Amethyst's Character Tarot Deck

Currently reading:
Amethyst's Character Tarot Deck

Amethyst Baudelaire

Shake the sugar tree
Local time
Today 4:42 AM
Let your intuition take over & choose the card you are drawn too.
This is the bio that I use...does not mean you have to :D

Blank Character Bio

IMG: ♥ Real, Fantasy, or Anime ♥

(Face Claim: Only needed for Real pics; I.E. Actors, Musicians, etc.)








♠ Werewolf ♠

Wolf IMG: ♥ Real, Fantasy or Anime ♥

Wolf's Name:

Do you live in a pack?

Yes, name?

What are they known for?

No, then where do you live?

Do you have a mate?

Yes, name?

No, anyone special?

Do you have a rank?

Yes, what?

What are your responsibilities?

How long have you held this rank?

Wolf's Bio: {When did your wolf come to surface?}

♠ Witch/Wizard ♠

Witch IMG: ♥ Real, Fantasy or Anime ♥

Do you live in a coven?

Yes, name?

What are they known for?

No, then where do you live?

Do you have a rank?

Yes, what?

What are your responsibilities?

How long have you held this rank?

Magical Bio: {When did your magic come to surface?}

Wand/Staff Info:

♠ Vampire ♠

Vampire IMG: ♥ Real, Fantasy or Anime ♥

Do you live in a pack?

Yes, name?

What are they known for?

No, then where do you live?

Do you have a rank?

Yes, what?

What are your responsibilities?

How long have you held this rank?

Blood rank? {Newbie or ancient}










♣ ALL Optional ♣


Skin Tone:

Hair Description:

- Color:

- Highlights:

- Length:

- Style:

- Worn:


- Scars:

- Piercings:



-Facial Features:


♣ ALL Optional ♣





Family Line of Work:

Family Background:

Best Friend(s):


Love Interest:



*For adults only*

Do you own a business?

Yes, what's the name?


No, where do you work?


*For kids only*

Do you go to school?

Yes, name:


Best Class:

Worst Class:

Do you participate in after school extra curricular's?

Yes, list then:

If you do not go to school; tell why answering above what is applicable:

Extra Information•

♠ ALL Optional ♠


Theme Song:

Anything Else:



Name: Alec | Alex Corbin

Nickname(s): Bro *~*TBA; whatever their mate might call them*~*

Age: 25

Gender: Male

Birthday: April 4

Species: Werewolf

♠ Werewolf ♠

Wolf IMG:

Wolf Name: Scar | Sabre

Do you live in a pack? Yes

Yes, name? Blood & Claws

What are they known for? Fighting & Trade

Do you have a mate? "Of course we have a mate; even if we haven't met her."

Yes, name? *~*TBA*~*

Do you have a rank? Yes

Yes, what? The first twin Alpha's in history

What are your responsibilities? "Protecting the pack…"

How long have you held this rank? "Father has been grooming us for the position since we were 5; we were officially dubbed Alpha on our 18th birthday."

Wolf Bio: We came into the boy's lives at a very young age; so young in fact we doubt the boys would even remember the day. They were two years old their first shift; though it is highly unusual for this to happen…it was very necessary otherwise they would have suffered the same fate as their mother.

Orientation: Straight

Past/Bio: "Get to know us."


♣ ALL Optional ♣


- Scars: Battle scars of course

-Tattoos: Yes *~*TBA; will be making up as I go LMAO*~*


♣ ALL Optional ♣

Father: Dole

Mother: Marie {deceased}

Best Friend(s): Jole (Alec's Beta) | Trinity (Alex's Beta)

Enemy(ies): Too many to shake a stick at

- Two Alpha's/One Mate {not my idea but this is what they were made for}

- Open to other idea's




Name: Andre' Van Hagen

*Face Claim: David Beckham*

Nickname(s): Alpha

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Birthday: September 14

Species: Werewolf


Wolf IMG:

Do you live in a pack? Yes

Yes, name? The Lunar Moon Pack

What are the known for? Being first ever multinational pack

Do you have a mate? Not yet but soon; I can feel it

Yes, name? TBA

No, anyone special? Does my family count?

Do you have a rank? Yes

Yes, what? Alpha

What are your responsibilities? Um…running the pack & well everything haha

How long have you held this rank? Wow not really sure; times seems to just mesh together


Personality: people have called him bipolar but really his personality all depends on who he is around; it can range from being a pure prick to a big ol' teddy bear

Likes: training, fighting, running his pack….just having a wonderful time

Dislikes: disloyalty & truly stupid people


ALL Optional

Height: 6ft 6in

Skin Tone: slightly tan

Hair Description:

- Color: dark brown

- Worn: usually combed back


- Scars: some from fights

-Tattoos: {using some of his real tattoo's I found online but tweaking them while not using others}

1. Harper ~on one side of his neck~: Got the day his daughter was born {product of a drunken one night stand}

2. Pretty Lady ~directly above Harper's name~: Got the day she lost all her hair from the fast acting cancer at the age of six.

