World Bad Magic (World)

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World Bad Magic (World)


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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of my imagination or fictitiously presented. This is a sample of my writing style and is not intended to be a fully developed story. If something established in this story is against the rules or violates the policies of the forum, please remove it immediately.

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Story Thread
Bad Magic (Story)
The World

In this world, which appears normal and current to our own. There is a secret underbelly. Creatures such as Demons, Angels, Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Fey, and more walk the city streets but keep their identities hidden. Half-breeds are more common than full breeds. Half-Demons, Half-Angels, and Half-Fey are often the focus of much attention because they don't follow the protocols that the elders do.


In the world of magic things are a little different than one might expect. Each category will be described but there is always room for changes. Additionally, this is a general viewpoint, not the hard facts that everyone follows without exception.

Mastery of a school of magic allows the user to cast any spell from Wizard or otherwise of that school.
V/S/M = Verbal / Somatic / Material
Somatic - A circle must be forced in the air.
Material Ritiual = A spell will denote if it is a ritual, these spells must have a physical circle cast on the floor or wall, in addition to components.
Material = Components must be used to cast spells. (Components will automatically be taken from leather bags if items are within.) Spell will state if something unique must be done.
Verbal = The caster must spell the spell properly.

Divinity = A Wizard cannot use divine magic (Cleric) and a (Cleric) Cannot use Wizard magic. Unless they have mastered a school (All spells in that school can be cast)
Divinity Language = Casting Divine magic requires the caster to speak Enochian which is not the same language used for wizardry.

The Pamphlet

Magic should serve wizard kind.

Magic was created for the mages by the mages. It should be used to this end, and never be used to benefit another above the station of mages.
The Mundane should never see or view the use of magic.
The Mundane (Humans) should never see magic in use. Doing so can lead to the downfall of all Mages. And thus, comes with a harsh penalty.
The Mundane should never see the effects of magic.
e Mundane (Humans) Should never witness the awe of magic. No curing cancer or raising the dead of those long passed. No effects of magic should influence the mundane and their daily lives. The penalty for doing this will be harsh.
Magic should never be used to rule over humans.
We the Mages have the power to rule the world. But will not. Magic is to serve us and not to rule over humankind.

The Eight Laws of Magic.

The Law of Generation

Everything that can exist will exist.
The Law of Nature
A thing has form and will seek to be that form.
The Law of Animus
A thing has agency and will act in accordance.
The Law of Polarity
A thing has opposite and will conflict.
The Law of Attraction
Like calls to like.
The Law of Contagion
Once in contact, always in contact.
The Law of Transformation
A thing may change its nature.
The Law of Death
A thing must end up being fuel for other new things.

Magical Contracts.
A contract may never conflict with the founding laws of magic or the ruling laws of Mages.

Mage Council.
Has the right to enforce and revoke all laws, punishments, and licenses as they see fit. Failure to comply with enforcement will result in exile.

The Council

The magical council are the rule makers of the world of magic. Like Congress, there are many members of the council. They directly rule over the mage lodge, but they also enforce their rules on wild mages or wizards. Many of the laws they enforce are to keep their secrets. Not showing humans their powers is a good example. When these rules are broken, like a wizard flexing his abilities publicly, it is The Council who sends an enforcer and deal with the rule breaker.

Typically the punishments they inflict on others are very serious. Mages and the Council of Magic believe in capital punishment. Prisons might be used but it would be more similar to Guantanamo Bay, where torture would be a regular part of their day. Additionally, the Council is known to have the power to lock or prevent someone from using magic.

The Lodge

The Mage's Lodge is very similar to what most people would think of when dealing with magic education. The Lodge has its own leaders but they are subject to the rule of the Magic Council. The Lodge consist of many schools across the world that teach and educate upcoming mages. Their headquarters is in England though their power stretches all over the world.

