A whisper of a hello.

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A whisper of a hello.


Echoing Whispers
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 3:19 PM

I'm Whispers, its a pleasure to meet all of you.

I guess you would like to know about me. I'm not one that likes to talk about myself. And to be honest I'm rather shy. Funny, this is online and I'm shy. That really doesn't make any sense if you think about it. Anyways, I will be happy to tell you about myself.

I have been role playing for well over 10 years now. I started at the young age of 18 years old. Table top is what drew me into the wonderful world of role play. From those moments of fighting great battles, working together for a common goal, I was hooked. Role playing for me took me out of the real world, placing in the world that only could be limited to the minds of the GM and those around. I worked my way through many different table tops. My need ever growing, ever changing. I craved more of the world of role play. Over the years table top still holds a special place in my heart. Though I don't play at it as much as I would like to.

But that is where I come to the world of rping online. Almost 2 years ago, I stumbled onto a site, and I fell in love again. Role playing online has opened my eyes to so many wonderful things. I have found many friends through the sites that I have been on. I started out on a pg 13 site. That got my feet wet, I haven't looked back since. It gave me the outlet I was looking for. About a year on that site, I craved more. More adult themes that couldn't be done on the site. And when I found my first adult site. That was a eye opener for me. I was able to express myself in ways I never thought possible. I was free to be who I wanted to be. That was the beauty of it. And I have been on adult sites for over a year now. I have learned a lot in that time. And I hope to grow more with each new partner, each new role.

I have been writing since a young age. I started with poems from there I worked into stories. No, I'm no wordsmith. But I try to paint a world that will draw you in. Show you what the person, I'm playing, feels, to draw you into that world. And leave you begging for more. And that is what I hope to do here in my time. With all you lovely people.

I love many things about role play, new worlds deep in fantasy. Bustling worlds set in modern times. Traveling back in time to rewrite history or just to make it our own. I will get into more of what I like when I make my request thread. Give you a reason to look at it later.

I hope to find amazing partners to work with on here. To feed the deep need that I have for all things role play. And I hope that you will come with me. I look forward to meeting all of you. And getting to know you all. Thank you for your time in reading this.

Welcome Whispers. Great to have you here.
Don't be shy and join us chat even. We don't bite... well, I do a little :)
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