3. Poinsettia wrapped in R.I.P. ~directly above 'Pretty Lady'~: Got the day Harper died {Christmas Day} just before she turned seven.

4. Jesus and cherubs ~left side of chest~: Signifying the three babies his mother lost at some time; this portrait shows Jesus the children home.

5. Lady in a forest ~right side of chest~: Got this after a dream he had…one he assumed was of his mate because of the way he felt after.

6. Man of sorrows ~on his side~: Jesus on the way to be crucified; he got it the day he came out of his depression stage after the death of his daughter, three young siblings he never got to meet & now his mother.

7. Clouds ~arm sleeve on right arm~: Clouds, Angels, words & some other images make up one huge piece of art work on his arm.

8. Angel and 'let them hate as long as they fear' ~arm sleeve on right arm~: Includes a guardian angel holding a flame and spreading her wings out to converge with his other arm tattoos. Beneath the tattoo is the words "Let Them Hate as Long as They Fear," which is inspired by a quote by the Roman Emperor Tiberius and was also used by Caligula.

9. Pray for me ~arm sleeve on right arm~: This was added to his arm sleeve when he almost died.

10: Very simple heart outline ~left ring finger~: He got this after he cheated on the mate he hasn't met yet to remind him that he does have someone out there who loves him; also to signify that his entire left arm is reserved for the only woman he will ever love.


ALL Optional

Father: Raphael Van Hagen

Mother: Isabel Van Hagen {deceased}

Siblings: -too many to list-

Family Line of Work: Running the first ever multinational pack

Family Background: French

Best Friend(s): Justin; his Beta


Andre' was born & raised in France with his family in the biggest & best pack in all the world. Years ago his great great grand father began expending their pack all over the nation; therefore all over the world the Van Hagen name is extremely well known as well as The Lunar Moon Pack. The best was to explain his kind of pack is franchise; a place or business with the same name run by different people…they run their business or in this case pack their way.

Andre's pack is based in sunny Florida; he found himself a nice wooded area for base of operations…cops give them no trouble since they have become an asset to the lower crime levels. Life & the pack has been a well oiled machine for a long time now…all Andre' is missing is his mate.

- Meet mate @ Mate Ball

- Hero complex - mate is damsel in distress; you know the drill

-Open to other plot idea's




Name: Damian Marshall

Nickname(s): The Demon

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Orientation: Straight

Birthday: March 20

Species: Human


Personality: quite, mysterious, reserved, man of few words but has the ability to command a room with just his presence

Likes: working out with his long time friend, limo driver & body guard {yeah all the same guy}; catching a football from time to time

Dislikes: drinking {this is something he simply does not do}, disloyalty…no matter if that is in his personal life or business {not that he has a personal life}

Hobbies: volunteering his time at shelters & stuff {it's the only time he can feel normal}

Talents: being able to close a deal without saying much of anything


ALL Optional

Height: 6ft 6in

Skin Tone: Healthy Tan ~ not to light not to dark

Hair Description:

- Color: dark brown

- Length: short

- Worn: natural; however it falls for that day


- Scars: various places of his body from his formative years of playing football

-Facial Features: sharp


ALL Optional

Father: Kent Marshall

Mother: Megan Marshall

Siblings: Deborah "Debbie" Marshall ~ Twin Sister

Family Line of Work: CEO of a multinational corporation; the title of CEO is passed down from father to son which is why the business has been so successful for so long.

Best Friend(s): Andy Hernandez ~ limo driver, chauffer, sparring partner & long time best friend

Friend(s): N/A

Love Interest: N/A

Enemy(ies): probably a lot


Do you own a business? Yes

Yes, what's the name? Marshall Enterprises

Type? Buy idea's from company's that can't the idea to work & get it to work to turn a profit. While refusing to sell our idea's until we have exhausted every single possibility to get it to work to make sure anyone we sell it will not be able to turn a profit.


You know the old saying 'born with a silver spoon in their mouth"? Well with most people that is played off as a joke but not my sister & I; we quite literally were born in a class of privilege. My sister loved playing the part of spoiled rich brat but not me so one day as we were entering into our school years; the big decision between private school, boarding school or public school was presented to us. I jumped at the chance to attend public school; now you got to understand I had already been "home schooled" up until now & would probably continue to be groomed to take over the company one day. Oh yes father was already starting that at such a young age; needless to say my parents where shocked about my decision but allowed it to take place. I told them my wish for a normal up bringing until it was absolutely necessary for me to be groomed for the company & just like that they respected my wishes.

My sister was sent off to boarding school that would travel abroad while I started my normal childhood. My first day of elementary school is where I met Andy; we bonded over our love of comic books & became instant best friends. From that day on we did everything together from t-ball to karate, sleep overs at my house which resulted in us terrorizing the maid….it was great.

