Among Us Characters

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Among Us Characters


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IC l OOC l Characters

For all your character needs.

Character form: You can stylize this however your heart desires, but please ensure that this information is present.

Name: (Real name)
Nickname: (What you'll probably be called the most)
Age: (26+ to allow for school and training)



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Name: Beau Langstrom
Nickname: La Croix
Age: 36
Gender: Male
Color: Black
Rank: Captain

Personality: Beau has always been a born leader. He's serious and dutiful when he needs to be, but can also be softer when the time calls for it. He's lead several missions by this point, and he's seen more than his fair share of astronauts break down from cabin fever. He knows he needs to keep a level head and be compassionate in these situations. Sometimes being a leader means being a listener. He's also had a few run ins with enemy forces on mission, and has no problem facing a threat head on. When it comes down to it, doing what he needs to do to keep his crew safe is his first priority.

Appearance: Beau is tall and lean muscled. The stress of this job has him looking a bit older than he should: a few gray hairs, tired eyes, and stress lines. He keeps his hair short and his bear trimmed. Beau has dark brown eyes and dark skin. He's gotten a few tattoos over the years, one being his daughter's name, Arielle, over his heart on his chest. He sees this as a reminder to keep on the right path and to never fall back into his past vices.

From as early as high school, Beau had his dreams set high. He wanted nothing more than to join the Space Alliance and be an astronaut. It took years of hard work, but he finally achieved that goal and was among the youngest on his first mission at 26. Since then, he hasn't stopped.

He got married shortly after his return from his first mission to his long time girlfriend, Aliyah. It was after he came back to work and was on his next mission that Aliyah informed him that they were having a daughter. Beau took some time off to be with his family. Shortly after his daughter's birth, he got his first big promotion. From the outside, things were looking up. Inside, however, Beau was hiding the massive amount of stress that juggling a family and a very demanding job wrought.

He fell into a drinking habit to relieve the stress. That habit soon formed an addiction. Beau couldn't keep up with work anymore, and his wife noticed his alcoholism and tried several times to get him to quit. Finally, she'd had enough, and she took their daughter and left. The divorce was Beau's wake up call. He suddenly got his shit together and sought the help he needed to kick his addition and be able to have his daughter back in his life. He's been sober for almost four and half years now, and his performance at work shows it. When he's back home, he enjoys weekend visits from his daughter, and even managed to retain a healthy and friendly relationship with his ex-wife.

One of the tools Beau used to break his drinking habit was replacing alcohol with seltzer water whenever he got the urge to drink. His favorite is La Croix, which is how he got his nickname. His work area is often host to at least two empty cans of La Croix, and he brings at least a crate on every mission.

Life has been good to Beau in recent years. He figured out healthy ways to handle his stress, has his daughter's visits to look forward to when he comes home, and he's become a respected member of the Space Alliance.
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