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Either Needed ATLA Legends: Non-bender Needed

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Inner Sanctum Nobility Corrupting Influence 250 Posts! 1000 Likes! December Challenge Participant
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the deep recesses of your mind
The Petals of Destiny - this is the RP.

This is an ongoing RP set in the world of Avatar the Last Airbender, roughly 9500 years before the events of the original series, during the era of the 4th avatar, the first earth nation avatar. At present, they are 8 years old, and somewhere deep within the heart of the Earth Dynasties, warring regions that are mostly ignorant to the Avatar's existence. Dorje, an exiled air nomad and spiritual guru, fallen from grace and attempting to find himself, if not his redemption, after spending the past 6-8 years fighting in fighting pits and drinking himself stupid has decided to try and seek out the new avatar.

This RP isn't about the avatar, nor will the avatar be a playable character. This RP is about the potential future Team Avatar, their misadventures and struggles along the way. At present, there are three four players, and three four characters. They are as follows:

Dorje - male airbender in his mid 30's
Kisa - female waterbender from the southern tribes, and a mercenary that has decided to stand by the airbender for one reason or another, early 20's
Yilin - female earthbender who has yet to choose whether or not she will be traveling with Dorje and Kisa, and still doesn't know of their quest, early 20's
Zaisun - male firebender who fled the fire isles he called home when his family was stripped of their power and authority. Mid 20's I believe??

They are traveling into the mountains, a region that will become Omashu in the distant future, seeking work that will take them deeper into the Earth Dynasties. Dorje only hopes they find a lead before a corrupt and power hungry warlord discovers the avatar before he does. What terrors they might unleash upon the world if they were to control and manipulate the child...

There is a firebender position open, as well as a non-bender position open.

If you are interested in playing a firebender, please read up on the cultural info for fire nation at this period of time in the world's history, found in the spoiler below.

If you are interested in joining, please DM me with a writing sample of yours, and a concept for your possible character(s).

Also some cultural aspects to the rp to keep in mind since it takes place like 9500 years before Avatar Aang.

Fire Nation culture:

There is no fire lord. The monarchy does not exist and doesn't exist for thousands of years. Fire bending is a trait that elevates bloodlines in the hierarchy of their society. The fire nation comprises of a ton of islands and each island governs themselves. They partake in tribal warfare as well, but that's beside the point. The familial hierarchy of the fire islands is tier based. If a bloodline possesses the ability to fire bend they are most likely to be nobles, governed by the strongest and most resilient of the families on each island. Nonbenders would be the "peasants" in this tier based culture. When a child is born with fire bending abilities they elevate the family's status, and they are trained from the youngest possible age to hone their bending skills, further elevating the family's status. Agne Kai can be utilized to challenge the ruler of the ruling family to reorganize the power structure on an island to island basis. Failing to meet family's expectations can lead to disgrace, not only for the individual, but for the family as a whole, because families as a whole are also held to certain standards and expectations as well depending on the tier they possess within their culture. Great deeds and achievements, feats of notable regard, etc. also elevate family status. Remember, the importance of a firebender's top knot cannot be understated. Top knots are cut off when a firebender has disgraced themselves, their families, and/or their people as a whole.

Earth Dynasties:

The Earth Kingdom will not exist for thousands of years either. This giant landmass is divided into several dynasties, of which also partake in tribal warfare. These dynasties are ruled by those chosen by each territory's respective spirit. The divine right to rule is passed down via bloodline until either the bloodline is wiped out or the territory's spirit selects a new ruler. These rulers are worshiped as gods by their people and they demand unyielding loyalty from their subjects. How they choose to govern their dynasty is completely up to them, however, the spirits can intervene however they see fit, removing them from power. Nobody knows what reasons the spirits might have for doing this yet as spirits are immortal and humanity has only gone a few hundred years without the lion turtles protecting them.