Fast forwarding to high school; already having had my heart broken twice I had adopted the hard shell that all the girls found so damned appealing for some reason. I was ready for them though; I just give them a look & they back off…my dad had started grooming me to take over the company as per our deal when I was very young & this was part of it…he told me to use my hurt from my relationships & build a wall so I did. However the second I made the football team there was one girl who sunk her claws into me & wouldn't back off; Head Cheerleader Shannon Tucker.

Now fast forwarding once more; the day he graduated from college his father handed over the company to him & he has been running it every since....with his father's help of course.

-Boss/Secretary, Maid or any other worker

-Sugar Daddy/Baby

-Open to other plot idea's

*Either way going there will be light BDSM involved*




Name: Victor Jenkins

Age: 28

Gender: Male

Birthday: Nov. 1

Species: Wizard

♠ Witch/Wizard ♠

Blood Status: Pure Blood

Wand: Rose Wood, 10 3/4, sturdy, Kraken Beak

House: Gryffindor

Quidditch Position: Beater

Patronus: Pheonix

Boggart: Utter Loneliness

Orientation: Straight







Victor is a pureblood wizard who has a very short temper & is very passionate about certain things in life; it is this passion that has given him the label of 'troublemaker'. However the fact is that during his time in school trouble always found him; this only pushed him in school to study harder so he could get out from under his parents thumb.

His parents always tried to instill certain beliefs upon him & all their children; however he simply never cared about what his parents believed. They barely tolerated it when he was sorted into Gryffindor because they felt the ratty old hat made a mistake. However they soon became less & less forgiving when Victor joined the Quidditch team; all around really began to excel & come into his own as a person. They snubbed him for studying "Purebloods don't study" is what he'd hear; normally he chose to ignore everything his family said & just did whatever he wanted anyways which they didn't care for. Alas they assumed he'd grow out of it therefore they kept to their plans for him for summer vacation during his 4th year.

Summer time at his home was very melodramatic; his brother & sister both competing for their parents attention while he stayed in the library either studying or reading for fun. However this summer was VERY different; the first day of vacation a girl two years younger than Victor came to stay at the house. This girl was VERY clingy and annoying; she was always around & wouldn't leave him alone. One day he'd had enough of it; honestly he thought she was there to play with his sister so what was the deal "Why don't you go away & leave me alone?" he screamed at the girl making her put her hands on her hips "Is that any way to talk to your future wife?" His eyes looked up from his book to look at this girl; he'd heard rumors through out his family about arranged marriages but the thought of that was insane. He could tell by the look in her eyes she was telling the truth; this wasn't the first time his parents order's had been challenged by him but this was the first time it went this far.

He exploded on his parents this day telling them he'd never participate in an arranged marriage & anyone who did was insane. On this day he packed up his Hogwarts trunk & left; he knew that by challenging his parents & leaving their home he was now officially disowned but he didn't care. He'd rather be alone & happy than under his parents insane ruling & totally miserable.


Personality: strong, silent type…no one really knows him


♣ ALL Optional ♣

Father: Mr. Jenkins

Mother: Mrs. Jenkins

Siblings: 1 older brother & 1 younger sister {if anyone wishes to play…PM me}

Relatives: none to speak of

Best Friend(s): Anita Delany {Ravenclaw; if anyone wishes to make…PM me}


Do you own a business? No

No, where do you work? Ministry; Werewolf Capture Unit

Welcome one & all to Victor's Adoption Market; more commonly known as VAM; all of these lovely adults are begging to be adopted & let their story be heard.

Enjoy your search!

[size=18pt]Victor's most memorable …'s[/size]

1. Name: Josie Last name open

Suggested FC: Ava Allan (18 years)

Her age when they met: 18

Backstory: Victor was just 25 when he was admitted into St. Mungo's after sustaining a very strange head injury in combat via the Muggle Military.

How they met: The day Victor arrived in St. Mungo's he still wore his combat camouflage & was in rough shape. Though he only possessed minor physical wounds it was the mental infliction that had everyone puzzled. He had no idea who he was or anything & until they could figure out what happened there was no way to help him; so for the time being he was a resident of the hospital.

Night seemed to be the time when he was awake the most with strange images in his head; this was also the time the cute little nurse worked. She was so sweet to him during his stay, she even gave him a journal so he could write down anything he might remember. It took about a week before the Ministry was able to figure out what to him then the doctors could start proper treatment; a potion which took a full week to completely work.

The sweet little night nurse was there every night to see him through the rather painful process.


2. Name: Catalina Last name open

Suggested FC: Deepika Padukone

Her age when they met: 21st birthday

Backstory: Upon being released from the hospital a month ago Victor has become a floater; idly drifting between Muggle London & Wizard London unable to decide where he wishes to call home.

How they met: Muggle bars have always been a favorite of Victor's especially in the last month as Muggle's don't mind opening a tab for someone & letting them work it off. But this bar in particular because of the relaxing atmosphere & smooth jazz from the band made it possible to be perfectly content sitting alone pondering life.

