Challenge Submission Are You Me?

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Challenge Submission Are You Me?


Queen of the Damned
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Frost covered roots. Mountains of snow. A realm of cold and death. All the things that scared her most were there. It was the chill that made her blood spike with fear and her mind fray around the edges. It sent a jolt through her spine, making her body quake and twitch, her very being - both mental and physical - desperate to run. Like a seam splitting, she could feel her soul peering down at her from the dull blue sky. Lights, blue, green, and red. They shifted above her like an omen. It was exactly how she'd imagined it. There was no place on Earth that could do it justice. Only this desolate wasteland. Where living creatures wandered only to freeze and pass on to another world. Was it this one we came to when we died? Did those here come to ours after their blood grew still?

Bone, solid and driven into the snow like the end of a shovel. A symbol of what was before her. It was so large, the rib cage towered above her head, curving inward to form a cage that spanned at least a hundred feet across. Who was the dragon in her life, and why was he dead? The skull held its maw wide open, ready to devour the world that had cruelly put it down.

She stepped forward. Looking down she saw that her feet were bare, but she could feel nothing. At least, not on the outside. She felt the cold, but it was something deeper. It ate at the cavern in her chest where perhaps she'd once had a heart. Her eyes rose to there dragon carcass, taking in the wing thrown over the snowy peak of a mountain. He was caged, trapped in a crevice between two worlds. Even in death, there was no escaping the internal struggle he had faced.

"Are" she whispered into the silent air.

Even the wind had died down. There was no sound besides her breath. Inhale. Exhale. The movement had always felt so natural, but suddenly she felt as if there was a pressure in her abdomen, forcing the air from her lungs. Something inside her was desperate for the cold she was surrounded by. It wanted to fall into the snow, become one with the Earth.

She didn't want to. Her mind may have been unraveling like a piece of thread in the fabric of her being, but she wouldn't submit to this...thing, inside her. She could feel its mouth opening, its teeth dripping black ichor that seeped into her blood and coursed through her veins. She didn't want it, this struggle inside her. Her body was desperately trying to resist the infection, but it was useless. The war was already won. Time and space was broken. There was nothing left to fight for.

She was on the ground, the sky above her no longer lit by the light she'd seen before. Her back was cold and damp, a reminder of how uncomfortable it all felt. But she liked it. The discomfort was intriguing, like looked at a picture of a cyst. It disgusted her, but she couldn't look away. Her eyes were locked on the image, intent on the feeling that swept through her like a tidal wave.

She closed her eyes. Then she opened them.

The dark ceiling above her was stained brown. The air inside the house was muggy and stale. She could feel the needle still in her arm. She must have passed out from the high. The sting was a welcome distraction. And yet it was also a reminder of the struggle. Of the other world that haunted her dreams.

She stared up at the ceiling. Her skin was sticky with sweat and her hair was matted and dirty. There was still a little more heroine beside her. Waiting. Calling. Beckoning.

Her eyes watered, images floating over her iris. She could have sworn she saw the dragon again. Felt the cold.

"Are you me?" she whispered to the silence.
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