Challenge Submission A Tragic Beginning

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Challenge Submission A Tragic Beginning


The Wish Granter
Welcome to the Sanctum 250 Posts! 100 Likes! November Challenge Participant
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The Brightest Shooting Star
It started with a pain in my lower back
You weren't due for another week
Then pain flooded through my lower stomach
That's when the fluid started to leak

I wasn't ready, you were still too early
There was no time to dismay
I was in such a hurry, my head in a flurry
You were going to meet the world today

The cotton bed was all I could feel
Thoughts of you were all that filled my head
You were going to be real
Hopefully it would go like all the stories I have read

Pain soon consumed my senses
The white of the room quickly blurred together
The nurses tried to reassure me with gentle touches
I was alone but that was okay, because I would have you forever

Soon enough the doctor strapped me in
The pain continued to bloom
I felt like the air I was breathing was becoming thin
My moment of no return had arrived yet I felt something start to loom

There was no time for me to dwell on the new feeling
Nurses told me to push when I wanted to
I did as I was told but I felt like I was missing a warning
None of it mattered though because I wanted to meet you

Push. Breathe. Push.
I felt like I couldn't find any air
Push. Breathe. Push.
It would all be worth it if I could finally feel your hair

The sound of your first cry was my war prize
Everyone cheered and congratulated me
I wondered when I would be able to see your eyes
Why was it getting so hard to see?

I had won the battle
Everything was fading out
Would you like a pink or blue rattle?
In the distance I heard the nurses give a shout

I let my eyes close
A slow beeping was the last thing I could hear
Did you have my or your father's nose?
It was my time to disappear

I will never forget the time we never got to spend
I wont ever get to hold you to my skin
But it's alright, I will take my life's end
My mission was complete, I let your life begin
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