Any A whisper of a story

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Any A whisper of a story


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Today 4:47 PM
Hello and welcome to my Roleplaying request thread! After reading through some others I will try to condense this into easy manageable blocks to get us to the fun things quicker!


I am a simple person and so my rules are really simple.

  • Have fun

  • Don't be an asshole

  • Please have patience with me I am a slow replier
Easy right? I want us to have fun! Tell me your ideas! Give me lots to think about and make me grin every time I see a notification or alert you replied! (Or make me grimace while hurriedly checking to see what ruin you have brought upon our poor characters probably deserving heads). I don't care how well you write so long as it's legible to some degree and I can follow along. I am an avid lover of quality over quantity. If you feel like belting out a novel of a post I am going to make popcorn and eat every word with it. If you can only find the motivation and inspiration to give me a few sentences then that's okay. I am happy to work with you and move things along to a better place. I for one am always going to try and give at least a paragraph but have been known to give more.

My other rule is simple but complex. Give me the courtesy to let me know if you aren't interested anymore. Don't make some over powered monster and bulldoze my characters thoughts and ideas. Work with me, chat with me. I don't bite too hard most of the time!

Various other tidbits:

I don't mind smut, so long as it isn't entirely devouring the rp and all of its parts.

Now onto the fun~!

My brother is lucky, the bastard. Our parents loved him more and it showed, when it came to gifts he got whatever he asked for. When it came to school he had all the help he needed. When it came to his friends he was welcome to have them over any night of the week. And yet the asshole is still not a bad guy.

You see he fell in love with video games he and his friends world revolved around it growing up. I had restrictions, I was an afterthought until I did something out parents didn't agree with. I was never allowed to play games, always shooed away when friends were over to play the latest hit.

You were always right there beside him and he beside you. You are now a professional, playing on the world stage and a champion. And my brother has cheered you and your teammates from the sidelines. That's just the kind of guy he is.

Things are rough at the top however, and your team isn't winning as much as they used too. There are rumors of perhaps the team disbanding if new blood isn't brought in or the teams ace, you, don't improve. And being the great friend he is he pointed you to a gaming cafe back in your home city. Telling you a story of an underground tournament hosted monthly where the champion wipes the floor with all challengers in the very game that you excel at.

My brother is the only one who knows that the hooded player is me, his little sister. After our parents passed I finally got my chance to play but no one wants a girl on their team. Not even as my skill grew by leaps and bounds.

So what will you do champion, when your best friends kid sister has grown up and can stand as your equal in the game that consumes your life? Will you keep her at bay and only see the annoyance she once was or will you find the feisty little competitor who challenges you and makes you feel alive once more?

((Yc is a champion in some competitive game (leaning towards a shooting game) and as things start struggling your best friend mc brother does what he can to help you even if that means setting you up with mc))

Our parents were young when we were born. Too young to handle the responsibilities of raising twins. Pressure from their families pulled them apart and the natural thing to do seemed to be to separate us one to each parent.

What no one could predict was years down the line our folks meeting back up. Finding each other not only once or twice but four separate times. Fate it seemed had other plans than to keep them apart.

Our first meeting together was rough, twins who hadn't really known about the other meeting in their late teens does that. And yet as we finished high school together and ended up doing a few years together at college what can we do as everything seems to between us? The missing piece of our very souls living in a person so familiar and yet a virtual stranger.

How can we help it as our hearts began to intertwine?

((Yes this is incest, but feel free to play any gender you want and they don't have to be identical twins))

University monster
You have always held a love for the mythical and the magical. It was your obsession, your guilty pleasure. You made a career out of it. Becoming a young professor in all things mythical and magical. It's your first year teaching and you have high hopes and some full classes.

Over the years you have always felt something out of the ordinary, something seen out of the corner of your eye, whispers and hints of...something more.

Half way through the year you get a transfer student. All but bullied by the headmaster to put this girl into your class even though the semester is half over. Ordered to bring her up to speed no matter the difficulty.

Something is off about this girl, something you can't quite put your finger on until you happen to look at her from the right angle, through a mirror, and the right light. Something is different, something off. And then you see it. Are those fox ears? A tail?

Belief is only part of what is necessary to see beyond the magical veil. You also need the right chance to peek behind the curtain. Once you do peek can never stop.

One peek at a Kitsune and suddenly you can see every magical creature around you. Years of study and knowledge mean you know everything you need to know to handle this new world. The question is, what are you going to do now that you have seen behind the curtain the keeps the two worlds apart?

Send me a pm and let me know what interests you~!
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