MxF Back in the hobby

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MxF Back in the hobby


Perfidious Provocateur
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Today 5:23 AM

You can call me Rev, or if you know me from my previous handles, a myriad of things lmao.

I've been writing for the entirety of my adult life. I have thirteen years of experience under the belt now. I'm working on my first novel (as everyone seems to be) but the trivialities of my IRL make that... well, trivial. I get my best inspiration when I have someone to bounce off of, so I'm looking for new partners, particularly of the female persuasion as proper romance feeds my soul.

I tend toward darker subject matter. I don't cling to the edge simply for the sake of it, but I am wholly comfortable addressing virtually any topic aside from the grossly taboo. My characters shine when they're put through the inhumane and the cruel, as I imagine most do.

I do not mean to sound arrogant or full of myself by any means, but I am looking for folks that can match my level. I write to bereave my soul of the mundanity of life, and I am looking for partners seeking to serve a similar purpose. I express myself in my totality through my writing and thrive on its passions - an ideal writing partner would do the same.

As to what I like to write - the complex hypocrisy of the human spirit is my favorite topic. The great struggle against nihilism is my muse both IRL and in my writing, and if you choose me as a partner, you can be sure that you'll find a plethora of such themes in my stories. If you don't enjoy brooding, self-flagellating monologues, look away dear viewer. I am infamous for RPing Batman in whatever setting I find myself in lol.

I'm not looking for anyone to fulfill any kinks or anything of that like. My goal, as a self-proclaimed writer, is to make you feel things, be they pleasant or unpleasant. If I have not managed to move you, I've not done my job, and I'm looking for folks with similar mentalities. That being said, I am not afraid of smut (and indeed I am confident I'll floor you in that regard) or anything of the like so long as it serves the emotional beats I'm seeking to satiate.

As to posting, I am fairly quick and quality at that. I will post between 1-4 times a day between 400-1000 words per post real life depending. I grew up on writing territory based PVP RP, so I'd like to say I've mastered quick, quality posting.

My tolerance for violence is unfettered. I have an autistic fixation on realism, so you may find my writing to be a big too weighty for general tastes. Characters with superpowers/abilities are just people with special talents to me, and I thoroughly enjoy writing out a character or NPC getting their shit rocked in explicit detail. I'll probably snicker and roll my eyes at characters acting like superheroes as that tends to shatter my immersion, so if that's your cup of tea, enjoy it by every means but please not with me.

I'm down to write many different fandoms, but my interests are exclusive to OCs. Canon characters are fine, and I have no problem if folks like to write them, but they pull me right out of the story and shatter whatever immersion I might have had unless they serve a strong narrative purpose.

If you want a writing partner that is unafraid of most topics and is keener on the grand twistings of the knife and worldbuilding, and less on short term gratification, message me. You're welcome to DM me!
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