MxM Arabis' Idea Collection

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MxM Arabis' Idea Collection

Arabis Eclipse

Warlock of Bahamut
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Tomorrow 12:23 AM
Welcome to my little. Or maybe not so little idea collection. I'm your Host Arabis.
A little bit about me. I'm 29 by now and have written RP's since I was 13 switching from German to English when I was around 20. By now I actually feel weird writing stories or RP's in German haha.

Post style: 3rd person, past tense, prose

Post length: around 200-300 words usually. Starts tend to be longer.

Post frequency: at least one a day, more when I have the time.

Character Bio/Picture: I usually don't write down bio's or look for pictures (since I usually never find one that fits my idea) since even if I intend to have a character be a certain kind usually the character has other ideas once I start writing so I don't want to limit myself by saying beforehand he likes x or dislikes y when in the end it turns out completely different.

Story vs Smut: Genereally I like both but the smut should never push the story out of the picture

Sexual details: I only place male x male RP's and usually my characters lean more towards bottom which doesn't mean that they will lie there like a dead fish and take anything. It only means they enjoy it more the be penetrated than doing the penetration themselves. But with the right writing partner I will also gladly take over characters that are more Top, especially if secondary pairings appear.

My f-list (for smut related do's and don'ts


YC is a royal knight, serving King and country for years now and like everybody else YC knows the story of the crown prince disappearing only weeks after he was born without any clue where he was taken or who was responsible for it. And after the whole country searching for the prince for several years now YC didn't ever expect to find him. And especially not in a house specialized in pleasure. But that was exactly what happened when YC was talked into having some fun at a brothel.
YC could have been a young knight and in charge of looking after the infant prince (And failing) which leads to him having a lot of pent up guilt.

Instead of the Prince getting kidnapped the royal spies actually got information about a planned assassination towards the prince and he could be brought to safety.

As long as MC remembered he was the son of a mere blacksmith in a small remote town far from the capital city. Until one day YC appeared, revealing to him that the man he had thought to be his father, was actually a former royal knight who had gotten the mission to hide and protect the crown prince since there had been several threats around the prince's birth to take his life and they never had gotten any lead on the culprits. Until now.

So now MC is meant to return to the capital city with YC at his side who is to help him fin his way around in his new royal life.

The war between the Fae and humans had been devastating for both sides but it had been the elven mages that had crushed the human armies in the end and so the human kingdom had fallen under Fae rule. But surprisingly for everybody on the Human side, the King of the Fae ordered only two things. That all decisions made in the Human kingdom would have to be approved by him and that MC, the crown prince of the human Kingdom would come and live with the elves under the king's (YC) supervision. The humans thought he was meant to be a hostage but YC's thoughts went rather towards teaching and training the young man to be a better and more knowledgeable ruler than his father was. Little did YC and MC expect that they would end up intrigued and fascinated by each other.

MC expected a few things when his grandfather left him his fortune and estate, skipping his father in the process but what he certainly didn't expect was to find a vampire lurking in the estate, claiming to be his new bodyguard and servant. Because YC has sworn a blood oath to MC's family to protect the head of the family until he is released from this oath. In return MC is meant to be the one providing YC with his blood to keep him strong.

YC doesn't know much more of the World than the rough, unforgiving woods and cold winters of the north where he grew up, traveling and hunting with his father. He has heard stories and legends about fantastical creatures that lived in the south, of magic that could do things he couldn't even imagine.
Until one day he runs into MC. More exotic than anything he had ever seen MC draws YC in and before he knows what's happening, they are on their way to the south together, to a different country where all the things from the legends seemed to come alive.

I imagine MC as a kind of spy/thief, not quite human, more leaning towards a type of elven creature.

YC is a young servant that just got hired by an old noble family and has high hopes to one day be the Butler when he has proven himself worthy. On his first day he meetsMC lurking in the kitchen and by the way he is dressed and the way he's making himself a sandwich it seems to be another servant, which leads to YC dragging MC along trying to find out what his duty is. Though eventually they are found by the lady of the house which then reveals to YC that he has dragged the young master around.

Thinking he has ruined his whole career by angering MC he is more than surprised when MC asks his mother to make YC his new manservant, as he is in need of one.

This is a Pairing that would start out as a rather smut based RP with YC buying the Neko MC or getting him as a present from somebody else and deciding to keep him as a pet and servant for his 'personal' needs aka for his bed. The Lord can be slightly sadistic though I'd like it more to be of a teasing sort. And I'd like the Neko to be a bit younger though that's of course up for debate.

As long as MC remembered he had the same series of dreams. They were more like memories than real dreams if he had to be honest and sometimes he wondered if they were memories from his past life. Which made it even weirder when he met YC who looked exactly like the Lover of his dream self.

YC on the other hand couldn't believe his eyes either as he met MC who looked like a mirror image of his lost love that had died hundreds of years before, making him lose his mind in grief and turning his path towards self destruction which had let to him becoming a vampire.

MC is a young japanese man who, aside from his studies, works part time as a Maid in his sisters Maid Café, pretending to be a girl.

YC on the other hand is a wealthy businessman (perhaps with a Yakuza background) who has to hide his taste for men in his social surrounding.

One day YC visits the Café MC works in and by chance notices his slight adam's apple, seeing the chance to have a cute man at his side and still making everybody believe that it was a woman YC approaches MC. At first all YC cares about is sex and the chance to shut up his firm's management and his family who tell him to finally find a girlfriend, but eventually as he gets to know MC more he actually falls in love with the young man.

At first I'd like to concentrate on their sexual and romantic relationship but eventually we can have more 'action' and story, especially if we go with the Yakuza affiliation.
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