MxF Ideas of Dreams in Silver - RP Recruitment Thread (MxF)

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MxF Ideas of Dreams in Silver - RP Recruitment Thread (MxF)


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Welcome to my Recruitment Thread!
My name is SilverDreamer and I'm happy that you've decided to stop by my little repository of assorted ideas and hopes for RP! I really enjoy stories that allow you to explore your creativity from a character perspective and in storytelling! There are few things as rewarding as getting to see the fruits of your partner's creativity unfolding post after post and I hope to be able to foster the sort of creative atmosphere that makes that exploration fun and exciting!

As for genres, I tend to lean towards fantasy, scifi and magical realism. For whatever reason, they've given my imagination the most space to run about and grow. It helps that many of my favorite authors fall into those genres and styles.

Character Sheets
I've never been good about creating templates for people to follow. I figure you can create one as detailed as you like. When it comes down to it, we're still getting to know these people as the story progresses so I don't think it's necessary or even helpful to toil away in an effort to get every last detail on what usually amounts to a reference sheet.

Posting Frequency:

I typically aim for once or twice (per RP) a week depending on how my mood or my "muse" strikes me. Rest assured, I will let you know if there are any delays in posting.

Rules and Regulations:

Be creative and have fun!


Please send me any questions or comments that you have! I'll gladly answer them in this thread or via PM. Whichever works for you!

Of course, if you're interested in any of my ideas, post here or send a PM and we'll get things started!

And with that, the thread is open!
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Roleplay Setting:
Adventures in Chronorium


To understand Chronorium, you have to start before there ever was such a thing. While unthinkable to most of the residents of the unending city, there was indeed a time before. A very long time ago, the wide world outside of the limits of the city was unified by a common pursuit of culture, science and magic. Yet, this age of prosperity came to an end when a great fissure suddenly and violently bore into the earth and towards what became known as the Eternal Source of magic and didn't stop until it fractured the core and unleashed an immensity of potent energy that the world was far from prepared for. Great mana storms raged on for years, wreaking incredible havoc across continents, leveling cities, destroying crops and farmland. Eventually, Project Chronorium was devised as a figurative and literal plug for the Eternal Source and, when the city was finally completed, brought the raging storms to a stop. The magical energy was once again contained.

But then, not long afterwards, something interesting happened: people began to appear in the streets of Chronorium. They were as unique as the rays of color after light passes through a prism or, perhaps more aptly put, as varied as the fractured core of the Eternal Source. What began as a trickle, soon filled the city with a vibrant and diverse population born of that incredible amount of magical energy that coursed through the city. Eventually, the population expansion returned to a trickle. The bulk of the manifestations were replaced by the birds and the bees and life and society became as normal as normal can be within Chronorium.

As monumental an accomplishment as Chronorium has been, something new has begun to filter through the fractured Eternal Source and seep into all levels of the city. Like the beginning, it began small and infrequently. Unusual apparitions, irregular weather patterns and brief yet powerful storms, beasts and creatures of chaotic nature. Our characters are living within this increasingly chaotic time. They are free to live their lives as they always have or, they can take on this adventure to understand the causation of these chaotic times and just maybe, figure out how to stop it before it runs out of control.

Our story begins in the midst of the unending city of Chronorium, or so our characters think. You see, every resident of the city was either born there or only has memories of living within the seemingly endless expanse of this magically infused city. Though many have sought to find the outer limits of Chronorium, none have succeeded. Some say, in the "early" days of Chronorium, those who began their wandering eventually wandered so far from home that they became so irreparably lost that they settled down in their new surroundings and started life anew. Modern times have somewhat remedied that issue with the "Beacons": a network running throughout the city which provides its residents with an instinctual sense of direction which leads them home. Still, extensive wandering in search of the edge of Chronorium is strongly advised against. That said, there are three levels which comprise the city which all may travel between at their leisure and those levels are as follows:

Levels of Chronorium:

The Metropolis

The winding streets of The Metropolis are a curious fusion of 19th century English architecture and magical-techno utility. The Metropolis is the uppermost layer of the city and serves as the primary source of production and development of the sciences and technology for the whole of Chronorium. As such, The Metropolis is responsible for the general upkeep of the integral systems which keep the three levels of the city functioning. The Metropolis also produces and provides leisure items, clothing, home goods and tools for each level. Importantly, it is the only level of the city which is exposed to the open air and as such, has mechanisms which collect solar energy and water to be distributed to the lower levels.

The Agriculture Empire
The rolling hills and constantly tended and maintained farmland of the Agriculture Empire are the life blood of Chronorium. As far as the eye can see from any one point within the Empire, are farms of all sorts: vegetable, fruits, livestock and so on. Those who live here lead busy and fulfilled lives, even if they've seldom seen the true sky. Because this level receives no natural sunlight or rain, it is instead dependent on an intricate irrigation system that simulate periodic rains as well as enrich the soil as well as artificial suns which provide light and warmth. The Agriculture Empire runs on a strictly regulated seasonal cycle to ensure health of the soil as well as optimal crop and livestock production. They send daily shipments to The Metropolis and The Everdeep Mine of raw goods (animal and other natural materials) and processed and packaged goods.

The Everdeep Mine
The hyper-industrialized townships of the Everdeep Mine occupy the lowest level of Chronorium and the mines themselves run even deeper still. It's safe to say that without the production from the Everdeep Mine, Chronorium would have long ago stagnated in its technological and scientific advancements. Unlike the two layers above it, there is neither sun nor substitute artifice illuminating the sky. Days and nights are similarly dark, illuminated by street lamps and other local light sources from store fronts or homes. Out of necessity or perhaps tradition, the mines are operation year round and send daily shipments to the Metropolis for refining and use in production.

