MxF About me and a bit of what I am looking for

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MxF About me and a bit of what I am looking for


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Today 2:58 AM
He Him
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
Hello! My name is Faygo, I am an experienced writer of almost 25 years

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
3-7 paragraphs with replies coming every day or every other day depending on my mood.

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
I am open to anything

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?

::Kinks include::
  • Knives
  • Non-Con/Rape
  • Oral
  • Blood Play
  • Medical Play ( patient/nurse situations especially if it is awkward between them at first )
  • Incest
  • Anal
  • Shower or pool play

Ask and if I am in the mood, I will write about it. The freakier the better honestly.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)

Not usually. I like to stick to OC pairings.

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
  • Mom/Son
  • Daughter/Father ( step or otherwise )
  • Boss/employee
  • Doctor/nurse/patient
  • Neighbors
  • Victim/Monster/Assailant
  • Nerd/Popular
  • Brother/Sister
  • Aunt/Nephew
  • Uncle/Niece

I am however, open to suggestions. I am really looking forward to writing with anyone about anything. If you have an idea and need a partner, message me.

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?
I enjoy building a setting and world together with my writing partners.

Do you have any characters you want to write? (Our character forum is here if you want a dedicated thread)
I have a face I would like to write with. Ask for links and I will share.

Any additional notes you want to add?
Ask me anything you'd like to know. I am an open book.
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