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Unspecified Actual Plots from Zesty!


That Extra, Black Sheep
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Today 1:22 AM
I'm 70/30 story/smut so lets come up with a good plot! Length I'm not worried about just make sure its a paragraph on up~ I don't take too kindly to people ghosting me and I will react accordingly. Please don't copy and paste characters, I read things a little differently then other people and I'll call you out on it if I think it's a little too basic. You feed me one-lines I will block you, cause I can not stand one-liners. When it comes to grammar, as long as I can read/understand it we're good. I've got dyslexia and so I can understand a lot of things that people miss like letters or words that are or aren't there. Get your point across to me even with typos-- reasonable typo's and you get an A-ok from me~
  1. Vorarephilia
  2. Blood play
  3. Incest/Twinsest
  4. Rape
  5. Frotteurism
  6. Stygiophilia
  7. Light BDSM/bondage
  8. Rope play
  9. Blind folds
  10. Handcuffs and chains
  11. Age play but nothing over 6 years difference
  12. Collars and leashes
  13. MxF, MxM
  14. Biting/marking
  15. Rough sex
  16. Male pregnancy
  17. Scratching
  18. Feels
  1. Anything involving scat or piss, watersports, bathroom play, toiletries. Biggest turn off ever.
  2. Choking
  3. Harming the genitals
  4. Humiliation or degrading themes for either receiving or giving, another biggest no.
  5. Hardcore BDSM/"Daddy" bullshit
  6. Adult children: adults such as 18+ acting like they are under 16, close to the whole brat stage or a little but mostly those annoyances who want to be babied and coddled all the time, yea no, I can handle uke's and mild brats but if its an extreme thing you can go back out the door you came through.
  7. Foot stuff, just eh not for me
  8. Cuckolding
  9. Impact play
  10. Klismaphilia
  11. Brachioproctism
  12. Diaper play
1. Behind the Throne/Jupiter Rising setting: MxF
Ok, this might be a little strange since there's not a lot of people on this site that's read Behind the Throne series so I'll explain a little. Take a future style planet, add royals, gunslingers, space travel and pirates along with everyday thieves and slave traders. What I wanna take from that series is this: The tech in their brains, space travel, royalty fighting against people who want to take down the crown, the body guards and the adventure across different planets.

From Jupiter Rising I wanna take: The lycan race that have wings when in a certain point in the military, the boots, potential threats of life ending adventure and enemies and reincarnation.

Yes I kind of understand that these two are remotely the same but there are few things that the other doesn't and I want to mix the two the best that I can into a Sci-fi type royal life. I really want a MxF for this idea and I'm willing to do more then one where in one I'm a male body guard and your character is the female princess. And the other one being that I play the female in the royal position. Yes yes yes, I will explain how most of the stuff works off of that book to you if you haven't read it or haven't looked it up to see if this would be a good idea to play out with me. But I still highly recommend it. <.< >.>

For the sake of repeating myself, just assume that everything that comes from me is a sort of "see as we go" type of deal when it comes to conflict and enemies.

I sort of want to have romance in this one but not really, the only hint of romance off of Behind the Throne was between the 3 main characters. The gunslinger princess lost the person she loved due to him being an undercover agent protecting her from whoever was coming after her family and murdering them. The body guards that picked her up to bring her back to the home she had run away from are partners, NOW the book never really talked about if they were sexual partners or not. All it talked about is that body guards were given pairs when they started, but they became so connected that they basically did everything together and if one of them died, the other was mostlikely to follow cause it was described as if a soul mate had died the other couldn't live without the other. And the main character we followed loved her body guards almost as much as the one she lost but she never stood between them in such a way. Well, she loved one of them cause he was quick to understand how she thought and act. And the kicker was the guy she lost was his brother.

I want something like this, where the body guard knows the royalty figure well enough that he can anticipate what they are going to do or what they're thinking from time to time. But at the same time question risky moves and scold the royalty figure if they deserve they need it.