The Central Line
The Central Line is an extremely large, circular conveyance system at the very center of Chronorium. It has numerous great elevators that are used to transport people and goods between the levels. Though Chronorium has yet experienced threats to The Central Line as they are so integral to the continued function of the city, they are fiercely guarded and all coming and going from The Central Line is recorded both in analog and digital forms. Those desiring to travel for leisure must present proper paperwork to the guards and operators of The Central Line in order to embark.

The Superior Monoliths
While the three layers of Chronorium are quite different from one another, the one constant between them are The Superior Monoliths. These are great structures devoted to the five main disciplines of magic that sprang forth from the fracturing: Red, Blue, Green, White and Black. Those who visit them experience a sudden comforting calm wash over them and, as if sated, will rarely linger and return to their lives. This is because each of The Superior Monoliths allow for the passive syphoning of excess magical energy that builds up within the bodies of the citizens of Chronorium and sends it into the inner workings of the city.

Basics of Magic:
There are five primary disciplines of magic: Red, Blue, Green, White and Black:
  • Red: The representation of the volatility of the Eternal Source. In its rudimentary form, it manifest as fire, lightning, plasma and so on. More advanced users of the Red have been known to greatly contribute to the advancement and exploration of the sciences and technology.
  • Blue: The representation of the tranquility of the Eternal Source. In its rudimentary form, it manifests as wind and various forms of water. More advanced users of the Blue have been known to be great philosophers and thinkers who greatly contribute to the exploration and development of arts and culture.
  • Green: The representation of the nurturing of the Eternal Source. In its rudimentary form, it manifests as spontaneous growth of natural things. More advanced users of the Green have been known to be the driving force behind the Agriculture Empire and sustaining the continued prosperity therein.
  • White: The representation of the endurance of the Eternal Source. In its rudimentary form, it manifests as healing energies that can treat simple wounds. More advanced users of the White have taken great strides in medical and life sciences and have been able to quickly come to grips with the various biological needs of the population.
  • Black: The representation of the finality of the Eternal Source. Unlike the other disciplines, it bears no consistency in its rudimentary form, though some claim it has a tendency towards extra-dimensional communication. More advanced users of the Black have yet to provide larger beneficial applications like the other four disciplines.
Character Creation:

As mentioned above, the population of the city is incredibly diverse. This means you are free to explore your imagination when creating a character. Have fun with it! Be as creative as your heart desires. The only thing I would ask is that you stay away from the divine. Angels, demons, gods and so forth tend to be, in my experience, not the most fun to play against and get a bit...complex in ways that aren't much fun. That said, I'm not saying that I can't be convinced to let you play something like that, you're just gonna have to give me a solid proposal.

This extends to whatever magic you decide that your character has. While there are five main disciplines, you do not have to adhere to them strictly. I encourage you to get as creative with this as you like. I am simply aiming to provide a rough framework from which your creativity can spring forth! Just don't go too over the top with it. We're trying to have fun with the story and if all of the plot points can be solved in just a moment via magic, well, then we'll be speed-running the story and that's no fun!
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Roleplay Setting 2:
The Rings of Gravia


The Rings of Gravia is story that takes place on the grand continent of Gravia. It's a free-form, high fantasy setting that encourages you to find your adventure amidst the cities villages, caverns, mountains, deserts and forests that you can conjure up.

So what might that look like? For me, I've followed the adventures of a young man who is tasked with delivering various messages, parcels and items for clients willing to pay the price for delivery without fail. He has navigated treacherous mountain passes, crossed the seemingly endless dunes of the Twilight Desert, navigated great city states that have been plunged into conflict with their neighbors. And all while trying to suppress the Djinn living inside of him that hopes to one day take full control of its contracted vessel.

But that's just my corner of The Rings of Gravia. Hopefully there will be interest in filling it out with more characters, stories, myths and legends!

:More on the Setting:

What are the Rings of Gravia?

In short, the Rings are part of a two part currency system. The two currencies are Rings and Bronze and are the standard upon which any and all trade, business or transactions are based. Bronze is most common and used in day to day life. If you're at the market picking up a few essentials, you're likely going to be paying in Bronze coins. The Rings on the other hand, are created by an ancient form of magic and are typically used by people with considerable means or influence. Rings can only be passed from one party to another via physical contact and a binding magical contract. And, perhaps most importantly, it is believed that the amount of Rings available or actively in circulation, is finite.

The Culture in Broad Strokes

In the early days on the continent, life was scattered, disconnected, wild. Gradually, peoples from disparate walks of life banded together into tribes with roots steeped in mysticism and sorcery. Those whose power provided them power to forge a path forward through the most uncertain ages have dominated the course and shape of history. As their power grew, they established large cities to shelter their people from the unpredictable wilds and took on the mantles of even greater houses and governed their lands in accordance with firmly established traditions.

Of course, between these cities are varied landscapes, smaller towns and settlements and so much to explore.

It should be noted that as the development of magic have taken priority over science, things like gun powder are still a number of decades off.


When you're thinking about your character, I encourage creativity. I don't want you to feel too restricted in this process but at the same time I would suggest refraining from dipping into areas linked commonly with divinity (angels) or their counterpart (demons) as those aren't terribly interesting to engage with. Otherwise, feel free to get creative with your character's background, beliefs, magic and so on. This is going to be a long journey (I hope), so you and your character should be prepared for an adventure!
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