MxF An Exceptionally Spooky Forest. (1980s.)

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MxF An Exceptionally Spooky Forest. (1980s.)

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Today 8:33 AM


Come visit beautiful Gifford Pinchot National Forest!
Hike along the Mount Saint Helens Monument!
Soak in the beauty of the Cowlitz Valley!
Camp in the shadow of Mount Adams!

b̴͕̗̹̭̭̂́̈͛̚ơ̷̙̺͈͚̣̏͋̿͘ ̶̡̬̩̦̙̈͒̐͆͋ń̴̹̤͈͖̣̐̑͝͠o̶̩̙̥̫͕̽̈́̈́̃̇Ɉ̸̡̪̗̼̻̇̀͒̈͘ ̶̡͎̗̠͖̑̄͊̔̚ʇ̷̧̹̺̳̤͑͒̆̈́̓o̶̼̙̜͖͇͊̽̃́̂l̶͙̟̩͎̘̃̈́̎͆͑l̸̠͓͕̻̪͋̃́́͝ò̶̟͍̲͍̭̇͋̋̕w̵̡̝͕̬̰̽̊̒̿̓ ̶̛͖̜͈̰̙̔͋̇̔Ɉ̷̡̮̻̮̘̒͐͋͘͝ʜ̸͍͖̲͙̺̏̾̓̔͠ɘ̷̡̛̛̙̬̲͍̆̇̉ ̵̢̢͕̱̝̓͑̔͌͝ɔ̸̢̟̥̖͓̌̓͒͂̿ɿ̵̮̠̞̞̤̍̏̈́̌̕į̶̭̪̙͔̒̍͘͝͠ɘ̴͖̪͉̠̱̒́͌̀̀ƨ̵̢̢̙̩͆̐͘͘̚ͅ ̵̧̮͓̳̰̄̃́̆͠ʇ̸̗̖͓̙͖͋̅̐̃̇o̵̼͕̰̗̽́̓̽̕ͅɿ̶̦̦̙̝̔̈̈͠͝ͅ ̶̼̱̯̗̯̽̓̑̓̓ʜ̴̗̞̖͈̻̀̓̂͒̊ɘ̶̬̖̝͉̟̓͋̆̌͝l̴̺̬̭̰͍̔́̉̏̅q̸̛͚̱͉̣̪͗͐͒̋.̴̩̬͇̈̽̓̆͠ͅͅ ̴̨̳͓̦̖̊̈̃̂͘ ̴̨͕̰̲̲̈́̓͐͗̕T̸̖̹͓̪̩͌̍̈̓̍ʜ̸̢̻̞͈̦́́͆͐͠ɘ̷̢̯̭̞̀̒͗̍̀ͅγ̸̡̭̯̥͕̏̀̃̊̕'̷̧̞̩͇̖̈̆̂͋̕ɿ̸͖̖̬̼͌͛̍̀̿͜ɘ̴̱͚͚̗͙̐̀͒͋̈ ̵̢̺̜͔̤͗͋̿͘͠n̸̖̱̰̟̖̽̎̄̍̚o̸͕̭͓͈̫͗̽̈͒͊Ɉ̷̫̪̠̺̦̐̏́͑͛ ̵̨̭̱̘̹̅̐̒̾͘ʜ̵̢̩̩̠͇̐̋̀̑́υ̸̛̜̗͍̯͎͐͆̀͒m̷̤̻̳̟̱̏͐̉̎̐ɒ̷̡̢̳̥̗̆̅̈͝͝n̸̗̹̭̫̬̎͆͂͑̄.̷̞͍̪̝̭̄͌͐̓͐

Hello! I've been writing, both as a hobby and as a profession, for more time than I'm willing to admit. Suffice it to say, I am a fairly sufficient writer and storyteller. I'm passionate about old cars, motorcycles (woah who saw that coming with this username), cryptids, long walks on haunted beaches, and telling a really, really good story with a good writer. I also think Minila from Son of Godzilla is the most terrifying creature depicted in cinema.

My posts generally average anywhere from a few paragraphs (and less, depending on scene and the need for there to be back-and-forth dialogue) to as much as a small novella. In a story like the one I'm proposing, I can generally post daily, however there are times that I have to take an extra day or two. Sometimes you just need more time to write or sometimes you just need to live, you know?

It has been seven years since the Mount Saint Helens eruptions. For a majority of the Gifford Pinchot National Forest, life has returned to normal. Tourist numbers are up, campers are flocking in ever-greater numbers, and interest in the park - fueled by a volcanic eruption near-enough in memory to be interesting, but not too near as to be frightening - is at an all-time high. Even still, at over 1,321,506 acres, the forest is a vast and intimidating place. Even in 1987, with modern inventions such as the Walkie-Talkie, the rescue helicopter, and the fax machine, people still go missing.

