MxM Advanced-Lit, Long Term, Story-Driven.

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MxM Advanced-Lit, Long Term, Story-Driven.

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Today 6:24 AM
Beyond the Stars
Hello there, care to join me for a cup of tea and a dissertation about my latest hyper fixation? :tea:

I am infamously, hilariously bad with introductions, so I'll keep this part short and appropriately, awkwardly weird. I am a bookish, over-caffeinated, [mostly] feral nerd who works too much and spends her fleeting free time lost to books or crafting worlds with words. I keep strange hours, I do weird things, and I am in love with every star in the night sky. I tend to be chatty; I love to plot and talk about characters and stories, but I am less inclined to talk about my private life on an open forum and do take a bit to warm up to others. I prefer partners who are open to communication and aren't bothered by a bit of snark, witty banter, and someone who is going to share stupid memes as a form of communication because words are sometimes hard.

That's enough social anxiety for the both of us for today.

** Note** This is an evolving thread. It is currently a work-in-progress as I add things and make updates. Some sections may not have much yet - it doesn't mean I don't have ideas or willingness to play other things, I just haven't had time to properly edit or fit things properly in their place yet.

Modern/Urban Fantasy
Alternate Universe [Modern or Historical]
Historical Fiction
Post Apocalypse (Rapture, Cataclysmic, Zombies - all three?)
High Fantasy
Light SciFi/Fantasy/Space Western-y
MAYBE Star Wars (OCs only, no exceptions)
Dark Academia *
* I like the idea of an academy setting, but I HATE the connotations that some people seem to immediately latch onto with it, so I am often reluctant to entertain it. Characters need to be adults (18+). I also won't entertain student/teacher.
*** I DO NOT/WILL NOT write slice of life/modern realistic stories, or celeb fantasies. My brain doesn't work that way, I barely know how to be a realistic human IRL.
* I also do not participate in fandom/fanfic writing or write characters that aren't my own. I may be willing to write something similar or inspired if I am familiar with it, buuuut the truth is that I barely watch TV (literally, I am behind on all the 'watch trends' a decade at least. Don't get me started on Rings of Power though -- I AM EXTRA SALTY ABOUT IT, for very extra dumb reasons.)

Main Characters under 18 are a HARD NO.
Animal Abuse
Bathroom Play
Dom/Sub relationships (bdsm)
Word Bank
rogues, princes, legends, prophecy, cursed objects, ruins, gritty, web of intrigue, dark royalty, court politics, kingdoms at war, vampires, werewolves, occult, witches, psychics, hunters, survival, small towns, supernatural, adventure, quests, assassins, elves, rags to riches, royalty, dragons, cinnamon roll, sassy side characters, suspense, magic, primitive/practical magic, world building, forbidden love, enemies to lovers, friends/lovers to enemies (to lovers? THE DRAMA), morally gray, villains, thieves, castles, kingdoms at war, wastelands, poetry, music playlists, music aesthetic playlists, storyboards, mood boards, small details, intensity, creating worlds, creating or appreciating culture, poetic details, graphics, guilds, factions, complicated, grumpy/sunshine, lush detail
Key to my heart đź–¤
  • A well written character and a writer behind that character that is equally invested in the story we are writing.
  • Multiple Characters/Stories.

I'll preface this by saying that I am picky about partnerships but harbor no judgment toward writers who are different. We all like different things, we all write for different reasons, we all have our own styles. I am not seeking a quantity of partners, so I am going to be selective and prefer people who have similar writing goals and expectations that align with my own.

* I am verbose. You can expect a solid 500 - 2200 words consistently. I do not word count and I'm not going to wordcount you, but if you find yourself struggling to deliver two paragraphs or find it a sog to wade through a chapter-length wall of text, we are not ideal partners. Some of my posts, with some characters, are shorter and more concise, others may be poetic and full of lush detail. Sometimes, I might hurl a novella at you. I will always give you something to work off of and expect the same from you. This is a collaborative story, after-all.

* Patience. I have a lot going on in my real life so my responses are slower paced. I will occasionally reply more than once a week, but once a week is normal. There are days I will spend twelve hours just writing and at those times, rare as they may be, you may get responses from me more readily. In general though, I need ample time to overthink everything, including every punctuation mark and word choice, before I am willing to hit SEND. This is a self-imposed expectation, I don't hold anyone else to this kind of nonsense. My brain is just stupid like that.

* Diversified Characters. I pride myself on characters who are all different and bring something to the table. I am not interested in playing with people who only play one type of character (including age, race, profession, appearance, body type, trope, sexual dynamics, etc). It is one thing to have a guilty pleasure or preference, it is another to be incapable of stepping outside of your normal or being unwilling to do anything else. To be frank about it, I don't want to be stuck playing opposite the same exact character in every story and forcing the same dynamic to play out over and over.

* Writers who only play sub and/or want a sub dynamic -- we are not compatible partners.

* Multiple Stories/Multiple Characters. A supporting cast is important! I love a good sidekick character ( and sideline plots, and "side quests' ' - This is probably why it took me YEARS to complete the main storyline in Elder Scrolls... That, and maybe my compulsive need to steal every wheel of cheese I ever found... ). I appreciate a fellow writer who also is comfortable with voicing NPCs and intriguing side characters. I am also interested in potentially playing multiple stories with the same partner, whether completely new tales/genres or spin-offs/side-stories of characters or a world we have fell in love with. Here is my heart, it's yours!

* Collaborative. I am happy (read: OVERLY ENTHUSIASTIC) to share ideas and plots with you. I similarly am just as eager to hear about your ideas or plots and characters. I need someone equally excited about the prospect of storytelling. If I am left to carry the entire story and make all the decisions, this isn't going to go very far. It gets discouraging to be the only one invested or to be treated as a momentary entertainment. I am always happy to plot! I do not feel that plotting major events or story goals ruins or spoils the story. In fact, I feel it adds so much more potential and ease for both parties, allowing us to plan how we get to those points and fill in the details along the way. It takes some of that anxiety people feel regarding feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or under pressure to carry the whole story forward. That is the benefit of collaborative storytelling.

* A Little Romance. I love a little romance in my stories. That being said, I can appreciate a little spice too, but I am not here to just write pure smut. If your preference is writing more sex than plot, it won't be a healthy partnership, or a long-standing one. Sex can be a fantastic detail and motivator for characters, but just writing smut scenes gets tedious and boring.

** II ** Not an expectation but worth noting - I will moodboard and graphic the absolute sh*t out of a story or character. It's part of the package, like a free gift you can't return. If I have time, my background is in illustration, so who knows...maybe I'll art things.

Please do not reply to this thread. If you're interested, just send me a PM with a little about yourself (there's no need to get extra personal unless you want to) as a writer and what you're interested in writing.

Random Ideas
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