Aside from internal jobs, they also help students find regular work in the world of the mundane. Financial advisors to doctors. The Lodge has powerful ties to many leaders across the world and use those ties to assure their students are set for life. The Lodge can enforce their rules onto others but typically restrain themselves to the colleges of magic. Harry Potter which is a popular children's tale and movies, is based on some truths. Children who show signs of magic for example are taken to school where they learn to properly wield it.


A mage is an educated magic user from the Lodge. During their training, they will eventually be tested. This test will not only check their ability to use magic but also their ability to control it in their dreams. When and if they pass this test they are marked with a symbol showing they are a mage of the Lodge. This mark can appear anywhere on their body but is a sign of their obedience to the Lodge and the Magical Council.

Mages learn about the underbelly of the world but rarely deal with it. They might study vampires but would never encounter one. They are taught the basics of magic and a few are educated in stronger levels of magic. However, all their magics are approved and monitored by the Lodge and the Council of Magic. This limits their knowledge but allows them to fit into society better.

In order to be a Sorcerer the person must be intertwined with another soul. Typically this is a spirit or demon. Sorcery is a recognized form of magic by both the Lodge and the Council. However, a Sorcerer is severely limited in the number of spells they can use. This negative effect is offset by their ability to cast spells and use magic without the need for complex symbols, hand gestures, or material components.

Sometimes a Sorcerer will lose control of their other half and this will allow the demon or spirit to take over. If this happens the Council of Magic will issue a kill order or arrest warrant. Allowing a demon to roam free on earth unchecked would be seen as a crime by the council and while there are demons who roam free they hide themselves for this very reason. Typically a sorcerer will have some kind of stigmata from their other half, either spirit-like or demonic-like though there are other types of sorcerers as well.

A wizard is someone who lives outside the Lodge. While most wizards are on the run or hiding from the council some have applied for a license to practice magic. This license shows that they are willing to follow the rules of the council but unwilling to join the Lodge. While these licenses are rare they are given out.

A wizard will practice or typically practice very complex magics that are not taught in the Lodge. Necromancy for example is a school that is not taught by the Lodge but is often known by a wizard. Most wizards keep to themselves practicing in the privacy of their homes and trying to avoid letting their magics be known to others. Always on the look out for the Lodge and or the Council who could take back their license and thus make them an outlaw who if caught would be punished.

Spell Books
A spell book comes in many shapes and sizes. Typically a mage's book is smaller and designed to hold spells at the level of their grade. So a first-year would only have a book large enough to hold first-year spells. This causes mages to have several books rather than one big one.

Wizards typically have very large books, these contain enough room for a large amount of spells. Each level of the spell takes a page to write it down. So a first-level spell requires one page, while a second-level spell requires two pages and so on.

There are also concept spells that do not fall into level magic like most spells. These can take three to four pages and often are complex.

Sorcerers do not use spellbooks because they are not needed. A sorcerer would not for example need to use a Magic Circle because their abilities are innate to them.


Vampires are based in 3 stages. (Young) (Old) (Very Old/Ancient)

All Vampires have the following abilities.
1. Strength.
Vampires have strength x2 the strongest human as a Young Vampire x5 the strength of the strongest human as an Old Vampire, x10 the strength of the strongest human as an Ancient Vampire.
2. Speed.
Vampires are fast. Very Fast, this is not a slow speed but a burst of it before sustaining it. One minute they are at one end of the room the next they are at the other end. Speed is estimated to be about 40 mph for young vampires, 60 mph for older vampires, and 100 or more for ancient vampires.
3. Endurance.
Vampire's muscles never get sore and stop working. They never get tired. Additionally, a vampire does not need to breathe so he never runs out of breath. Combining these two characteristics and Vampires and their endurance is near endless.
4. Healing.
Vampires that are freshly fed on blood, heal almost immediately. Those who haven't fed for a week or more heal slower taking a few days. Those who have not fed in years because of one reason or another, heal very, very slow taking months to overcome simple wounds.