That being said, United States Department of Agriculture officials would like to gently remind everyone that there has been no noted uptick in disappearances in the park since the eruption. Any such claim is libelous to both the USDA and the United States Forest Service. Help protect our forests by refraining from spreading falsehoods about our precious national treasures.

Visit soon!

Noah doesn't look like he'd be a police officer. He never thought Noah Essex would become Ranger Essex or Officer Essex. His old high school compatriots wouldn't have pegged him as one, either. (.. and if you'd asked a younger Noah after having watched Land of the Lost, he would have said he would have preferred to have been a dinosaur.) Noah is a young man at twenty-three and as spitting image of a product of the 1980s as you can imagine: with long, fiery red hair that reaches down to his back, a pale complexion, and the sort of face that sometimes earns him a Miss at first glance, he sometimes looks out of place in a green uniform, carrying a revolver, playing Forest Ranger for a livelihood. Less law enforcement and more 80s pop star, the 6'1", skinny man is new to the job as one of only six full-time law enforcement officers for Gifford Pinchot.

Noah is not a hero. He is not Superman. His father, an English veteran of the Malayan Emergency and the Korean War, taught the young boy to shoot when he was growing up, but shooting things is not what Noah is about. He wants to talk to happy tourists and point lost hikers in the right direction. He wants to drive his work truck around and tell people how to avoid bringing in invasive species. Drawing his service weapon in the line of duty is anathema to him; his service as a Forest Ranger is not out of a sense of heroism, but a love of the woods and the natural environment that he grew up in.

Noah is not ready for what is coming.

I'm looking for a writer to join in crafting a tale revolving around elements you might find in a modern analog horror like Local58, Greylock, or Gemini Home Entertainment. I am an avid fan of horror and mystery. I love the long build-up of a character(s) discovering that there's something worse than man out in the deep, dark places of the world. I'm also, perhaps equally as importantly, passionate about stories where not everything goes the way we hope it does. I really dislike shows, movies, or books where there's no sense of tension, because at the end of the day, we know the protagonist will succeed and come out on top.

I am looking for an adept writer with a fairly advanced writing style; I am by no means a perfectionist, but I do wish my partners to match my own level of penmenship. If worried, I'm more than happy to provide writing samples to any prospective partners. I ask that my partner be able to write and develop multiple characters. A long-term story is something that can't be done in a bubble. Our two characters might be the protagonists, but they can't be the only ones within it. I also ask any potential partner to be involved in the storywriting process. There are key plot-points that I want to hit and a vague idea of where I want this particular story to go, but there's a lot of different ways to get to Seattle.

For the character written across from Noah, I enjoy different cultures than his own. Having two people who have different outlooks in life, different upbringings, and different cultures is important to me; these sorts of things help drive character development and help bring out the best in our own respective characters. I am a total sucker for romance, even in scenes where our characters are doing battle with the Lizard People Under The Mountain. (This is not the actual plot. ... yet.) I have a strong preference for tough women and I have no qualms in seeing women having more experience or being more suited for the rigors of the horrors of the woods than Noah.

I've already hinted at this, but I am looking for character development in this story. How will your character grow, develop and overcome obstacles? How will Noah? How will they change as a person due to, not just the awful things that will happen, but the good? Not everything is missing persons, undescribable horrors of the dark, or anonymous creatures of the night. Sometimes you have Christmas dinner with someone you love and that's just a nice thing, isn't it?

I am not looking for a story that revolves around sex. I have normally found that sexualizing a story is usually the poison that turns an intriguing, interesting plot into an excuse to write fucking over and over again. While I think sex is an important part of a story, and that its use can help change a character and lead to development, I am always very wary in its overuse. Simply put: sex scenes should be brief, they should be uncommon, and they should be the cherry on top of two characters and their infatuation, instead of the entire ice cream sundae. If you write stories and look forward to the sex scenes (and there's nothing wrong with that), I am likely not the appropriate partner for you.

I try to be a friendly and engaging writing partner, even outside of the writing process. I enjoy talking with my writing partners; one of my longest-running partners, who recently retired from writing, has even become a close family friend. That being said, until we get to know each other and get a feeling of one another, please don't ask probing personal questions. I hate that I have to point this out, but I've had people in the past probe about where I live, what I do for a living, what my family are like, etc. I think there's a time and a place (usually) for us to discuss these things, but please do not pry. If I want to share personal details with you privately, I will. That being said, I'm happy go discuss our passions and how our lives are going. Just be socially aware that we're ultimately strangers on the internet, yeah?

I also ask that you not share sexually explicit content, like gifs, video, or images, without asking my permission. I don't foresee a situation where you would need to do this, but I've also had writing partners randomly share explicit imagery with me, so you never know.

Praise be!
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If you like what you've read, you really want to get spooked, and you like to write more than you realistically should, please feel free to shoot me a PM. I look forward to hearing from you.

Or not. I'm not a cop.

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