2. Junjou Romantica setting: MxM
A little background about the anime that inspired an itch to write my own story out: There's a couple different pairings in Junjou Romantica where it's basically Shoun-ai boy love short stories that the author has connected each one of them in little ways. Whether it be ex lovers, friends or they happen to see them on the street during everyday life.

That said, this is a romance story/slice of life type of setting that I want with a slight realistic world setting, meaning the characters are facing real life problems as they occur. One of them that I will be playing will actually have doubts of love, feeling like he's being played by your character who actually loves him. The setting will actually be in the whole Japanese style.

The character I intend to play is like Hiro when it comes to love, Hiro was in love with the main character named Usami but because Usami was in love with another person Hiro practically forced himself on Usami and told him to pretend that it was the guy he actually loved. After that they never really kept in contact outside of the "random" encounters on the street, see Hiro is the main uke's college professor, well one of them. And there's a few times that Usami actually came to pick up the main uke.

Eventually this college student came along in Hiro's life and changed things, but ended up leaving for a whole year because he felt like Hiro was leaving him behind and he wasn't equal to stand next to Hiro. Coming back after studying in America to be a doctor they eventually got back together and misunderstandings were settled.

What I want is a story between two lovers who start out, one of them [ my character ] fighting off insecurities of actually being loved and all that and the other one [ your character ] do what he can to show that he actually does want to be with my character and that he actually loves him.

Yes, I know it's a sloppy sap love story but I've been itching for this for a long time. Now if you'd like to add in supernatural/fantasy beings to mix things up so it isn't just typical life stuff I'm welcome to that. When it comes to coming up against real life stuff I don't expect them to be over the top, near death kinds of things. Just something simple, like grading exams or money troubles. Those types of things.

I will however make another character sheet to do this rp once someone wishes to do it with me, so there's nothing preset, that's just how I roll. With that, I don't expect you to match the level of detail I have in my character sheet, just give me enough to be able to get an image and half way understand your character. I highly believe in character development as the story goes on and that's also how I roll too lol.

I don't really have specific tastes when it comes to pairings, especially supernatural/fantasy ones so if you'd want to use something different then the pairings I listed, let me hear'em.


  • Professor x Student

  • Neighbor x Neighbor

  • A sort of spin off from what I said above, Character 1 in love with Character 2 while Character 2 is trying to forget an ex

  • Badboy x Nerd

  • Nerd x badboy
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For the last couple of days I've gotten a couple hits and wonders about the first and second rp. A lot of them seem to be about not understand what I'm asking for, so I'll attempt to explain it. Nor read what is all there, yes I understand there's a lot of words up there but it's mostly for the people who haven't read or seen any of the three that are listed above, it's to give you a better sense of what both of them are before diving into the rp.

1. Behind the Throne:
What I want is basically the setting, the types, the reality of the world they live in, a mixture of both Behind the Throne book series and Jupiter Rising movie.
"For the sake of repeating myself, just assume that everything that comes from me is a sort of "see as we go" type of deal when it comes to conflict and enemies."
I don't know how many times I've stated this in the messages I've gotten only for it to be ignored when I've posted it above.
I do not want to use the characters from the book and or movie, I want to make my own with you in order to use this setting as a potential world to rp in. The character bases that I want to use are either the Bodyguards or the Princess. I can do both.

2. Junjou Romantica:
"What I want is a story between two lovers who start out, one of them [ my character ] fighting off insecurities of actually being loved and all that and the other one [ your character ] do what he can to show that he actually does want to be with my character and that he actually loves him."
"I will however make another character sheet to do this rp once someone wishes to do it with me, so there's nothing preset, that's just how I roll."

I just don't understand how hard it is to read all of the information possible to a potential rp partner.
If you have questions that aren't already answered, please, re-read what is written so you can better understand what it is I'm asking for.
I'm not trying to be an ass, but when you constantly have the same questions and concerns about what an rp is to be about it starts to get a little annoying.

