All Blackstone's Original Plot Cravings

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All Blackstone's Original Plot Cravings


Dungeon Master
Inner Sanctum Nobility
♔ Champion ♔
Local time
Today 1:34 PM
Who are you, how long have you been writing and what kind of things do you like to write?
I am Blackstone, I have been writing now for well over twenty years, roleplaying even longer. I can write non-mature, to heavy
mature and everything in between, and have been told I am good at it. It is easier to state what I won't write which is generally comedy, Zombie Apocalypse, horror, or children's fandom made into adult like Pokemon or My Little Pony.

How long do your replies tend to be and what is your writing schedule like?
I generally give a good 3 solid paragraphs which is usually 5000 characters, more if I am inspired and I got a lot to write against. I general respond every five days or so, because I hate being bored so I tend to have a lot of stories going at one time

What is your tolerance level for gore? Violence?
Whatever my writing partner's tolerance level is

Do you write sexual content? If so, what are your kinks? Limits?
I do and my main kinks (but not all) are bondage, collars, edging, power exchange. It is far easier to say what I will not write which is any form of bathroom play, animals, broken bones or pure torture, vomit, vore, age play or being called "Daddy". Incest scenes are limited only to cousins or step siblings. I can write and flirt with any relation, but it will not go beyond flirting.

Do you write any fandoms? (Please bear in mind that any characters under 18 and any high school settings must be aged up)
DC/Marvel (I have a whole mash-up world of the two of them), Star Wars, Star Trek, Jacqueline Caery's Kushiel, Dresden Files, Wheel of time, Battlestar Galactica, just to name a few. I normally write OC's for most fandoms save DC/Marvel

Do you have any pairing or setting ideas?
To many to ask. Generally as long as it is not DD/lg, or teacher/student (I was a substitute teacher and while yes some senior girls needed dads with shotguns, the idea of hitting on or sleeping with was repulsive and thus a huge turn off), I am willing to hear it out.

Do you have any detailed plots prepared?
Contemporary/Slice of Life

None at this time

After listening to Jay Kristoff's Godsgrave on my long commutes from work to home, I am now in the mood for a story with the grit and graphic reality of what was in Spartacus: Blood and Sand, the above Godsgrave as well as drawing a bit from Ancient Rome and Wizards of the Coast Dark Sun.

The background to this concept is such. It is a low/mid fantasy world and the main setting is modeled after Ancient Rome with a Senate as well as a Emperor. The missing Ninth Legion found itself on this world with their camp followers and some locals from Britannia. Their fate sealed, they did what they were trained to do, which was conquer. The world was of the same if slightly behind in their knowledge base, and thus conquest was easy, and within two generations the new empire of Nova Roma was born.

My character was a Generalis of the Fourth Legion, and married to who would have been princess of Aqualia. She managed to convince and gain allies in an attempt to separate from Nova Roma. Being married to her, MC gave his loyalty to her and even though he knew the outcome. At the end it was told MC was executed, but he was the brother to the Emperor, and his mother pleaded for MC's life. The ideal and the man MC was died, and he himself was flesh crafted and sold as a gladiator. The ludus which bought him given strict instructions to only allow him the spiked chain in the arena, and never to sell him. MC was told he was to tell no one who he was, less he wanted his wife sold as a slave instead of kept in exile and privilege. Thus Invidicus, the Bloodchain was born, and Septimus Antonius Decius was dead.

Five years later, YC buys my character, as the ludus he was sold too was in dire straights, creditors banging on their doors, and in no small part due to YC manipulations. The reason, it should be YC as Empress, and not House Titus. They were dismissed because YC's grandmother was female, and her father, her then Emperor had no male heirs. House Titus bribed the Senate, and thus YC's house lost the Imperial throne. Now spies in the Bloodchain's ludus have whispered who the Bloodchain is, the greatest military leader and tactician of the age, a man who would be needed if YC's scouts reports are true. It also does not hurt he is easy on the eyes, and stirs something in YC.

The basic plot is much like the overall in Spartacus: Blood and Sand with YC scheming to gain the throne, not only for herself (which is part of the motive) but because the current Emperor and his polices threaten the very Empire itself. For MC it is a goal of one day gain freedom, and his retribution against his enemies, among which is his former wife.