Water Tribes:

The people of the water tribes are very community oriented, and unlike the fire islands and earth dynasties, the water tribes do not partake in tribal warfare. There are no rulers within the water tribes either, but instead, it is every water tribe citizen's duty to provide wisdom and conflict resolution as they become the tribe's elders. The elders of the water tribes are deeply respected and regarded as arguably the most important people in the water tribes. Regardless if someone can bend or not, every citizen is viewed with equal importance and treated with equal dignity, and are trained to do their part for their tribe to the best of their abilities, whatever that might look like on and individual to individual basis. However, those who do not pull their weight, or those who repeatedly burden the efficiency of community, are often exiled for a period of time and able to return once they are able to prove their worth after living in the wilderness of the tundra alone, if they survive. Despite their station or occupation, all water tribe men are trained as warriors and fishermen as it isn't uncommon for people of other nations to attack them, believing them to be weak. The Northern Water Tribe is the heart of both water tribe's spirituality and philosophy, whereas the Southern Water Tribe acts as the tribe's wisdom and worldliness, as it is far more common for southern water tribe to venture to the north pole than it is for anyone in the north to venture to the south. Every few years people from the southern water tribe trek to the northern water tribe and a festival to celebrate their travels and arrival takes place, where the two tribes will exchange knowledge and teachings, stories, wisdom, goods, etc.

Air Nomads:

I think this one is a given. They've basically been established to be peaceful, spiritual monks since before Wan's era, and this has never changed. Only thing that has changed is the establishment of the air temples which presently have not existed for very long. 200 years max. Maybe 100. Flying bison have not yet been discovered either. Most air benders at this time are primarily nomadic, using the temples as way points, educational hubs, and for reunions. It is where young monks are born and raised until old enough to live the nomadic lifestyle (in smaller doses at younger ages and more and more as they get older), something every monk strives for. No monk remains in any temple for too long unless they are too old to travel, in which case they'd end up serving their people from the chamber of elders. Air nomads are universally adored and respected by all people of the world as they are neutral and will provide help and wisdom to anyone despite their nature. For this reason, it is a normal occurrence that, when an air nomad makes their presence known somewhere, they are always given a place to rest and food to eat.


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To add to this:

Also some cultural aspects to the rp to keep in mind since it takes place like 9500 years before Avatar Aang.

Fire Nation culture:

There is no fire lord. The monarchy does not exist and doesn't exist for thousands of years. Fire bending is a trait that elevates bloodlines in the hierarchy of their society. The fire nation comprises of a ton of islands and each island governs themselves. They partake in tribal warfare as well, but that's beside the point. The familial hierarchy of the fire islands is tier based. If a bloodline possesses the ability to fire bend they are most likely to be nobles, governed by the strongest and most resilient of the families on each island. Nonbenders would be the "peasants" in this tier based culture. When a child is born with fire bending abilities they elevate the family's status, and they are trained from the youngest possible age to hone their bending skills, further elevating the family's status. Agne Kai can be utilized to challenge the ruler of the ruling family to reorganize the power structure on an island to island basis. Failing to meet family's expectations can lead to disgrace, not only for the individual, but for the family as a whole, because families as a whole are also held to certain standards and expectations as well depending on the tier they possess within their culture. Great deeds and achievements, feats of notable regard, etc. also elevate family status. Remember, the importance of a firebender's top knot cannot be understated. Top knots are cut off when a firebender has disgraced themselves, their families, and/or their people as a whole.

Earth Dynasties:

The Earth Kingdom will not exist for thousands of years either. This giant landmass is divided into several dynasties, of which also partake in tribal warfare. These dynasties are ruled by those chosen by each territory's respective spirit. The divine right to rule is passed down via bloodline until either the bloodline is wiped out or the territory's spirit selects a new ruler. These rulers are worshiped as gods by their people and they demand unyielding loyalty from their subjects. How they choose to govern their dynasty is completely up to them, however, the spirits can intervene however they see fit, removing them from power. Nobody knows what reasons the spirits might have for doing this yet as spirits are immortal and humanity has only gone a few hundred years without the lion turtles protecting them.