However on this night it played host to a gaggle of girls celebrating a friend's birthday which was made clear by their singing. The birthday girl, who was decorated in ribbon, laughed at them "Okay girls let's get our drink on." It was at that moment Victor stepped up out of seemingly nowhere, stood directly in front of the ribbon decorated girl "Ben, their drinks are on me." While the friends were distracted Victor used his knowledge of Muggle magic; which is nothing more than sleight of hand; to produce a necklace from his pocket which he now held up "I think this belongs to you; it must have fallen right off your neck."

The night wore on with drinks, dancing, gifts & flirting; when the night came to a close everyone went their separate ways. Catalina & Victor were the last to leave the bar "May I have the pleasure of walking you home?" he asked flashing her a smile. Even if he was a bit tipsy he could still be very charming.


3 & 4. Name: Polly & Molly {twins} Last name open

Suggested FC: Klaudia and Laura Badura

Ladies' age when they met him: 25

Backstory: On Victor's 27th birthday, a friend of his set a challenge for him which he gladly accepted before finding out that he only had a year to complete it.

How they met: Since leaving the Muggle Military Victor has had no idea what he wanted to do with his life; however after much thought & consideration. Not to mention tons of research, he finally made the decision to work for the Ministry. Today was the day he was going to put in his application; alas life has a funny way of working out.

On his way to his destination two girls walked up next to him; one of each side & they looked terrified. For a moment Victor honestly thought he was seeing double that is until he realized these girls were twins & from the looks on their faces as well as the statement he barely heard "Please act like you know us." because he was too busy mentally having a party. He had no idea what had these girls so rattled but from how scared they seemed he got the strange feeling they needed a pretend boyfriend right now.

He cradled each of them in his arms the way only a boyfriend would; of course neither of them complained. He ended up changing his destination mid course; instead of the Ministry he headed straight for his house. With the rather long walk he hoped whoever had scared them so bad would give it up & leave; not that he was thinking much about that as he flirted & talked with these two lovely ladies.

When his home came into view he smiled at them both "Would you two like to come in for a drink?"


[size=18pt]Muggle Military[/size]
[size=14pt]Victor's Not so Muggle Military Buddies[/size]

1. Name: Jack Flanagan

Suggested FC: Craig Robert

Age: ?

Blood Status: Open

Schooling: Durmstrang


2. Name: Ralph Lacroix

Suggested FC: Dorian Gregory

Age: ?

Blood Status: Open

Schooling: Open; anywhere that is not Hogwarts


**My version of Hermione; set for some time after the war.**

Face Claim: Emma Watson


Name: Hermione Granger

Nickname(s): Miony

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Birthday: 19 September

Species: Muggle Born Witch



-Wood: Vine

-Core: Dragon Heartstring

-Length: 10¾"

House: Gryffindor


Personality: very smart, many have called her an insufferable know it all

Likes: enjoys being around her friends

Dislikes: that there is no one in her life to give her stimulating conversation

Hobbies: does working count?


ALL Optional

Height: 5ft 5in

Skin Tone: Light

Hair Description:

- Color: dark brown

- Highlights: very few; light brown

- Length: has grown to middle back

- Style: has started keeping her hair straight

- Worn: usually up like in pic


- Scars: some from the battle

-Tattoos: Secret tattoo on her butt


-Facial Features: soft & sweet


ALL Optional

Father: Mr. Granger

Mother: Mrs. Granger

Family Line of Work: both her parents are dentists

Family Background: both her parents are Muggles

Best Friend(s): Ginny

Love Interest: does work count?

Enemy(ies): everyone at work pretty much hates her.


Do you own a business? Nope

No, where do you work? Deputy Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement


Everyone knows her past up til now; heck she was part of the 'Golden Trio' famous for taking down the Dark Lord….blah, blah, blah! What the heck is she talking about if she's not up Harry's ass then no one knows her; well directly after school she tried dating Ron. Honestly it was going well for a time but then she got this feeling…call it woman's intuition or whatever; but she went with it & witnessed Ron completely enthralled in screwing the life out of Lavender Brown. Well since her & Ron was living together at that time she went back to THEIR place & tossed HIS crap out of the apartment, magically changed the locks, put a charm on the place that banned him from her home & set his precious broom on fire before flooing over to the one person who she THOUGHT would have her back.

Much to her surprise Harry took Ron's side which was really stupid because not only did it loose his friendship with Hermione but now his marriage with Ginny is on the rocks. Since then Ginny has used Hermione's apartment a lot to get away from Harry which has allowed the girls to grow closer than ever before. However Hermione knew that Ginny would go back to Harry…they loved each other; but she wasn't ready to forgive him yet.

She couldn't help but wonder….would she ever find love?

