Adventurer Akhujin Batbayar - Centaur Nomad

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Adventurer Akhujin Batbayar - Centaur Nomad


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art credit: @suzumori_521 on Twitter

Akhujin Batbayar

Akhu/Akhy, Happy



Asexual (Heteroromantic)


Left home for greener pastures.

Hunter, Professional Soldier.

Steppe Nomad.
more information +
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the self
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A good-natured free spirit, rarely is it that people leave an encounter with Akhujin disliking the centaur, but even more rare is it for them to truly consider him a friend. He is lazy by nature and somewhat naive when it comes to social interactions and politics, yet he is very driven for the things he cares about and is more than capable of a cunning all his own. Kind and relentlessly supportive and self-sacrificing for his friends, family, and even strangers, he is difficult to spur to true hatred and enmity—yet if pushed beyond his limits, there is no enemy more bloody-minded and vicious. He values justice and dignity, but above all else he prizes freedom, for himself and for others. Though very curious, insightful, and tolerant, he is by disposition a centauri traditionalist: you can do whatever pleases you, just don't try and make him do anything he opts out of. Akhujin is not a politician or convincer, but instead "votes with his feet" on people and concerns, simply showing up where he wants to be and leaving when things are not what he wants. While he appreciates both male and female beauty and thinks prudishness and anti-nudity is rather silly, Akhujin is uncomfortable with sexuality when applied to him personally, preferring to keep his own relationships—even his most intimate ones—platonic.

Chaotic Good
Hunting, archery, honorable combat and competition, clothes and fashion, racing across open and natural grounds, stargazing, storytelling, music and dancing, drinking and feasting.
Needless fighting, traveling over water or over hard rock for long distances, claustrophobic environs (especially underground), crowds, rulers who only hold their positions by birthright and not the respect of their people, and those who are needlessly negative or cruel or two-faced.
Find a family or another group where he can belong, get enough wealth to be comfortable, and achieve renown as a hero, hunter, and warrior.
Finding himself tied down or in captivity (either physically or metaphorically), accidentally hurting people (especially those he cares about), crushes and uncontrolled stampedes, wildfires.
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the body
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Total: 8'1" / Hoof to waist: 4'8" / Humanoid torso length: 3'5"
Human hair: Black-brown of varying shades, well-kept, loose and shorter on top but with a braided ponytail and a small red ribbon.
Hide: Bay, with black mane and tail, usually kept natural and loose, though he does have the mane braided for special occasions.
Mono-fold, dark brown, almost black—the color of good soil, or cacao.
A sunkissed limestone—tan, occasionally becoming ruddy when faced with wind or cold or alcohol.

Upper/"Human" — Very muscular, well-built but with a healthy amount of body fat that threatens to turn husky over the winter.
Lower/"Horse" — Shorter, but stocky and quite powerful, a round but muscle-bound belly quartered by four thick legs. Looks similar to the IRL Chinese Mongolian horse breed.
25 to 30 — more or less looks his age, though due to his complexion and sunny disposition he is often mistaken as younger.
Deep, masculine, and hoarse (don't) when speaking normally, but capable of a wide range when singing or calling out/whistling across the planes.

Contrary to the stereotype of the centaur as wild barbarian running around naked or in furs at most, Akhujin's tribe takes great pride in the craftsmanship and artistry of their clothing, using it to show off their beauty and status. He himself wears a fine blue wool robe hemmed with sable, a golden silk sash tied around his upper torso, while a grey-and-white wool horse blanket decorated with winter foliage covers his rear (he has matching saddle blankets and loose cotton shirts for both, for warm weather). Akhujin also has a beloved, luxuriously fluffy hat made from white rabbit fur, red leather, and eagle feathers.

Akhujin wears large silver studs as earrings, hanging from small hooks in the lobe—he takes them off in instances of battle or hard labor or riding.

Distinctive, and somewhat inexplicable, red marks on his eyes—his tribe calls them "looking smiles".
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the power
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Being born a centaur, not only was Akhujin blessed with the natural speed and strength that comes with his species, but was also raised from infancy to be proficient with the bow. Unfortunately, this upbringing was rather one-note, which has somewhat limited his intellectual and social horizons.