Water Tribes:

The people of the water tribes are very community oriented, and unlike the fire islands and earth dynasties, the water tribes do not partake in tribal warfare. There are no rulers within the water tribes either, but instead, it is every water tribe citizen's duty to provide wisdom and conflict resolution as they become the tribe's elders. The elders of the water tribes are deeply respected and regarded as arguably the most important people in the water tribes. Regardless if someone can bend or not, every citizen is viewed with equal importance and treated with equal dignity, and are trained to do their part for their tribe to the best of their abilities, whatever that might look like on and individual to individual basis. However, those who do not pull their weight, or those who repeatedly burden the efficiency of community, are often exiled for a period of time and able to return once they are able to prove their worth after living in the wilderness of the tundra alone, if they survive. Despite their station or occupation, all water tribe men are trained as warriors and fishermen as it isn't uncommon for people of other nations to attack them, believing them to be weak. The Northern Water Tribe is the heart of both water tribe's spirituality and philosophy, whereas the Southern Water Tribe acts as the tribe's wisdom and worldliness, as it is far more common for southern water tribe to venture to the north pole than it is for anyone in the north to venture to the south. Every few years people from the southern water tribe trek to the northern water tribe and a festival to celebrate their travels and arrival takes place, where the two tribes will exchange knowledge and teachings, stories, wisdom, goods, etc.

Air Nomads:

I think this one is a given. They've basically been established to be peaceful, spiritual monks since before Wan's era, and this has never changed. Only thing that has changed is the establishment of the air temples which presently have not existed for very long. 200 years max. Maybe 100. Flying bison have not yet been discovered either. Most air benders at this time are primarily nomadic, using the temples as way points, educational hubs, and for reunions. It is where young monks are born and raised until old enough to live the nomadic lifestyle (in smaller doses at younger ages and more and more as they get older), something every monk strives for. No monk remains in any temple for too long unless they are too old to travel, in which case they'd end up serving their people from the chamber of elders. Air nomads are universally adored and respected by all people of the world as they are neutral and will provide help and wisdom to anyone despite their nature. For this reason, it is a normal occurrence that, when an air nomad makes their presence known somewhere, they are always given a place to rest and food to eat.

Whoever ends up getting the role of the firebender non-bender should fit into the dynamic that exists between the current characters.

Dorje is a tortured soul. A spiritual guru. Stoic and also very ignorant to the nuances of relationships. One track mind kind of person, but on a journey to heal and learn. He's a compassionate and lighthearted man when he isn't brooding over his self-induced predicament. He is quickly frustrated, and has a boy-ish and playful demeanor. He has a heart of gold though and will always do what he thinks is right even if sometimes he questions himself, and doesn't believe he deserves happiness. He is a formidable Airbender that exiled himself from the air nomads and the temples after accidentally killing an entire village. Has punished himself for years by turning his back on his spirituality in favor of drinking and fighting.

Kisa is a cold ice queen with resting bitch face. She doesn't take any shit from anyone, and masks her softer side with an irritable and snarky demeanor. Very apprehensive about trusting anyone, and is often looking out for #1. Pragmatic opportunist who prefers burying her problems than confronting them. Very actions speak louder than words type, and suspicious of everyone and their motives. Runs from her past toward her next job. She is an incredibly skilled waterbender and mercenary whose closest friends or family lives thousands of miles away, choosing to follow her own path for reasons her own.

Yilin is awkward in every imaginable way. Not very socialized, but also very innocent in that way. She has no filter and doesn't tend to think about her options, but rather acts on her impulses...her gut, which is more often than not, correct. She is a loner type, but deep down craves acceptance and friendship, just doesn't know how to navigate any of that. She's usually disappointed by her past attempts so keeps to herself for the most part, but shamelessly and unapologetically herself no matter what. She is a powerful earthbender, not necessarily from discipline, but more from necessity as she grew up a slave, working mines for the elites and profiteers.

The firebender and/or nonbender would need to jibe well with these characters, their values, goals, and personalities. None of these characters respond well to unnecessary drama, or unethical endeavors. They share a lighthearted chemistry, but have no patience for bs. Think of your potential character(s) first few interactions with them as a job interview for the Avatar's personal bending teachers and companions, Dorje being the direct link and path to this outcome as he's taken it upon himself to search for and find the child before they're discovered and used for nefarious agendas.

If you are interested, please DM a group message to myself, @saturnalia , and @meamae with potential character concepts and ideas after reading the cultural lore for 9500 BG. Thank you! Hope to hear from you soon!

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Non-bender needed.

This character needs to be a master of his/her craft: some sort of martial artist or weapon master. Someone that can hold their own in a fight, even against a bender if the need arises. An exceptionally gifted individual.