- Draco/Hermione Ship…how they meet after so long of being away from school…not sure yet




Full Name: Marla Grey-Bell Mortrape

Face Claim: Mellany Barros

Birthday: Oct. 31

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Witch / Werewolf

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Relationship Status: Single

•Physical Body•

Height: 5ft 8in

Weight: Curvy in all the right places

Birthmark: Inner left forearm

Hair: Thick & wavy when dry; very bushy when wet (almost unmanageable)

•Hogwarts Life•

House: Slytherin

Fav. Class Potions

Least Fav. Class DADA "Why should I want to learn how to defend against the dark arts when I can be a mistress of dark arts."

Quidditch Position: "None I was much to busy creating new potions in secret."


Likes: Talking to snakes, gaining 'friends'

Dislikes: authority

Job: None currently


Marla has always been a rather exceptional child; of course this term is used rather loosely considering it depends on the circle of people is around her at any given moment. The man who created her; for security purposes we are calling him Jay; noticed she had the gift of Fire Magic from the moment he took her out of the cauldron. Oh are you confused by that last statement; we will allow Jay to explain himself.

Hello everyone; Jay here....I am the presumed dead Death Eater of Lord Voldemort, while I was under the Dark Lord's employ it was my duty to come up with new and more powerful spells as well as potions. The spell I was most famous for among the Death Eaters was "Crucio Incedio" however potions was my true calling. I had made many potions with varying outcomes keeping our stores full with said potions and ingredients; however one night I had a dream that all the Death Eaters I now considered family were all dead. I took this to be a premonition; it was strange really....I don't know why but after this dream I felt that I needed the blood of certain Death Eaters. I obtained this by lying and deceiving; I was lucky that they trusted me therefore it was easy to get what I needed from them. I was even able to obtain more than blood from Fennir; the werewolf; I told him I was attempting to make a subspecies and needed his help,. He was more than pleased to help as everyone knows that different parts of a werewolf offers different powers.Just when I thought I had everything I needed for this premonition I found myself (or actually I thought it was myself but actually it was my spirit) being teleported to random places (normally Hogwarts grounds) at various times. It was almost as if I was my own personal time turner; I was teleported to the Chamber of Secrets the moment in which Mr. Potter destroyed the was almost as if I was watching from afar as someone took fresh skin of the snake, a fang and some saliva. I still don't understand how I was able to do what I did but I most likely never will; in fact it happened again when the Games Keeper's pet spider was pronounced dead...again it was like I was watching from afar as someone took some of the web, spiders hair & salvia.

It wasn't until after everyone's death or if they were tossed into Azkaban (good as being dead) that I felt the need to create a whole new potion; to this day I have no idea what all was put into the potion except that nothing seemed to work until one night during a full moon when I was using the last of the blood I collected from certain Death Eaters. At first I didn't think the potion had worked because nothing had happened however something told me to just leave the potion in the cauldron under the full moon over night. I figured I would deal with it in the morning; however late that same evening or maybe it was early the next morning; which ever it was dark out still...I was woken to a sound I had never heard before. The sound of a baby; it took me a while to realize it was coming from my lab; more specifically my cauldron...the potion that had once been there was gone only a baby remained.

Now I had a baby to care for and as strange as it sounded this child brought a bit of happiness into my ever so long darkened life; now most magical children do not start showing signs of magic until the age of two but for one reason or another Marla seemed to be an exception to the rule. As a newborn I must say I was rather surprised to walk in where she had once been sleeping only to see her fully awake with sparks of fire dancing in front of her making her giggle. It was clear to me that even at this very early age she possessed the power of Fire Spells something the Dark Lord was very well known for. It was also on this day that I noticed the small child possessed a birthmark on her inner left forearm however right now it was just a blob so who knows; however I kept a close eye on it as she grew up.

However I had no idea at the time that I would not get to see this little bundle of joy grow up; alas before I knew what was happening time had passed and this baby was now one years old. This amazing age brought loads of surprises and laughs before everything turned topsy turvy. Even at such a young age she quickly became very well acquainted with her fire magic as she could now set a small flame in the palm of her hand; of course it only lasted for a moment because she would always laugh or get excited. One day while I was making dinner I noticed the spatula that I had out on the counter was gone, when I looked over at a giggling Marla; who by the way was sitting in the middle of the floor; had it. I gently took it from her, used it and placed on the counter then from the corner of my eye I noticed the darn thing was hovering for a moment and floating away. I watched as the spatula floated over to Marla until she grabbed it from the air; this I chalked up as Charms and this was something that Severus, Bellatix and the Dark Lord were all very good at. Days before our lives were turned topsy turvy; I had placed Marla in her playpen so I could do some cleaning...while I was cleaning my ears was met with the sounds of giggling but I didn't think anything of it. However that wasn't until Marla came crawling into the room in which I was in making me blink in wonder "Now how on earth?" I voiced as I picked up the young girl and placed her back into her playpen only to watch her this time. It didn't take long for my question to be answered; that little stinker started hovering or floating or whatever; honestly if it was me I'd call it flying settled herself to the ground then instantly crawled over to me making me laugh as I picked her up.

