All Birdie's Feather

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All Birdie's Feather

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Today 4:38 AM
Hello and welcome to Birdie's Feather where you'll find I'm ripe and ready to be plucked. Lets start off with a little about me, I have been roleplaying on an off for about 15 years. I work a pretty stressful job that sometimes rotates my hours, and sends me traveling where I'll be gone for 1-2 weeks. That's only about once a quarter, and I'll give you the heads up when that happens. Otherwise I try to get logged in daily, especially if our story is really inspiring. My preferred character is Female, but I will play against all. Without further ado, lets get to the good stuff.

What am I looking for?

  • To create a plot driven story we both love and crave
  • 70/30 or 60/40 plot to smut ratio
  • Someone who is able to post at least once a week
  • A good slow burn romance
  • Someone who can give me a story to work with. I don't care what your post length is, as long as it's not one line. I generally match my partner's length.
  • While it's not required, I do enjoy an OOC chat for banter and planning

What I don't like?

  • Scat, gore, toilet play and any of that variety
  • excessive cum
  • God modding

I have a particular craving for a good Enemies to Lovers romance, please satisfy me.

Basic Pairings: (Bold is my preferred role)

  • Enemies to lovers
  • Ex-Bully x victim
  • Pirate X Captive
  • Prince X Village girl
  • Ancient god X Priestess
  • Witch Hunter X witch
  • Princess X Guard
  • Princess X Kidnapper
  • Boss X Employee/secretary

The Golden King
A tale of a man who could turn any object into solid gold spread through the barren land like a wild fire. The people, desperate for a miracle clung to him like he was a God, soon calling him their King, after all unlimited gold meant unlimited power. It didn't take long for The Golden King to build his empire. Spreading over half the continent, the people turning their back on the Rightful King in hopes that they would be rewarded. No one ever questioned where The Golden King's gift came from, nor did they question who the girl was that always seemed to be by his side. They only cared about the life The Golden King could give them. One without poverty, one without war.

(MC would hold the true power behind the Golden King. YC could be The Golden King, The Rightful King, or someone else entirely.)

The White Flag
Jade's earliest memory was her father; The King's bitterness towards his father's decision to steal a bride from the neighboring kingdom. The King and Queen of Highland did not take this slight lightly. Within days huge battle ships docked at their shore only days after the pair returned home. Fires blazed through the country side taking out everything in it's path. Any one or anything that survived the blaze saw their demise with a sword. Somehow there people managed to hold their own, but their numbers were slowly dwindling. The king was desperate for an end to this war. Jade knew that as the only daughter born to her father, it would one day be her destiny to end the fifty year war. That day had finally came. A week after her mother's passing, the morning after her burial Jade was packed away on an early ship to Highland as a peace offering.

(I thought this could be fun to have a fantasy twist on it. YC could be MC's intended or someone else entirely)

The App

Jade had chosen her college because they offered high ranking classes in her desired profession. The rest of the student body seemed to have chosen it for the parties. They even had an App to help students anonymously socialize designed to help stop bullying, but most students used it to hook up. At first she thought it was a dumb idea, why would she be interested in texting the same assholes she deals with every day. The girl thought eventually she would meet someone like minded to hang out with. Now she was mid-way through the year without a single friend. Worse Jade had caught the attention of a group of bullies. Desperate for something to change Jade finally downloaded the app..

(I would really love for this to be an enemies to lovers)

The Tournament
An announcement was made across the land that it was time for The Traditional Royal Tournament. Whenever the next in line reaches marriage age the tournament opens to select the next Queen or King Consort of the country. Their land was divided into three sanctums: The Lord's Land filled with all the beauty money could buy, rolling green hills and fruit trees on the corners. Midtown was a more modest place that held mostly farm lands and wind mills. Last was The Outlands filled with dirt and clay houses, families barely scraping by enough to each. Each of the three sections in Kingdom Highland sent three random people to The Capital in hopes to win. The winner would not only marry The Heir, but their sanctum would receive food and gifts for the next couple of years. It was considered the highest honor to be chosen.

(This could be either YC or MC competing in this tournament. this is a pretty open idea in terms of time period, fantasy, ETC.)

Thanks for stopping by!

XOXO, Birdie
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