Name: Anneke Helvig
Pronouns: she/them
Sexuality: pansexual/demisexual
Physical Characteristics:
Reference Img
Age: 19-20 yrs (in some variants, is much older but appears about 20)
Height: 5'4
Build: Athletic
Skin Tone: Pale, freckled
Hair: White blonde
Facial Features
Beard: None
Eye Colour: Green
Markings and tattoos: Perpetual dark bags under eyes
Nervous Tics and Habits: Finger/feet tapping, rocking back and forth on her heels, raking her hands through her hair, chewing her thumb if extremely stressed
Character Kinks: None yet discovered
Phobias/Fears: Being disturbed in her sleep, as it could affect her ability to return to her body and potentially result in death.
Additional notes: A pair of very small, twisted horns that sit atop her head. These are usually hidden by her hair or a hat.
Personality: A typical young adult, Annie doesn't have a great hold on her emotions. Her gut reflex when she feels uncomfortable is to respond with a sarcastic comment. In social situations with her peers, she tends to come across as rude and occasionally condescending because she doesn't feel the need to hold to societal niceties and rarely tries to impress anyone. The world appears to her to be mostly black and white, and she often does not understand nuances.
Beneath the spiky exterior is a sensitive empathetic soul who has been recently deeply hurt and abandoned by her own mother. A few situations will always bring out a softer side: if someone is injured or crying, especially someone who appears physically weak or very young (i.e. children, animals). Even so, Annie will respond as if she's helping because "dealing with" their fussing is inconvenient.
Once Annie's loyalty has been won, she would sooner fling herself off a cliff than betray that person's trust. A softer, more generous, and tender side will begin to unfurl - but she does her very best to hide this side from the general public as it can be perceived as weakness.
On a more basic level, Annie is a good student when she is engaged with the subject material. Despite the fact that she's not easily motivated, she's quite intelligent and can be spotted in the tutoring center working for some extra cash.
Storm walker/fighter - Annie father comes from a long line of storm fighters, those who literally project into a draconic form in their sleep in order to protect the immediate area (~100km) from life-threatening storms. Depending on their elemental power, they can either use their breath to reroute the storm into the ocean or stand between the storm and civilization to protect its inhabitants. Despite the fact that they project from their human bodies, they can still sustain injuries to their human form while in this projected state.
Before learning to fight storms, they must first project and walk through the storm to learn its power. This ability appears around puberty, but some experience it much younger. Annie first storm walked when she was eight years old, and due to her father's frequent absence she was unprepared to deal with the physical and mental strain. The young child did not sleep for another two days out of fear for what might happen, instead staring out her window, her heart skipping along with the claps of thunder. Now as a young adult, Annie is a bit more comfortable with storm walking - but she never knows until she is in the storm if it will require her intervention.
When either walking or fighting a storm, Annie's human form is left vulnerable. If her body were to be moved while she was walking, she may be unable to find her body and eventually her physical body would die from malnutrition. It is unknown, or not spoken of, what would happen to her spectral/draconic form in this eventuality, and she is fearful of finding out.
Temperature manipulation - Annie's primary ability in her human form is temperature manipulation. This involves primarily manipulation of the environmental temperature (currently up to as large as a basketball court) but with very focused effort she can cause ice crystals to form in the air. This should evolve with practice but is right now very rudimentary.