A few days later I had a strange feeling to take Marla and get out of town; it was like another premonition so I did just that. I give Marla a small bit of Sleeping Draught potion wrapped her in my old Slytherin blanket that I had used a few charms on to make it look brand new as well as stitched her name into it as well as her birth date. If this feeling was right; I had to let Marla go cause it would be much too dangerous for her. Little did I know that this decision would drastically change her life but I hoped that she would at least be safe; I packed a bag for myself knowing that some day I would see Marla again...hopefully. I left my tiny cabin hideout and took her to a Muggle Orphanage. I laid her on the the steps, knocked and hid in the shadows watching to see she was taken safely; this orphanage had no name that I could see therefore I had no idea that I just placed her in the same place that the Dark Lord grew up and hated.

Well now that you know a bit of history from Jay; this is where Marla will take over. Sorry to disappoint you all but you will not be hearing directly from Marla today as her mind is vault, locked with a key that only she has. She does not wish to speak of her past but has so graciously granted me permission to do so for her. Now I am sure you are wondering who I am; my name is Xavier and for now that is all you need to know.

Upon being left at the orphanage's doorstep I watched the House Mother pick up the child who I would later discover to be Marla from my current home in the tree next to the building. It didn't take much for me to move along the branch to get closer so I could watch through a window; this child was in a really deep sleep so they put her in a crib so she could sleep. They looked at the blanket that was with her; when I seen the symbol I instantly knew she came from a wizarding family...there are many of us animals even in the Muggle world that have traveled from the wizarding world so therefore we know all about Hogwarts, the Dark Lord and well everything. Now knowing this I felt it was my duty to keep an eye on this girl; however I knew I couldn't do anything to interfere with anything that might happen but at least I could watch and make sure she stayed safe.

Now the first few months here for Marla seemed to be fine; she clearly had magic running through her veins because when ever she'd get bored or was alone she'd lit a small flame in the palm in her hand giggling a bit at the mere sight of it. However things got bad for her when she turned two years old; it wasn't long after they celebrated her birthday...well sort of. They placed a cupcake in front of her and helped her blow out the candle; when she got back into the living room she took a short nap, upon waking up she went to set a small flame in the palm of her hand but this time it came in the form of a small bird. She watched the fire bird fly around the room with bright eyes and clapping saying "Birdie". The House Mother came into the living room hearing Marla but stopped dead in her tracks when she seen the bird of flame flying around "You're a witch!" she screeched making Marla look at the House Mother. However the minute Marla looked away the bird of fire flew straight into the curtains setting them on fire; the look on the House Mother's face was similar to the fire...angry. Someone came to put the fire out as the House Mother herself grabbed Marla and took her some place; it took me a while to find a way to get to where she was. Yes the House Mother put Marla in a dark, dirty, almost dungeon like basement.The minute she got to the basement and the House Mother left her alone; she heard the distinct click of a lock. Upon realizing she could see she lit a flame in her hand however thankfully it didn't turn into a bird though it did turn into an animal but this time it was an elephant. She stood and used the light from the fire elephant to look around; it didn't take long for her to find a lantern which she put the fire elephant into to help her see more fully.

She has slowly turned the basement into something livable; only a mattress on the floor with the blanket she was left on the door step with and enough lanterns to create some light and heat. After who knows how long of eating nothing but the stale bread they threw down to her and only getting water once a day something odd happened once day while playing with a pebble she found.Some how she turned the pebble into a key (transfiguration) that she was able to use to unlock the door from the inside. Now that she could leave, Marla realized it would only be safe to do so at night however she knew that she would have to return before the morning light as she has no where else to go. The first night she left the basement she met someone very special; ME. We ended up becoming good friends which made me happy because now I could go around her without scaring her; especially since now she could talk to snakes (parseltongue).

Being left alone all day (aside from frequent visits from me) Marla found herself remembering every single detail about being outside for the first time in who knows how long. The more she remembered the more it became real; the sun completely surprised her when she suddenly disappeared from the basement only to reappear outside in the forest (apparition). Being outside during the day was amazing; she could go anywhere she wanted to however she always made sure to get back to the basement in a timely fashion for fear they would do a random check on her. She spent her days practicing everything she already knew she could do, as time went on she spent more and more time in the forest mastering her abilities. The day of her tenth birthday (October thirty-first) is the day two things happened at the same time; her fire abilities went a bit hyper and someone appeared to speak to her.On this particular day she was doing well to control a fireball that is until she heard a noise which made her loose her concentration thus resulted in the fireball getting away from her. When the fireball got away from her this resulted in it hitting a tree which started to fall down straight towards her; however she simply smacked the tree away like a bug (physical strength / resistance).