Speed: Like others of his species that are in the prime of life, Akhujin is a very fast creature, with his unladen speed maxing out at 30 MPH or 46 kp/h for short distances and about 80 miles / 50 kilometers per day. Being weighed down decreases these numbers slightly.

Strength: Being a heartier breed of centaur, Akhujin can haul quite a bit, carrying up to two average-sized human riders or haul up to 800 pounds or 400 kilograms. Combined with his own over 600 lbs / 272 kg of weight, Akhujin also can produce quite a bit of momentum and force on his own—if he can control it.

Endurance: Being raised on the steppe has given Akhujin a unique toughness. He can bear extreme heat and cold (though he fares better in the cold), and suffer driving winds and storms of sand or rain or snow.

Archery, Fighting and Hunting: The world Akhujin was raised in was, for all its carefree liberty, physically brutal and bloody. Not long after he was born, a bow was put into Akhujin's hand, and he learned to use it—first on rabbits and deer, then on wolves and bears, then on other men and centaurs. He is also quite familiar with the lance and has a passable skill with axes and sabers. Akhujin can also fight with his fists and hooves, but he is not really skilled at this for anything but friendly competition: generally, if a centaur is reduced to punching or kicking, something has gone terribly wrong. Centaurs, Akhujin included, are not made for that kind of close-quarters combat—the fighting they prefer to do is distant and fluid.


In addition to his clothes, luggage, and weapons harness, Akhujin came equipped with the following:
-A mid-sized, "dual purpose" composite bow, made with spruce wood and oxen horn, complete with leather quiver containing iron-tipped arrows (~60 at maximum).
-A cypress wood lance with an iron head, cheap but durable and effective.
-A steel hatchet, mostly used for utility.
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the story
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Akhujin has had a fairly simple life—his clan, a loosely-defined coalition of different families, made their life in the traditional way in the steppes far out of the wilds since time immemorial, trading and raiding as they ran their herds across the hills and valleys that the centaurs call home. The son of a reasonably prosperous fur trader, Akhujin enjoyed a tough but happy childhood. He was raised to learn how to hunt, run, fight, and live a life among the centaurs. Raised on stories of folk heroes and brought up under the umbrella of this practical education, Akhujin grew up from a energetic and precious colt into a strong and even-keeled stallion.

Akhujin's story was not mere training without hardships, though. Raiding and warfare among the centaurs would on occasion turn the rivers red with blood, as stampedes and fires and storms were a constant danger. All of these things he was forced to face at one point or another. A particularly devastating wildfire early on in Akhujin's childhood, and the gory stampede that followed in the panic, left him with a lifelong anxiety around smoke and crowds. But Akhujin always comported himself well, fighting and acting bravely while continuing to carry his personal carefree, cheery banner.

Unfortunately, Akhujin couldn't fulfill all of his tribes' expectations. Centauri culture required everyone to "make it on their own" to be considered worthy of honor and respect: this required becoming "independently" wealthy (ie, able to support yourself without full family assistance), and to find a mate. In the crowded plains that Akhujin called home, however, available mares and grazing grounds were hard to find, and those which were "up for grabs" became the gravitational center of bitter feuds capable of rending even the most tight of bonds. Unable to find easy opportunities, and unwilling to destroy his friendships and family just to claim a slice of what there already was, Akhujin took the next honorable option available to him: strike out on his own, as a wandering adventurer. Everyone knows that the two-legged folk are always in need of cavalry, for good works or ill: maybe, far away from it all, Akhujin could find his niche.


Along with his weapons and clothes, Akujin is carrying:
-A small personal hide tent, just able to cover his body and gear, keeping off the rain and giving some privacy.
-About a weeks worth of rations—mostly a compact collection of raw grains and smoked meat, but also with some dried herbs and veggies from his home for vitamins and flavor.
-Blankets for sleeping or for extra cold weather.
-A grab-bag of assorted equipment (a flint and steel with firestarters, medicines for common centauri illnesses, copper cookery).
-A couple of bottles of strong imported spirits (a gift from his father).
-Spare clothes.
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