MxM, I'm looking for someone to rp an Omegaverse with, since a lot of you don't know what that is I'll explain. The pairing I'm looking for this is a Soul-bonded pair between an Alpha and Omega. Just like the rest of my requests, nothing is preset, I will make a character sheet once someone is interested in doing this rp with me.

With a Soul-bonded pair all the two have to do is look at one another and instantly know they are a pair, it's kind of like love at first sight but in this case when the two see one another they will no longer be able to have sex with another person. The omega's body will reject anyone other then their soul-bonded pair and the both of them will become obsessed with the other, in such a way that they can't stop thinking about the other and have this uncontrollable urge to be with them even if it's being in the same room. The only way to break a pair, soul-bonded or not, is if the Alpha rejects the omega and or beta, and in most cases with an omega they will become unable to function in society and eventually end up taking their own lives cause they can't be with that Alpha.

What is Omegaverse?
Omegaverse is a AU(alternate universe) in which males can get pregnant. It isn't always the most popular AU, but it is still used by others. In this system, there are three main roles: Alpha, Beta, and Omega.

How do you know which you are?
First, at birth, the doctors will announce the gender(male or female). In some verses, you can pay to have a test done to determine whether the baby is an Alpha, Beta, or Omega. In others, you just have to wait until they are about 12-24 years old to find this out. So in a way, you have two genders. The male/female gender and the Alpha,Beta,Omega gender.

What do the three roles do?
The Alphas are the more aggressive ones out of everyone. They are the larger and stronger ones, the dominate ones in bed. They are the males or females pumped full of testosterone. The females would differently from the males though. While the males already have a penis, females don't. Everything is different for the Alpha females. They have a small chance of getting pregnant at all, but they can impregnate. Where the female's clitoris is, once she gets aroused, a retractable penis is there instead. Since she has a very small chance of actually conceiving a child, her womb would be smaller or not even there at all. In some verses, she does go through some stages in pregnancy to help her Omega. The hormones the Omega releases help the Alpha.The female Alphas already small breasts would grow so she could help feed the newborn child. For males, it is a bit different. Alpha males can't have their breasts grow like the females, but they still help their Omega out. In almost all of the verses, there is a lot of semen being released. Some verses have knotting, which basically means the Alpha's penis enlarges at the base to lock inside the Omega, giving them a better chance at breeding and producing offspring. All Alphas have larger penises and are the ones to fight over an Omega.


Betas are the normal, everyday guy. They can still breed with other Betas, but they cannot breed with Omegas or get them pregnant. With a female and male Beta, they can reproduce that way. Sometimes even a female Alpha and a female Beta would be able to reproduce.

Omegas are the softer and more gentle of these roles. They are the nurturing parents who raise their children and they are the only ones in here who can get pregnant besides Beta females. The female Omegas use their systems as normal, getting pregnant that way and then nurturing the child like they should. But for the males, it is very different. All Omegas go through heats, it all depends on the author how often they go into heats. During this time, they are most fertile. But the pre-heat is what the males have to go through. Since they only have one hole, their rectum, that is also doubling as protection for the female parts. During pre-heat, the parts start to grow after they empty their rectum completely. The reason they do it is so nothing gets stuck in the uterus. But Omegas are the smaller ones with less muscle and smaller penises if they are male. They love to take care of children and all that parenting stuff.

What is a heat?
A heat is the time when the Omega is most fertile and ready to mate, or just hide away until the heat is over. If they have an Alpha mate, they will never leave their side unless they need to get their Omega food or water. Mainly, they have sex and then rest. They keep a watchful eye over their Omega, listening to them and caring for them. But in bed, they still are the dominate ones. If an Omega has no mate, that could be dangerous to even leave the house. They could get raped and forced into all of this, even if they protest and try to run. So they basically lock themselves in a room and use many toys to get through this. A good part about this heat is that the Omega will self-lubricate, which means they only need to prep the Omega a bit more have sex. During these heats, the hormones in an Omega go all crazy. A strong scent is released during the heats, causing the Alphas to smell it and chase after the Omega. If there is already an Alpha with that Omega, they will fight the other Alphas off. Some public buildings have small rooms in their basements for any Omegas who suddenly fall into the heat and need help. In some verses, there are pills to stop the heats from happening and some verses have washes that help cover the scent up. There is a pad-like item for the male Omegas to help stop the leaking from the lubrication when they are in public.