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Most Fey stay hidden from the world. They do this for multiple reasons but the primary reason is that the Lodge of Mages hunts them. Some powerful Fey have made it their mission to protect lesser Fey, while others openly declare themselves before the Lodge of Mages and encourage them to come fight them.

Regardless most all Fey use a glamour which is different than an illusion. Glamours are powerful abilities that change the appearance of a Fey from their normal form to a human one. So perfect is this change that even most magics cannot detect them. It isn't just the shape they had but their very being with a glamour. Breaking through a glamour can be tricky and often requires special components that aid in doing this.

It is widely believed that you should never thank a Fey. Doing so is said to make you indebted to them. And while they ignore most debts by humans they would seldom ignore a debt by supernatural creatures and would call on it immediately which is why no one typically thanks a Fey.


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Name: Tony (True Name: Unknown)
Height: 6'4
Weight: 231 lbs.
Eyes: Black (Shaped like a goat)
Hair: White, long
Age: Unknown
Notes/Personality: Tony is a street vendor. In his human guise, he appears as a typical New York man with Spanish blood. He is friendly and enjoys cooking. Recently his food has become extremely popular.

Name: Adam (True Name: Unknown)
Height: 5'10
Weight: 165 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Dark Brown
Age: 48 (True Age: Unknown)
Notes/Personality: Adam is an aggressive but poor man. He concerns himself with others but in a less than friendly way. He hates the lodge. He was part of a raid on his camp. The lodge took his wife and daughter. His wife was held in a Lodge Prison lasted two months before she took her life. His daughter's fate is unknown. Adam hates the lodge with a fiery passion and will fight anyone claiming to be from it.

Name: Misty Race
Height: 5'3
Weight: 100 lbs.
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Brownish Red
Age: Unknown
Notes/Personality: Misty is an Elf, she works as a Fae prostitute and often goes to Adam for food and shelter. She is afraid of women who are attached to me, frightened they might attack her. She is underweight, malnourished, and a little sick. Her glamour is the same appearance that she has only without the elf ears. Additionally, she increases the size of her bust and the shape of her figure appearing healthier.

Name: Tex
Height: 6'2
Weight: 330 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: None
Age: 56
Notes/Personality: Tex was a severely underdeveloped man, his mind hadn't fully developed leaving him often acting out in childish ways. Tex was an evil man. While Tex was underdeveloped mentally his understanding was not. He was fully aware of his actions and the evil intent behind them. He was sadistic, cruel, and downright villainess. He loved and adored Salvador.

Name: Abdul
Height: 5'8
Weight: 140 lbs.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black
Age: Unknown
Notes/Personality: Abdul is from India and is a Fae. He's a street vendor that serves authentic Indian food. He's a nice guy that takes on the appearance of an unassuming man using his glamour.


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Name: Professor/Arch mage Maximillian Lupin "The Wolf"
Height: 6'2
Weight: 226 lb
Eyes: Dark Blue
Hair: Brown, greying in parts
Notes/Personality: Maximillian is Aluce's only real Ally amongst the mages. He was dead set against her being appenticed off to a filthy wizard and made a case for her to join his lodge. Max is a junior member of the council of Mages and has a small amount of political swing. He is a talented mage and a specialist in transformation spells.

Max is Alice's handler and wants her to call him every week with updates as to what Richard Black is up to.

Name: Dishwater Mollie
Height: 5'0"
Weight: 140lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey, wispy
Age: Unknown
Notes/Personality: Mollie turns up when most needed, she offers support and sometimes gifts. It's suspected she's a fae but no one knows for sure.