Secondary skill sets unrelated to fighting are also welcome, but optional. Keep in mind the following:

  • Dorje (male) - master airbender and spiritual guru * played by @Magnetic Anomaly *
  • Kisa (female) - master waterbender and mercenary *played by @saturnalia *
  • Yilin (female) - master (???) earthbender and wanderer *played by @meamae *
  • Zaisun (male) - skilled firebender and traveling muscle for hire *played by @matcha *
  • any new character must fit into the group IC & OOC, as in jibe well in our established dynamic, play off each other's strengths and weaknesses, and jibe well with us in general. We have spent a lot of time vetting people and have had to cut some loose for one reason or another and really just want a tight-knit team avatar type group. This involves brainstorming OOC and spitballing ideas and being receptive to tweaking ideas and open to constructive criticism as the rest of us are.
  • our team may be morally flexible, but lean mostly toward lawful good. characters that do not align with ours will not be considered.
  • character should be flawed and have plenty of room for growth as we progress the story.
  • please do not use common character tropes from ATLA, i.e. if your character description sounds like it could be written for an existing main character in canon.
  • please read the cultural spoiler at bottom of post
  • the white lotus does not yet exist.
  • the lion turtles are gone.
  • this is approx. 9500 years before Aang's time, and approx. 500 years after Wan's time.

Other than that, get creative! Try to be realistic in the context of the fictional universe and not be crazy OP or anything, however, the non-bender will be exceptional. If you come up with something really fucking cool, and a dope backstory to properly explain why, how, etc, that's perfect. Looking for some out of the box thinkers and creatives.

If interested in the non-bender position, please:
  • start a group DM with myself, @saturnalia & @meamae
  • send us a character description and your ideas
  • please attach writing sample(s)
  • please at least skim through the RP and have an idea what's happening at present.
  • Basically, to summarize events thus far: Dorje accidentally poisoned a new village near the Eastern Air Temple with newly discovered flowers he gave as gifts. Upon learning they were poisonous, and confirming the deaths of said villagers, he exiled himself. He forsook his people and their teachings and spent 8 years punishing himself for what he believes is irredeemable, drinking heavily and fighting in fighting pits for food, shelter and more drink.
  • Enter Kisa: A traveling mercenary between jobs stops by the seedy tavern for the night. Kisa and Dorje have a talk over a drink where Dorje learns of the previous Avatar, Avatar Nanook's passing eight years ago...the same timeframe where he went into exile. He sees the news as a sign to get his shit together and search for the new Avatar.
  • Why? It is the 4th ever Avatar. The 1st ever Earth born Avatar. At present, the Earth people are divided into several dynasties, and are regularly at war with one another. The people of the Earth Dynasties enslave one another, murder one another, exploit each other, and are merciless. Those in power, or those who seek to be in power, will stop at nothing to achieve their goals. Dorje believes there are many in the dynasties who have never heard of the avatar, but also those who would use the child in nefarious ways to their own benefit. He knows the air nomads will take no part in this avatar's upbringing or whatever, as they remain detached and neutral in worldly politics.
  • He and Kisa leave together, companions by circumstance, in search of temporary work, or a sign or a lead. They missed a caravan they were planning on hiring on as guards for near the swamp, gather provisions, and head into the mountains toward where present day Omashu would be. They come across Yilin, someone so fluently and unnaturally gifted at earth bending, yet under developed emotionally, who grew up a slave in mines, mining for the elite. She has zero tolerance for slavery or abuse, and loves food. Dorje sees great potential in her as an ally, and Kisa finds her to be very amusing. They promise to keep her belly full if she tagged along, and then there were three.
  • As they continued through the mountains, they stumble across a firebender in search of a mysterious hermit, an old firebending master that can help him complete his training. Yilin steals from his bag while he soaked in a hot spring, nosily looking over the firebender's map to the hermit. They all share camp for the night, but the firebender, a man called Zaisun, wakes up early and sneaks out of camp before the others wake up. Yilin feels his retreat through the vibrations in the ground and wakes the others. They follow Zaisun to a cavern, the place marked on his map to the hermit, but it's a deadend. In their sleep, the spiritually charged place pulls both Dorje and Zaisun from their bodies into a dream-like vision, where an incredibly spiritual presence pulls them high above the mountains and shows them the way to the hermit. Zaisun decides to travel with the group since the hermit called out to Dorje as well.
  • The group comes upon a village where Dorje ends up saving a little girl named Oma, who's 8 and Dorje suspects is a powerful bender, but that turns out to be a deadend. In the morning, they will continue their journey toward the hermit.

