, things don't last forever. Pop back in whenever you feel like and we'll get something going again!
  • I'm not into doubling. I'll play multiple characters no problem, but having more than one main pairing isn't my thing.
  • Writing samples available! I might ask for one in return!

Plot ideas:

In this universe, individuals can become the partners (or pilots) to a highly advanced, sentient AI that controls a space exploration ship. AI and pilots are considered co-dependent pairings, symbiotic in a way since both parties require the other to do the job. It's certainly not for everyone, and the opportunity is very rare - popping up only when a new individual AI is developed and requires a pilot, or an existing AI needs a replacement. Pilots are a dime a dozen, functional AI are not. This plot revolves around one pilot and his/her AI companion, and however their relationship evolves.

A basic idea for the specific pairing is: Formerly abandoned AI/ship x Underdog pilot who found and fixed it up

A lone ship drifts in the middle of nowhere, completely inaccessible to anyone but the individual already inside. A human is sealed away, protected from the dangers of the outside world with only an A.I for companionship. Lately, this human has grown curious of what's beyond the safe haven, or has become increasingly prone to reckless decisions. The A.I, in turn, makes its own decision to keep its charge bound within the safety it controls, even if it means harming the one person it was made to obey.

And...That's all I got for now! Feel free to shoot me a PM, and thanks for reading! c:
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