Name: Lukan Silvermoon
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 190lb
Eyes: Green
Hair: Grey, Light Brown
Age: 22
Notes/Personality: Lukan is Werewolf trouble-shooter, there have been strange goings on in NYC recently, including the Central Park Pack bringing down a half demon that was causing issues. Lukan captured Alice, but let her go when it seemed they were enemies of the same enemy. Lukan is keen to meet Alice's master to compare notes, especially on the nature of the creature he discovered, he had never seen anything like it, and a Wizards input could be useful in cracking the case. Lukan is a thinking man's werewolf, often capable of looking outside the box, which is the reason other werewolves tolerate him. He has a lot in common with Richard, but in different worlds..

Lukan is a lone-wolf, like a werewolf ronin, dishonoured but still respected. As a result he has learned to fight without a werewolf pack. He carries various magical charms which he calls totems and medicine, one of which a dreamcatcher is what he used to send Alice to sleep.

Like all werewolves Lukan is a highly capable fighter, but keeps his head, rarely surrendering to his base urges, he prefers to shift parts of his body and uses this in combination which a panoply of martial arts he has used. He nicknamed this shift-fu.
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Alice's Spellbook

A list of Alice's known spells from various sources and books.

D&D Spell list here for reference Spells - DND 5th Edition

Known spells

Simple Illusion
(illusion) - [a pinch of fleece] a static illusion with no auditory features, ideal for making someone believe you're holding something you aren't or for subtly changing signs etc "Simples Illusio"
Auditory Illusion
(illusion) - [A tiny bell] makes a noise within close proximity such as someone calling help or an animal noise "Audibilus Illusio"
Disguise self
(Illusion) - [a small model mask] allows the user to change their face to someone else's, either someone they have seen or a random face "dissimulare sibi"
(Evocation) - [a pinch of suphur] conjures and launches a dart of fire that does a small amount of damage similar to a pistol and can set things alight "Ignis Fulmen"
Dancing lights
(Evocation) - [a small candle] Conjures four globes of light that the caster can manipulate and move slowly around themselves "Choris Luminaria"
Shocking Grasp
- (evocation) [copper bar] Wreaths the users hand in electrical energy that stuns a target like a taser glove. "Tonitrua manum"
- [a small candle] Creates a light equivalent to a flashlight with about 30' range that beams from the casters hand - Lumos
- [beeswax] Deafens everyone within a hundred yards unless they are warned or cover their ears - Tonitru
Message -
(transmutation) [copper wire] - allows Alice to send a message to another in sight, only they can hear it.
Thaumaturgy - (Transmutation) [None] - Allows Alice to create lesser magical effects, a small flame, booming voice, cool a drink etc, useful for intimidation.
Friends - (Enchanment) [a lipstick] - Allows Alice to instantly befriend someone, however they may react badly if conned when it wears off
Mage Hand - (Conjuration) - [None] - summons a spectral hand similar to Alice's that can be used remotely up to 30'

First Circle Spells

Detect Magic -
(Divination) [None] allows the user to sense the astral or recent use of magical arts. "NA too complex"
Shield - (Abjuration) Summons a force barrier that protects alice from harm, soaks magic missiles
Speak with animals
(divination) [none] Allows alice to speak with low intelligence creatures
Comprehend Languages (Divination) [pinch of salt and soot] - Allows Alice to speak, read and write any non-magical language, human tongues.
Beast Bond - (Divination) - [Some dog fur, wrapped in cloth] - Allows Alice to dominate and control an animal, and use telelpathy to talk and control them.

Second Circle Spells

Augury -
(Divination) - [Tarot Cards] - Allows Alice to get clues or vague advice about a certain course of action, answered yes, no or maybe questions.
Detect Thoughts - (Divination) - Learning one day of two complete
Shatter - Learning one half day of two complete

Evocation primer
A loan from the Wizard Richard Black, basically a selection of starter battle magic, a struck through spell means Alice has learned it.

Dancing Lights
Eldritch Blast
Fire Bolt
Green-Flame Blade
Hand of Radiance
Ray of Frost
Sacred Flame
Shocking Grasp.
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Name: Salvador "Sal" Durannet DEAD
Height: 6'
Weight: 204 lb
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Brown
Age: 24
Notes/Personality: Sal is a young wizard looking for a quick path to power. He's been using Black's Emporium and others to get restricted items for a powerful ritual.