Science Fiction
The Great War brought death upon a scale not seen to the world since the Black Death. Over forty million dead, military and civilian alike. The war ended when German realized even if they could win the war, their society might not survive. Peace was achieved, but a cost which Germany found hard to swallow, but again, they would loose everything if they did not at least stop fighting. In the end Germany complied with the Treaty of Versailles, and bid its time, plotting within a year to build up in secret and avenge itself against those who sought to humiliate it.

For the Allies the war was no less horrific, and near an entire generation of combat able men were gone. They were also not entirely stupid and knew perhaps Germany would not hold true. They could hope, but war has a way of turning even the most pragmatic optimists into cynics. For Great Britain and the United States this meant woman's suffrage and rights made huge gains. First was the right to vote, then came the right to join military service as equals of men. There were some conditions, and women could not serve in the Marine Corps, or in any form of ground infantry or mobile armored unit. They could serve in support roles, in the Navy, or in the Army Air Corps. There were less restrictions for service in the Navy, either in surface combat or naval aviation roles, allowing the chance for combat action. New dormitories were added to both West Point and Annapolis and in 1926, the first female officers who were not part of the Nurse Corps were sworn into service.

History would continue apace, and Germany with a new modern military, a dynamic leader promising retribution, invading Poland in 1939. Japan had started its Imperial designs far earlier, and unlike Europe, had no need for female conscription to its military. The United States, as a means of aiding Europe and pealing off a powerful ally to Germany, blocks all oil exports to Japan as a means to force them to the negotiation table. The effort backfires, and on 7 December, 1941, Pearl Harbor is attack by Japan, bringing the United States completely into the Second World War.

A bulk of military support heads over to Europe. It was understandable as there are secure air fields and billets and the means to deal with the greatest threat as determined by Allied forces, Germany. Things are not so easy for the Pacific given the sheer amount of distances involved, and what few assets the United States had were conquered by Japan. Morale among the Pacific Fleet is low despite the appointment of Chester Nimitz as the new theater commander. They need to draw out the Japanese Fleet and destroy their carriers. Events follow and with the Tokyo raid by Lieutenant Colonel James Doolittle forcing Japan' hand, their code of honor demanding a military response. The decisive battle of war is about to take place on a small island airfield called Midway.

In 1980 there was a film called Final Countdown in which the U.S.S. Nimitz traveled back in time to days before Pearl Harbor, putting all in the moral dilemma of do they let history play out or do they uphold their vows to the Constitution and bring fight to the Japanese.

The Last Ship was originally a novel turned into a successful TV series on TNT where a destroyer crew of the U.S.S. Nathan James was unknowingly sent on a classified mission to find a cure to a deadly pandemic. They return to the reality and horror of the death, and to find the United States, indeed the world in anarchy. The crew sails on with two missions, to bring the cure to the world and to restore the government of United States. This game combines elements of both the movie and the show and will mash it up with a Fallout 4 like setting.

Players in the game will first be members of the U.S.S. Yorktown. In history, the Yorktown was badly damaged both at the battle of Coral Sea and Midway, and on they way back from being salvaged from the battle, was torpedoed by a Japanese submarine. In this game the Yorktown survived the battle with minimal damage, and when it is relieved from Midway, it and its task force gets caught up in a temporal storm which flings it two hundred and twenty-five years in the future. The world is like the setting in Fallout 4 where most advanced technology non-functional due to the EMP's from the nuclear war in 2057. Much technology more advanced than what was present in the 1940's does not work. The United States, indeed much of the world is in utter chaos and anarchy.

Enter the Yorktown and Task Force 51, freshly resupplied before their trip through storm, and instantly they become one of the most dominate military powers as a result. Their mission changes when they make contact with the world and find out the history. Their duty is clear, find what does represent legitimate democratic government and to restore the United States. Of course, super mutants, the Brotherhood of Steel, and the Institute would have something to say about it.

As the game moves from the opening which is the Battle of Midway, additional characters will be opened up. The alternative history above is such there would be a valid reason to have female characters on a U.S. Navy combat ship. I know this concept is perhaps a bit more out there than normal, but I think the story there which made The Last Ship and Fallout 4 good are there to make a good game out of it. The Final Countdown, while an interesting concept, was really a bad movie, but the plot device of temporal displacement springboards the plot into the meat of what I think would be interesting roleplay. So if this concept tickles your fancy at all, let me know and we can move from an interest check into full on recruitment.
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