MxM Anyone want to do a Poly RP? (MxMxM, Fantasy) {EDITED}

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MxM Anyone want to do a Poly RP? (MxMxM, Fantasy) {EDITED}


10+ Year RPer
Local time
Today 6:15 PM
Middle-Earth (USA/CA)
Hi~ So I'm wanting to do a polyamorous relationship RP. It was be fantasy based. It would be great if you were 18+ just becuase I'm more comfortable with that age and up. I don't have a plot made quite yet but I do have my characters made. So if you're up for it, I'd love to plot with ya if you like my characters, who I'll post below. ^-^ Oh and I can write between 300 and 1000 words or more; depending on muse, plot, and my partner's response. {So please be advanced or at least be able to write no less than 300 words} I do prefer writing in the third person.

Whoops, should have been more specific. I would RP the two demon princes, my partner would RP a seperate character of their own making. Oh, and the demon princes aren't blood related. Separate parents but taken in and raised to be princes to rule the demons by the King of Demons.

Name: Prince Rir'an of the Demon Kingdom, Vukotus.
Age: Looks 26, is several Millennium older.
Place of Birth: Silia, Capital of the Kingdom of Vukotus
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Demon

Appearance/Description: Rir'an has shaggy white hair, the length falls just below his ears and is almost messy looking. With red-tinged skin, showing his demon heritage. He's fit and just above 6'2, so slightly above average height for demons. Scars litter his body, as fitting for a Prince of Death. However it is Rir'ans' eyes that really show his uniqueness among his fellow demons. The Prince has dark stormy blue eyes with flecks of black seeming to move around his sadistically gleeful gaze at all times. This is different from his parents who have pure black eyes. In fact, no one in the kingdom has eyes like his and his beloved's, all either have solid black or red eyes. In an almost alarming difference, the demon has feathery wings almost angelic looking but… something still unnatural about them; left-wing is white and right-wing is black.
Scars: Rir'an's left wing is a shadow of itself, with clumps of fathers missing and the wing itself being bent and permanently crippled. A large jagged scar goes diagonal across his neck for all to see, if seen up close the tip of the scar is shallow but gradually gets deeper. Various other scars basically cover his body, but the aforementioned ones are the most disturbing.
Personality/Attitude: Both prince's tend to be seen as cold and distant when seen at Balls or other festivities in or out of the palace. But, they weren't always this way as when they were younger, both were very open and sweet children. But around the age of eight they went on a journey with their king and returned completely shut down and refused to let anyone in. The king refuses to say what happened that changed the two he chose as his heirs, but apparently it was 'for the best'. Rir'an is the more outspoken one of the pair of prince's.

Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: His birth parents are Lord Zacra and Lady Melena. Rir'an as an abnormally large silver wolf named Thanatos who follow him as though it was his shadow.
Skills/Talents/Special Training: As tradition calls, when chosen as an heir he must become skilled in swordplay, strategy and persuasion. Rir'an specialty though, is in throwing knives/stars.
Philosophy of Life: Ri- "Carve deep enough and everyone bleeds."
Occupation: Prince and Heir to the Vukotus kingdom.
Other: At just 8-years-old, after showing advanced strength in combat magic levels, his family was approached by King Sezzalr and he was the second to be chosen as Heir.

Name: Prince Trazgorin of the Demon Kingdom, Vukotus.
Age: Looks 26, is several Millennium older.
Place of Birth: Jaruon, Slums of the smallest city of the Kingdom of Vukotus
Gender: Male
Species/Racial Origin: Demon

Appearance/Description: Trazgorin has long silky white hair, coming to about the lower part of his back. It's either held back in a complex braid or allowed to flow loose down his shoulders and back. True to his kin, his skin is tinged red and litter with scars. Though unike his demon lover this prince is on a more… delicate looking plain. With slim limbs and his height coming to about 5'9, he's below the usual height for his kind. The demon has brilliant white eyes with a blood-red swirl in the center of his sorrowful yet intelligent eyes. As for what his parents' eyes… Well, with no memory of them, there can be no comparison. That said, unlike his partner most demons eyes are either pure red or black. Traz has feathery wings, much like Rir'an but his are blood red- with various feathers here and there that are snow-white.
Scars: Meanwhile, Trazgorin's face is deformed. It's as if a perfect line was drawn straight down the middle of it, with the right side of his face completely burned. The left side is webbed with black veins that almost seem to glow. Aside from that the demon's body has symbols and words burned upon it, condensed on his chest, palm of his hands, and bottoms of his feet.
Personality/Attitude: Both prince's tend to be seen as cold and distant when seen at Balls or other festivities in or out of the palace. But, they weren't always this way as when they were younger, both were very open and sweet children. But around the age of eight they went on a journey with their king and returned completely shut down and refused to let anyone in. The king refuses to say what happened that changed the two he chose as his heirs, but apparently it was 'for the best'.

Besides that, Trazgorin is almost… dazed, as though he isn't actually mentally there. Words are soft and slow, like he is more than half asleep- even daring to yaw at random times.
Family/Friends/Pets/Etc: Birth parents are unknown. Trazgorin has an abnormally large black panther named Apollo.
Skills/Talents/Special Training: As tradition calls, when chosen as an heir he must become skilled in swordplay, strategy and persuasion. Trazgorin special is with poisons- the making and use of them.
Philosophy of Life: "Intelligence comes in many forms, which form are you?"
Occupation: Prince and Heir to the Vukotus kingdom.
Other: From the moment he was born, Traz was different from his peers. Sadly, his parents were hated strongly and bad luck befell them hard. Before he was one-years-old his family was thrown in the slums and he was the sole survivor. At four-years-old he was found by King Sezzalr and taken to be his first Heir.
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My usual is about 100 words and I've never written poly stories, but I'd like to try. My posting will be slow though, since I have school and stuff. If you'd like to RP with me, here's a list of my OCs. OC list
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