On Marla's tenth birthday she was given the gift of answers that only lead to more questions for her. Okay; so she is a witch with "seemingly natural talent" but there were some things she couldn't wrap her head around. If there is this whole community of magical people; wouldn't they all stick together and make sure no witch....child or not ever went through the life she endured! She already didn't trust anyone but only made things worse; as this person talked...whose name she didn't bother to remember, she found that she was great at fooling people into making them believe that she completely trusted them and was a nice person (acting and charisma). One week before September first Marla managed to sneak out with what little belonging she owns to meet the representative; the person from before told her about. This person took her to a place called Diagon Alley to shop for school supplies but the first stop was Gringotts. The plan was to go to the Hogwarts vault to retrieve money for her however when the goblin asked for her name for their records recognition burned in their eyes. They handed her her very own vault key "Only the highest of security Ms. Mortrape." as well as an envelope with her name in beautiful green calligraphy. As so many thoughts ran through her mind her face, eyes and mind was totally unreadable (occlumency). Marla's vault was full to the rim of so much glittering coins she took a moment to admire it though she acted as if it were no big deal. The goblin tried telling her what coin was what but she held no interest in that as something else entirely caught her attention. A sleek black trunk decorated in silver accents and her initials in the most stunning green she ever seen on top. Inside the trunk, right on top was another note and according to her companion; every single thing she will ever need throughout her seven years in school. Since she had literately everything she decided that there was something she wanted that was on the list....a pet.

Life at Hogwarts was....interesting to say the least; my first night at the school was the first time I ever turned into a werewolf. Much to my roommates surprise I didn't attack her; because of this she helped to sneak me out of the castle & got me into an abandoned classroom. She told me about the Shrieking Shack & it was there where I went for my change every full moon from that moment on. The rest of my time here was spent studying, fooling everyone into thinking that I am the best person on the planet, gathering 'friends' & getting those 'friends' to do anything I wanted. Alas I have finally graduated; since I have no home to go to & the smarts to go into any field of work I have decided to do a bit of traveling.


*~*Family*~* "Well I have their blood running through my veins..."

Lord Voldemort

Bellatrix Lestrange

Severus Snape

Fenrir Greyback

*~*Family heirlooms*~* "These were left for me inside my Hogwarts trunk in a Gringotts Vault."

* Toffee Tin; used by young Tom while at Wool's orphanage to store his collection of stolen objects from the other kids.

* Necklace of Bellatrix; shape of a bird skull & it appears to be made of silver or something similar.

* Knife/Dagger of Bellatrix; short knife made of silver very possibly Goblin made.

*~*Wand*~* (found in my trunk) "My wand was made special for me by someone I still have yet to meet; it is a very loyal wand."


* The bloodwood is a very tropical red wood that is very good for quick reaction, making it a perfect dueling wand. The bloodwood is an excellent stirrer for potions as well. This wand wood is best known for allying itself to dark wizards who perform the dark arts as well as vampires. Bloodwood wands are known for having a dark side and will often change ownership due to the current owner not being dark enough.

* The tulip wood makes for an adventurous wand, eager for new experience and losing brilliance if engaged in mundane activities. It is a quirk of these handsome wands that they may combust if allowed to become 'bored,' and many witches and wizards, settling down into middle age, are disconcerted to find their trusty wand bursting into flame in their hand as they ask it, one more time, to fetch their slippers. As may be deduced, the tulip's ideal owner is curious, vital and adventurous, and when paired with such an owner, it demonstrates a capacity to learn and adapt that earns it a rightful place among the world's most highly-prized wand woods. This wand is much like that of the sycamore wand wood however it finds itself mostly in the American countries. Not many of these wand woods are found to be owned by those outside of the Americas. The tulip wand is an especially popular wand with young females and males.


* If you're thinking about having a wand made with Acromantula web, you're probably a fan of having your wand confiscated by the authorities. Using a wand with this core has been illegal in Britain since 1782, after it was discovered that the wielder of an Acromantula web wand has particular ability with Dark magics, especially the Imperius curse. There are certain diplomatic exceptions, as it is a traditional core for Asian wands, but even those are temporary, and many wizard diplomats on long-term assignments find themselves compelled to procure replacement wands for their stay.

* There are several different cores that can come from a werewolf which include whiskers, hair, saliva, and nails. All of these from a werewolf have their own virtues however they all make for an exceptional wand. Werewolf cores ally themselves with made werewolves and born werewolves very well. However they do often ally themselves with a strong owner, one who has courage, bravery, and loyalty. This wand is an extremely loyal wand and will cause many difficulties for anyone who tries to take the wand from their owner. It will often backfire on someone who has stolen or won the wand, it does not cooperate well with others. Overall the werewolf cores all do well with divinations and outdoorsy elements.