How does pregnancy work?
Pregnancy is about the same as in the real world. For Betas at least. For the Omegas, everything sort of changes and flips their world around especially one who has never had a child before. The male Omegas chest will grow to around an a-cup to help feed their child. The Omegas will most likely be happy about having a child. The Alpha will become more and more protective of not just their Omega but also the small child growing inside of the Omega.

How does birth work?
For female Omegas and Betas, it works just as real life should. For male Omegas is where it gets complicated. Since their uterus is not in the normal position, there will most likely be a c-section, or Cesarean section. Basically they cut their body open and go into the womb, pulling the baby out that way. There are anesthetics that can be used to help numb the pain.

Are there other ways to tell the difference between the three main roles?
There is a way that is much simpler to tell apart the main three. You give them a doll as a child and observe how they treat and take care of the doll.

Alphas would most likely carry their doll everywhere with them, growling at anyone who threatened to touch it or even come too close to it. The protectiveness of the doll shows that they are a possible Alpha. Of course, they would leave the doll aside when the time to fight came.

Betas would most likely treat the doll like any three-year-old child would. They would probably let it get dirty and get snot and food crumbs on it. They would also lose it somewhere on accident.


Omegas would be loving and caring with their dolls, as if they were small children. They would make sure to "feed"them, bathe them, and do everything as if they were real children. They would never leave their dolls alone and carry them everywhere, making sure to be gentle with them and never leaving them alone.

Alphas are generally dominant and able to impregnate Omegas. Male Alphas usually have a knot when aroused.

Betas are subordinate to Alphas and may or may not be able to impregnate Omegas; in some fanworks Betas aren't present and the trope is known as Alpha/Omega, in others they take the role and functions of Omegas and Omegas aren't present. Betas are often presented as having "normal" human anatomy with none of the special attributes of Alphas or Omegas.

Omegas are generally lowest on the hierarchy (although in some fanworks Omegas are rare and prized). Male Omegas are self-lubricating and have the ability to become pregnant, sometimes referred to as being bred or mated. Lovers may form pair-bonds with a special connection with telepathic or empathetic qualities. Paired Alphas may be jealous and possessive of their mate, while the Omega may become submissive. Omegas and Alphas may go into heat and need to have sex; this may be the only time Omegas are fertile.
So these next few ideas are more like cravings that I have a hankering to do, if you've got a plot that you wanna use send me a message. Otherwise I might make a plot later on down the road. As for now:

  1. A dark theme that includes self-harm, insecurities, torment, abused. It's more along the lines of having a character who was abused by his parents and saved but even though he was saved by your character he's highly damaged. For this, my character will be a bottom in a MxM.
  2. A twinsest type deal and or sibling x sibling. Of course MxM though.