He has recently encountered Alice and what his intentions are towards her are yet to be seen...
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NPCs Continued
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Name: Demon Aamon
Height: 9 1/2 feet in human form
Weight: Unknown
Eyes: Blood Red
Hair: None Aamon is covered in black raven feathers
Age: unknown
Notes/Personality: Aamon (also known as Amon and Nahum), in demonology, is a Grand Marquis of Hell who governs 40 infernal legions, and the 7th spirit of the Goetia. He is the demon of life and reproduction

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Name: Christopher Dawson
Height: 5'9
Weight: 130 lbs.
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: Dirty Blond
Age: 31
Notes/Personality: Very polite, and well educated, manners are important to him. He is a master of necromancy and focuses on the divine arts, Christopher is very wealthy and charges a great deal for her services.

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Name: Amber
Height: 5'5
Weight: 132 lbs
Eyes: Brown / Green
Hair: Brown / Purple
Age: 21 / unknown
Notes/Personality: Amber is a very sick Dryad, she is being forced to work for Billy as a prostitute and works on the corner of 45th

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Name: Joe
Height: 6'3 / 7'4
Weight: 312 lbs / 435 lbs
Eyes: Brown / Brown
Hair: None / Brown/black
Age: 33 / Unknown
Notes/Personality: Joe is a minotaur and a very dangerous one. He often carried a gun and doesn't speak much. He works for Billy as muscle.

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Name: Billy
Height: 6' / 9'2
Weight: 183 lbs / 850 lbs
Eyes: Brown / Brown
Hair: Blading brown / Black
Age: 41 / Unknown
Notes/Personality: Billy is a nasty piece of work, he is the local Fae Pimp and he's very dangerous. He controls his girls with an iron fist and is not afraid to abuse them when needed.

Name: Stacey Yamin
Height: 5'6
Weight: 141 lbs
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dirty Blond
Age: 31
Notes/Personality: A very busy woman. Stacey is a demonologist, She's friendly but direct. She will help others but doesn't claim to know more then she does. She is friendly to a point where she enjoys kisses and closeness to others.

Name: Henry
Height: 5'9
Weight: 212 lbs
Eyes: Hazel
Hair: White
Age: 71
Notes/Personality: Henry runs a low-end motel which he uses to whore out girls, Human girls, he pays Billy a cut but keeps to his side of the area and away from Billy. Henry is foul, obsessive about sex, dirty, mean, and carries a gun in his desk.

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Name: Dimitri Tepesh
Height: 6'3
Weight: 243 lbs
Eyes: Ruby Red
Hair: Blond, long
Age: Unknown
Notes/Personality: Dimitri is a quiet man, he is often thought to be the less intelligent of the two brothers but this isn't true. He just doesn't believe in speaking unless he has something to say, and because of this is typically treated poorly. Dimitri is a warrior to his very core, he has spent hundreds of years being a warrior and this shows in his movements and watchful eyes. Dimitri is a vampire.

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Name: Stefan Tepesh
Height: 6'2
Weight: 197 lbs
Eyes: Ocean Blue
Hair: Dark Brown/near black
Age: Unknown
Notes/Personality: Stefan changes with the era. Because of this, he is talkative and often tries to be friendly even though he can come off more creepy than he intends. He tends to be a thinker and helps Dimitri who struggles to change with the times adapt to the changing world. Stefan is a vampire.
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Alice's artefacts and magic items

Not being the type for a walking cane Alice's wand is as dainty and unassuming as she is.

About 8" long and made of ebony with a silver design at the end, around the size of a large pencil.

A gift from Dishwater Molly when Alice waz really down on her luck. Although slightly worn and grubby looking these shoes are incredibly comfortable and if Alice wants to be quiet they make her footsteps absolutely silent!
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