Any Astrologist's Passive Request Thread (Romance, potential Gore)

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Any Astrologist's Passive Request Thread (Romance, potential Gore)


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About Me

Hello! My name is Christina but most just call me Ghost.

I've been roleplaying for 9 years, but have taken a break since 2017 after a bad falling-out with a friend. Ever since, starting new roleplays with new partners has been quite difficult. I haven't had to seek out new partners in... ages. I met my last/newest partner in... 2014? 2013? So I'm pretty rusty.

I really do want to commit to someone new, though. I want to find someone, or multiple someones, who I can chat with regularly, get along with, maybe even play games with outside of roleplaying. Most of my RP partners and I have eventually done some sort of activity together while we discuss roleplay ideas. Like sharing screens and drawing or playing Overwatch. Definitely not necessary, though. I really enjoy talking about Overwatch, Astrology, mental health and philosophy, politics, game development, art, and obviously characters and writing.

I am looking for someone who is equally knowledgeable on Astrology as me! Or at least in a similar ballpark. I love discussing characters in terms of Astrology, and their natal chart placements. If I could find someone like that, I'd love you.

  • Do not poke me. I do not appreciate this at all, it makes roleplaying a stressful experience for me when it isn't supposed to be. I work 7 days a week at the moment, and can't guarantee frequent posts. You can stop here if you're expecting daily posts. Neither of us are going to have a good time if we have differing preferences for timeliness, that lead to my two year break on roleplaying.
  • Respect my boundaries for NSFW content. I understand that I can be a little confusing with this sometimes, I have always enjoyed smut as a minor aspect of my stories. However, more often than not it makes me uncomfortable and halts the roleplay, so I would prefer to roleplay with someone who doesn't want NSFW scenes. Or, someone who enjoys those scenes but doesn't mind having them entirely absent from the roleplay.
NSFW/Violence Limits-
  • I love gore. I love the hurt/comfort and heavy dark themes in my stories. More of those are in my document in the about me. Don't kill my character without asking, but it's a 50/50 chance I'd say yes.
  • Sex is something I can easily avoid. For plot reasons, I'm down for the forever teased 'fade to black' meme. I do enjoy hurt/comfort and dark themes, so I've had roleplays with non-con elements in them, but they're skippable. I would never want to be the assailant, nor would I ask that of you.
  • Poe's Corner sounds like the best area for my roleplays, I think? Though, Mark Twain sounds fine, too. Gore isn't essential for me.
Roleplay Stats
  • Length: I write a minimum of 250 words/1800 characters /2 paragraphs, and usually max at around 12,000 characters/7 paragraphs. I base my average length of of years in Skype chat, so no word count. I will only write less if I need a response from your character on something and want to avoid godmodding.
  • Characters: I prefer to double up on relationships to avoid our main characters beinig forced into a relationship. I also like playing a lot of characters. Though I usually start a roleplay with just 1 main characters, and add villians and NPCs along the way. If you prefer just one character, thats fine, as long as they can hold their weight. I also enjoy multiple characters because time skipping isn't always necessary just because one character is away.
  • Frequency: I am very busy and therefore might only post one or two days a week. I might not feel like it that week, but I wouldn't go more than two weeks on a post. Just letting you know, that I might be very infrequent! So if you're someone like me with a lot of other responsibilities, that doesn't mind a slower story, we should be friends!
I will be on this website, but I might become less active if I don't have a roleplay going on. Please PM me if you want to talk, don't comment below and leave the space free for me.
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