MxF Back in the Saddle

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MxF Back in the Saddle

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Today 9:33 AM
Hi! I'm Sweetness, I'm a 19 yo female, I've been roleplaying on and off since I was about 13. Took many long breaks so overall experience id say 3-4 years tops. Getting back into it from yet another break, I'm sure you can expect. Hoping the new change of life plans for allow me to accommodate more time for roleplay.

You can expect me to reply every 1-2 days. If I don't respond in 3-4, feel free to nudge me a bit. I'm a night owl and spend a good 6 hours online on something.

I usually keep my posts less than 400 words, but I match your style, so if you give me 200-300 I'm going to give you 200-300, if you give me less than 100, I'll give you less than 100. I enjoy a lot of plot and story to my roleplays, but I enjoy my smut as well, generally between 40/60-75/25 story/smut ratio. For my genres I go through phases. Currently really digging medieval and fantasy themes.

I have no current plots, storys or pairings in mind, but I am open to hearing any you may have.

PM me to get something started :)
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