All Aoba’s search [Fxany!]

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All Aoba’s search [Fxany!]


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Tomorrow 3:43 AM
Spain U.u
Good morning/afternoon/evening/night!

I'm Eternal Eternity, nice to meet you! I have a few years of experience already when it comes to RP. I'm here in the hopes of finding some RPs I can focus on in order to escape RL and my own job, although who doesn't to an extent, anyways? (Working in healthcare during these times is quite hard..). Anyways, first I'll talk a bit about myself:

  • I have over 5+ years of experience, probably more, when it comes to roleplaying.
  • I'm quite versatile and can play any gender, as a female or as a male character.
  • English is not my first language, so any feedback you might have regarding my writing skills is appreciated. I don't think I'm too bad with it either though, hopefully.
  • I can play as either a dominant, submissive, top, bottom or switch/versatile/seke character for you!
  • I can play harems/more than one character for both fandom and original stories. I don't require you playing more than one character in return, though.
  • I can play both original and fandom stories. Although I have a current, somewhat strong, preference for random RPs.
  • I like all: MxF, FxF and MxM pairings. Although I'm slightly more well-versed and interested in MxM couples. Bear in mind that, for MxF pairings, I can play as either a male or a female role.

Now, these are the fandoms I'm willing to indulge in at the moment (Age and settings will be modified so that characters are eighteen and already graduated from high school at the beginning of the RP, so that they comply with the forum rules):

  • Shingeki no Kyojin. I'm willing to play as Mikasa Ackerman, Annie Leonheart, Christa or Ymir.
  • RWBY: I can play any of the ladies but my very favorite is Yang! Not willing to play against male characters though, unless we're doubling up!
  • Sailor Moon: Again, not willing to play opposite to male characters for this unless we're doubling up!
  • TLOU2: Mainly looking to play as Ellie against a female canon or OC!

Here are some original pairings I could also do. I'm willing to do some plotting together with any potential partners or to take any plots, in case you have any you'd need a parter for. Bold roles are the ones I'd like to play as. In case there are no bold roles, it means I don't mind who I'm to play as and/or against:

  • Student x student (18 or above, college)
  • Professor x student (college)
  • Master x slave (would require doubling-up)
  • Supernatural creature x any
  • Witch x knight
  • Knight x prince(ss)
  • Time traveler x time traveler/space travel…
  • Time traveler x noble/civilian/figure of the era they ended up stranded in
  • Isekai worlds/Cyberpunk/aliens
  • Vampire x reincarnated lover/soulmate
  • Soulmate x soulmate
  • Fantasy creature x human
  • Twin x twin (same gender)
  • Jock/Cheerleader/popular girl x nerd (college)
  • Doctor x (mental health) patient (could play a doctor role too if we are doubling up)
  • Patient x patient
  • Threesomes/orgies/polyamory
  • Mafia member/boss x detective
  • Criminal x detective/policeman
  • Villain x hero
  • Noble x noble/prince(ss) x prince(ss). Be it in an arranged marriage or not. It could be fun mixing up an arranged marriage with one of the members of the pair having to pretend they're from the opposite gender though, for whatever reason!
  • Apocalyptic world: survivor x survivor/mercenary/soldier

And finally, I'll be adding some of my limits regarding kinks. Anything that's not listed here is always up for discussion, unless it's against the rules:

KINK LIMITS, that is, I will always refuse to do what I will list below, except for really, really scarce exceptions.

  • Scat, vomit, vore and characters any younger than eighteen. That's a huge no.
  • Incest, willing to discuss depending on plot. But chances are I'll say no, regardless.
  • Too feisty/uncooperative submissives (a bit of struggle is fine but if I'm playing a dominant, I won't have them chasing after your character the whole time).
  • Playing as a dominant female for MxF pairings, unless we are doubling up.
  • Animals/bestiality/anthros.
  • Playing as a power bottom. If I'm to play a dominant for MxM stuff, I'd like for him to be a top.
  • Characters' death (unless they are side or it's been discussed beforehand).
  • First person or second person point of view for roleplaying.
  • Off-site roleplays

My preferences range from fluffy stuff to the darker and grittier side of things. Depending on what you like, feel free to ask. I love some good, slice of life, fluffy and romantic stories as well as a good horror, angsty setting. As well as historical settings, mystery, supernatural or fantasy. Also, regarding fandoms, all characters will be 18+ years old and/or aged up until they're at least 18. Likewise, no character below 18 will appear in any kind of story, be it original or fandom, under no circumstances! Sorry about that!

Well then, that's all for now. If you happen to be interested, let me know through PMs (I don't check this thread too often)! Thanks for reading and have a nice day!

PS: Also willing to double up/play opposite to either OCs or canon characters! I will only write as canon characters myself whenever we engage in a fandom RP though! Unless they're secondary characters!
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