Still looking for these:
  1. A dark theme that includes self-harm, insecurities, torment, abused. It's more along the lines of having a character who was abused by his parents and saved but even though he was saved by your character he's highly damaged. For this, my character will be a bottom in a MxM.
  2. A twinsest type deal and or sibling x sibling. Of course MxM though.
  3. Kingdom style rp where the supernatural beings are living outside of the wall that enclosed the city, the rich at the top tier enslave the supernatural beings with collars that are designed to surpress their abilities. The idea is to start a rebellion with the pets that live there and go back to where they were born. Now this can go into a sort of romance but it wasn't inteneded as such.
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  1. A dark theme that includes self-harm, insecurities, torment, abused. It's more along the lines of having a character who was abused by his parents and saved but even though he was saved by your character he's highly damaged. For this, my character will be a bottom in a MxM.
  2. A twinsest type deal and or sibling x sibling. Of course MxM though.
  3. Kingdom style rp where the supernatural beings are living outside of the wall that enclosed the city, the rich at the top tier enslave the supernatural beings with collars that are designed to surpress their abilities. The idea is to start a rebellion with the pets that live there and go back to where they were born. Now this can go into a sort of romance but it wasn't inteneded as such.
  4. Omegaverse.
  5. Attack on Titan MxM, ocs or Levi x Eren or Captain x Cadet/Newbie
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Hi, if you're wtill looking for someone for a Junjo Romantica role play, I AM DOWN :) or even your dark themed RP:). Feel free to PM me so we can work out the details
  1. A dark theme that includes self-harm, insecurities, torment, abused.It's more along the lines of having a character who was abused by his parents and saved but even though he was saved by your character he's highly damaged. For this, my character will be a bottom in a MxM.
  2. Kingdom style rp where the supernatural beings are living outside of the wall that enclosed the city, the rich at the top tier enslave the supernatural beings with collars that are designed to suppress their abilities. The idea is to start a rebellion with the pets that live there and go back to where they were born. Now this can go into a sort of romance but it wasn't intended as such.
  3. Attack on Titan MxM, ocs or Levi x Eren or Captain x Cadet/Newbie

To go into more detail I'll do it one bullet at a time,

  1. Basically what I want from this rp is a typical story line of your character dealing with mine who thinks low of himself, constantly beliving that he isn't good enough when it comes to someone loving him and believes that he's nothing but a burden to anyone he comes into contact with. Sure smut can be involved but not throughout the whole story. So 70/30. I do have one pre-made character that I used for this kind of story but it seems the person I was rping with in this scenario seems to have ghosted me, the rp was Brother x Brother but I am willing to change that paring if needed, same thing goes with changing that already made character or making a new sheet altogether.
  2. I mean, what's listed above is all the information basically. If you'd like to know what that rp has already transpired so far, since it also was dumped, I will provide a link so you can get the basics of it.
  3. Recently I've been reading about a lot of AoT manga's staring Levi x Eren and I'm really on edge to actually start up an rp in such a fashion, not based off the manga's I read but make my own story with someone else with those characters or hell even OCs. It's the pairing/agressiveness I'm looking for from someone else, cause this is another bottom position I want to rp.
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1. Kingdom style rp where the supernatural beings are living outside of the wall that enclosed the city, the rich at the top tier enslave the supernatural beings with collars that are designed to suppress their abilities. The idea is to start a rebellion with the pets that live there and go back to where they were born. Now this can go into a sort of romance but it wasn't intended as such.
2. A sort of SAO thing where we live in the virtual world in a sort of slice of life type deal, I'm not talking like a game kind of setting more of something like a phone or a computer. Maybe as AI's or something.
1. Kingdom style rp where the supernatural beings are living outside of the wall that enclosed the city, the rich at the top tier enslave the supernatural beings with collars that are designed to suppress their abilities. The idea is to start a rebellion with the pets that live there and go back to where they were born. Now this can go into a sort of romance but it wasn't intended as such.
2. A sort of SAO thing where we live in the virtual world in a sort of slice of life type deal, I'm not talking like a game kind of setting more of something like a phone or a computer. Maybe as AI's or something.

These are really the only rp's I've been interested in starting up lately.

1. Kingdom style rp where the supernatural beings are living outside of the wall that enclosed the city, the rich at the top tier enslave the supernatural beings with collars that are designed to suppress their abilities. The idea is to start a rebellion with the pets that live there and go back to where they were born. Now this can go into a sort of romance but it wasn't intended as such.
2. A sort of SAO thing where we live in the virtual world in a sort of slice of life type deal, I'm not talking like a game kind of setting more of something like a phone or a computer. Maybe as AI's or something.

So for that whole virtual world type of idea I was thinking about, maybe something along the lines of Persona 3 or 4, maybe a mix of the two honestly. Kind of like taking the whole concept of it and turning it into an rp. However, I still kind of want to do something like SAO too.
Hi would you be ok with doing a dark omega verse fantasy type rp? Been itching for an omega verse rp for a while
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