Adrasteia Lea's Character List

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Adrasteia Lea's Character List

Roleplay//: TBD with @charliekitty

Name: Piper Kelley
Age: 22
DOB: February 29th
Gender: Woman
Sexual Orientation: Lesbian, homo-flexible.
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 134 lbs
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Dark brown
Tattoos/Scars: Shoulder tattoo of a naked woman with the words, Thank god for women.
Personality: Piper is a quite and soft spoken girl. However, she will talk your ear off if you get her talking about the occult.
Occupation: Barista for a local coffee shop, reads oracle on a commission basis.
Skills: Making boutique coffees, tarot readings, warding crystal knowledge and use, fitting into tight spaces; caves, airducts, washing machines, etc.
History: Piper grew up with her mother and father until the age of 8. That year they went on a camping trip in Maine. The three were on a hike through the wood when her mother tripped and fell on a well traveled trail. Piper went with her father to get help, but when they went with the medics to the location her mother was nowhere to be found. A search was conducted for Piper's mother for a week, but the only thing ever found was her backpack. Piper's relationship with her father became strained in the months that follow as some of her mothers family accused him of being at fault for the disappearance. The next two years were a series of moves that resulted in her father remarrying. The next six years were some of the worst and best of Piper's life. Her father, who was once close with her, grew more and more distant as he failed to accept Piper's sexuality and Piper 's grief over her mother's death that all the moves and controversy around her mother's death did not help with. What made this period also some of the best years was her girlfriend. They had a wonderful time explore their towns rumored haunted places, exploring abandon building, and exploring deep into the woods looking for urban legends. Sadly, not all things last, shortly after she turned 18 Piper's girlfriend met her stepmother and broke up with her three days later. She never gave a reason why, but piper always suspected it was related to the less than stellar first meeting with her stepmother.

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