Thank you!

Also some cultural aspects to the rp to keep in mind since it takes place like 9500 years before Avatar Aang.

Fire Nation culture:

There is no fire lord. The monarchy does not exist and doesn't exist for thousands of years. Fire bending is a trait that elevates bloodlines in the hierarchy of their society. The fire nation comprises of a ton of islands and each island governs themselves. They partake in tribal warfare as well, but that's beside the point. The familial hierarchy of the fire islands is tier based. If a bloodline possesses the ability to fire bend they are most likely to be nobles, governed by the strongest and most resilient of the families on each island. Nonbenders would be the "peasants" in this tier based culture. When a child is born with fire bending abilities they elevate the family's status, and they are trained from the youngest possible age to hone their bending skills, further elevating the family's status. Agne Kai can be utilized to challenge the ruler of the ruling family to reorganize the power structure on an island to island basis. Failing to meet family's expectations can lead to disgrace, not only for the individual, but for the family as a whole, because families as a whole are also held to certain standards and expectations as well depending on the tier they possess within their culture. Great deeds and achievements, feats of notable regard, etc. also elevate family status. Remember, the importance of a firebender's top knot cannot be understated. Top knots are cut off when a firebender has disgraced themselves, their families, and/or their people as a whole.

Earth Dynasties:

The Earth Kingdom will not exist for thousands of years either. This giant landmass is divided into several dynasties, of which also partake in tribal warfare. These dynasties are ruled by those chosen by each territory's respective spirit. The divine right to rule is passed down via bloodline until either the bloodline is wiped out or the territory's spirit selects a new ruler. These rulers are worshiped as gods by their people and they demand unyielding loyalty from their subjects. How they choose to govern their dynasty is completely up to them, however, the spirits can intervene however they see fit, removing them from power. Nobody knows what reasons the spirits might have for doing this yet as spirits are immortal and humanity has only gone a few hundred years without the lion turtles protecting them.

Water Tribes:

The people of the water tribes are very community oriented, and unlike the fire islands and earth dynasties, the water tribes do not partake in tribal warfare. There are no rulers within the water tribes either, but instead, it is every water tribe citizen's duty to provide wisdom and conflict resolution as they become the tribe's elders. The elders of the water tribes are deeply respected and regarded as arguably the most important people in the water tribes. Regardless if someone can bend or not, every citizen is viewed with equal importance and treated with equal dignity, and are trained to do their part for their tribe to the best of their abilities, whatever that might look like on and individual to individual basis. However, those who do not pull their weight, or those who repeatedly burden the efficiency of community, are often exiled for a period of time and able to return once they are able to prove their worth after living in the wilderness of the tundra alone, if they survive. Despite their station or occupation, all water tribe men are trained as warriors and fishermen as it isn't uncommon for people of other nations to attack them, believing them to be weak. The Northern Water Tribe is the heart of both water tribe's spirituality and philosophy, whereas the Southern Water Tribe acts as the tribe's wisdom and worldliness, as it is far more common for southern water tribe to venture to the north pole than it is for anyone in the north to venture to the south. Every few years people from the southern water tribe trek to the northern water tribe and a festival to celebrate their travels and arrival takes place, where the two tribes will exchange knowledge and teachings, stories, wisdom, goods, etc.

Air Nomads:

I think this one is a given. They've basically been established to be peaceful, spiritual monks since before Wan's era, and this has never changed. Only thing that has changed is the establishment of the air temples which presently have not existed for very long. 200 years max. Maybe 100. Flying bison have not yet been discovered either. Most air benders at this time are primarily nomadic, using the temples as way points, educational hubs, and for reunions. It is where young monks are born and raised until old enough to live the nomadic lifestyle (in smaller doses at younger ages and more and more as they get older), something every monk strives for. No monk remains in any temple for too long unless they are too old to travel, in which case they'd end up serving their people from the chamber of elders. Air nomads are universally adored and respected by all people of the world as they are neutral and will provide help and wisdom to anyone despite their nature. For this reason, it is a normal occurrence that, when an air nomad makes their presence known somewhere, they are always given a place to rest and food to eat.

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