** Whiskers do well with Transfiguration.

** Hair does well with Charms.

** Saliva does well with Potions.

** Nails do well with Hexes, Jinx's and Curses.


These are infused in the handle

* Basilisk Skin & Fang

* Doxy Wings

* The real stone from Salazar Slytherin's family ring

Length: 14in

Flexibility: Fiesty ~ neither stiff nor flexible, but has a mind of it's own often adding more to spells then the owner wants in amounts of power used


* Shadow (Female)

* Xavier (Male)

- Marla is traveling the world; after graduating Hogwarts…to find out everything about herself.




Name: Yukiyo Kumagae

Nickname(s): Yuki

Age: 21

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Birthday: 19 August

Species: Human


Personality: sweet, kind, loving…almost naïve

Likes: cooking, cleaning, reading & being away from her family

Dislikes: people in general but more specifically men…she has deep seeded trust issues

Hobbies: creating new recipes


Height: 5ft 5in

Skin Tone: Bihaku

Hair Description:

- Color: Chestnut Brown

- Length: Long

- Style: Casual

- Worn: Normally worn in braids


-Facial Features: soft & sweet


Father: Master Kumagae

Mother: Okāsan

Family Line of Work: They own a grocery store back in Japan


Do you own a business? No

No, where do you work? Fresh out of college; currently looking


I was born in Japan to a couple who at the time simply worked in a grocery store that someone else owned. It was Masters {my father's} ambition to own his very own grocery store one day. Growing up with my parents was not perfect; my father insisted that I call him Master as well as my mother. He felt that all women were beneath him; a woman's job was in the home cooking, cleaning & such. Alas…a house wife; although I didn't mind because when I cooked or cleaned I was away from him & his torment.

Now don't get me wrong…he never once raised a hand to either or us but the words he spoke was like a dagger to the heart. Every chance he got he'd call us names & degrade us; we could do nothing about it as we were too scared of him. Okāsan & I both knew he was going to kill us one day…we just didn't know when; however that day never came. Something else happened though; one day when I was just 16 an American man came to visit my father. This man wore expensive clothes & enough cologne to last for days; he told my father that he'd like to purchase me & take me to America. Without even hearing what this man might do to me my father sold me; I was disgusted & terrified.

As a last moment of control Master Kumagae did not allow me to take anything from his home saying "Everything in that room you've been staying in is mine; you have bought none of it." I felt as if I had been punched in the gut but left his home that night with nothing but the clothes on my back; I was terrified for my mother fearing Master would kill her once I was gone. However it was that last comment from him that I was glad to be leaving his home no matter the circumstances; honestly I didn't care if this man killed me & left me in an alley.

However he surprised me when he took me to a restaurant, a clothing store (where he let me buy a few outfits) & then we went to have tea…it was here he told me why he bought me. "My name is Andy Hernandez & my boss is the CEO of a multinational corporation; without boring you to death with the details…my boss had seen the way your father treated you while he was here for business. Just before he hoped on the jet to go from one business meeting to another he told me to track down the man that works at the Ming Cho Grocery Store & find out everything about him to get his daughter away from him. So I did; when I found out that his ambition is to own his very own grocery store and how he treats you…I knew the only way to get you was to buy you. My boss has already made contact with a family in the states that is willing to take you will be getting into the states as a foreign exchange student."

Needless to say I was shocked & grateful "Thank you…could you please let your boss know that Master treats mother just as bad as me." Andy nodded softly and soon enough we were boarding a plane heading to America something I never thought would happen! The family I ended up living with was nice; a single mom with a teen daughter. Well until school {high school} started…the girl I was living with turned out to be popular & couldn't dare be seen with the foreigner. Before school started I had told her things in confidence; well that confidence went out the window the minute she put on that cheerleading outfit…my entire life story was spread around the school.

It seemed like devastation found me at every turn; I tried dating a couple of different times but every single time I would end up with my heart broken one way or another. I thought I had a friend but it turned out she was talking to me as a cruel joke! Is this just the way high school is?

Nope guess not…college was exactly the same way; all the way up until graduation. I can't trust anyone! It is just best if I stick to myself…I can trust myself! Me, myself & I is all I need…right?

- College setting: {YC; maybe a jock or something} needs a tutor, his counselor appoints {MC} to do the tutoring ~ to make matters worse YC has been bullying MC every chance he gets since school started

-Open for other idea's
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It has been a long time since I have been active in this group for very personal reasons; but now I am back & ready to go. Of course I will be more than happy to continue with any current RP's - I will leave this up to my partners. However I am also up to quitting current RP's & starting new RP's; simply message me...I will get back with you as soon as I can.

I have been away from this site for a long while dealing with personal issues; of course I told my partners of this. Imagine my surprise when I returned to find nothing for me to reply to within my current RP's. As a result I have closed those RP's however if my partners wish to reopen the RP then all they need to do is let me know.

Therefore all my characters are open for brand new RP's!

So far only these RP's will be reopened

Victor Jenkins - TAKEN​
Note: Since he has such in depth adoptable's & story I might be inclined to create another RP with him sometime down the line
Link to RP:
The Wizard's Hellhound
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