Both Needed Band of outcasts!

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Both Needed Band of outcasts!

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Today 8:41 PM
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"Family is not about blood, it's about who is willing to stand with you when no one else will."

Autumn... Winter is getting nearer with each passing day, each day constantly reminds you of the harsh winter to come, with the leaves falling, the air getting colder. To an avarage family in the city, this seems to be an insignificant concern, since they can always warm up in their cozy homes, with a hot meal, hot beverage and sleep knowing they won't freeze to death in their sleep, but you...?

You have no home, no place where you belong and call your own, an outcast in the city of New York. Mere street trash, as many would generally regard the unfortunate.
As you can imagine, like any other city as large as NY, apathy becomes more common among the citizens than you think, each and every one could care less about the suffering of others, especially the homeless. So
many, it might be hard to imagine anyone being lonely in a place filled with so many people...Right?


To give you a basic rundown of this RP, you are homeless and you have to survive in a harsh city on the streets with your new group of outcasts whom are just as screwed as you are!

Think of this RP like a tell tale game, not like DayZ.

Now how you ended up being an outcast all on your own against the world, is up to you to come up with. As you try stay alive with your new "family" on the streets of New York, you WILL be forced to make tough decisions inorder to survive in this cruel city.

Will you do anything to keep the claws of death at bay? Or will you perish and be written off as a mere statistic? Forgotten to time...

If you have any questions, feel free to ask, this is my first roleplay on this site, but I am confident in my experience in roleplaying and will adapt to the site's quirks. I am also open to suggestions if you have any. Thank you for reading even if you are not interested in participating! :3

Note: Even though the plot is flexible and is non-linear, I have plenty of plot events on stand-by. I've had this roleplay brewing in my mind for a while now.





Physical build:

Reason for being homeless: (NOTE: It's preffable that your character has only JUST begun to be homeless, but no big deal)


Sexual orientation: *Optional*



Clothing: (Since you are homeless, you start with only the clothes on your back, nothing more)

Appearance: (You may describe your character how he/she looks or just provide an image)

Brief backstory: (Also add how did you meet the rest of the group)


*No God mode
*No OP characters.
*Don't control other player's characters
*Don't murder other characters without their permission
*If you will have to take a leave of absence, PWETTY pwease inform me ahead of time :3 we all got things to do.
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