(Belated) Introduction

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(Belated) Introduction


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Today 4:23 PM
'But Inner Sanctum User LunaRomana, you joined in October! You're too late to write an introduction!'

Yes, and I have no excuse! I've just been too lazy! :(

I haven't been roleplaying long enough to give out a socially acceptable level of experience, but like to think I'm at least semi-competent. Predominately para/semi-para. Willing to write male and female characters, MxM, MxF and FxF. I love fantasy, occult/supernatural, fandom (Doctor Who :rolleyes::rolleyes:, OUAT, & others) and sci-fi.


I love to chill and lounge. I am between five and six feet. I love to wear clothe. I am a normal boy or girl of British origin. Nothing is wrong with me.
I still welcome you to Inner Sanctum, friend!
I love to wear clothe
Haha. This made me crack up. Imagine if it was the opposite... o_O

Anyways, welcome to the Inner Sanctum, my fellow "normal" person. Perhaps fate will allow for us to cross paths and create a "normal" roleplay some day, hehe. Whenever I'm not busy with gradually becoming notorious for my lazy response time, that is. :p

If it makes you feel any better, it also took me a whole two (maybe three? idk) months to get around to writing an introduction thread here. *sweats*
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