Adventurer Adrian Aktenshi

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Adventurer Adrian Aktenshi


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She / Her
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Adrian Aktenshi

"It's just Adrian"

20 Years Old

Male - He/Him Pronouns


Half Breed / Human-witch

Isolated Farmland in the Infinite Wilds


Part-Time Adventurer
more information +
the self
Melancholic but Determined, Adrian carries the weight of his past, and it shows in his somber demeanor. While sadness often touches his actions, he never lets it paralyze him. This can sometimes bleed into being Fiercely Independent, however never wanting to depend on others, and this independence sometimes isolates him, making it difficult for him to connect deeply with others. When he does form bonds, he's prone to being Protective and Loyal. For the few who break through his walls, Adrian becomes an unshakable protector. He shields those he loves with everything he has, and he's willing to make great sacrifices for them. All in all it's underpinned by a deep Drive of Purpose, his desire to honour his family's land drives him. It gives him puprose.

Self-Serving True Neutral
The quiet. The dark. Anything that lets him sit and enjoy the world like he could as a child makes him deeply happy, he holds his fingers on his pulse just to feel the thrum of his heartbeat and hear the thud of it in his ears. It's why he likes tending to the graveyard so much, he thinks, even when it brings him a sad air, he can abide it, and lets it settle in his bones like therapy. He has an affinity to fire, and he likes the warmth of a camp, bristling with timidly shared stories.
He's uncomfortable in busy, bustling environments. Having grown up in isolation, Adrian feels out of place in large crowds or noisy cities. Wasting Resources is an absolute no. Coming from a life where every scrap of food and every coin mattered, Adrian can't stand wastefulness. He's careful and efficient with everything he has.
Adrian's main drive is to build and honour his families final resting place, and if that means offering the land he no longer knows how to tend to families or friends looking to bury their loved ones in a place of their own, so be it. It gives him purpose he can strive for.
6' 2"
Short, ivory white hair.
A deep, forgets green, speckled with gold flakes.
Pale, light skin
Well built from life of hard labour, but on the lean side from lack of nutrition.
20, he looks the way he is

Whatever he has to hand, usually a dark shirt and trousers fit for work, he throws a coat over his shoulders to keep off the dirt and a tipped hat when the sun is bright.


None (((( yet ))))

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the power
Adrian does not have a very good grasp on magic. With nobody to teach him, all he has are the sporadic inate skill. He finds himself drawn to magical artifacts, and seems to be liked by animals, he can produce a flame in his palm but it sputters and chokes out after a minute of use. Naturally given from his blood, Adrian lacks the formal training to utilise what he has.

What Adrian lacks in training, he at least makes up for in hard work. Never shying from a challenge, he's a quick learner, a problem solver, his body needs only learn a lesson once before he's improving on himself.

For now in his young age, the only natural affinity Adrian has found is fire, producing a small flame in his hand that can keep him warm on cold nights. Likewise, being drawn to magic seems to be an innate magic of its own, things speak to him in ways it doesn't often for humans around him. Animals tend to soften around him, but he's unsure if that's just good luck and a good posture or magic.

Adrian carries a dagger in his pocket and a sycthe on his back when travelling. He's not very efficient, but often the large tool can scare off fights before they begin, a pouchful of food and water in a canister, he holds bandages and a thick scarf to keep warm)?
the story
Adrian is a half human, half witch, and his story begins as any rational one does when an age old witch fell in love with a human and bore him a child on the sly. Already married, it took some getting used to when a basket was left at the Aktenshi's door with a letter, a baby inside with his fathers eyes. You'd think an affair would have been the end of a marriage, but lucky for Adrian, his stepmother wasn't a cruel woman, and stranger things had happened deep in the wilds. For some strange reason, despite already having 4 children, the Aktenshi's didn't have anymore after Adrian appearance. Despite the unconventional start to life, Adrian was happy, deeply so, and he grew up working a farm that saw the family through. They had bad winters, and good yields, so when sickness breached their doorway a few months before Adrian 20th birthday the farmers will ill prepared for the devastation it would cause. First it took the cattle, and then the grain, and slowly one by one the family whittled into nothing but memories on the walls. Adrian survived, for a cost he often regrets paying.

- Sycthe - Knife - Scarf - Locket around his neck.)?

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