Books, Tea, and Good Company.

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Books, Tea, and Good Company.

The Archivist

Scribe Initiate
Local time
Today 3:07 PM
New Hampshire, USA
Hello, one and all!

I guess this is a bit out of order as I've lurked in the chat and interacted a bit before deciding to write one of these introductions. So, shall we learn all about the scribe in training? Or at the least, have an insight into what makes an Archivist tick?

Let's begin!
The smell of old paper is something intoxicating, I've been reading and have enjoyed reading for as long as I could remember. Books were an escape I favored, mostly by availability. Videogames, Movies, and Music always came at a price; a local library card had a one-time fee of free unless lost. I gravitated towards books, and soon enough was borrowing by the armful. As a kid, I didn't fit in with others, as most didn't! I was quiet and reserved for a young boy, despite my larger size. I spent recess reading Roald Dahl, and lunch with Lewis. I got rather unhealthy from my sedimentary style, and with it furthered my recession into books as the kids began to mock my size. It wasn't until Highschool that Tea was introduced, and no, not sweet tea from the Southlands of America. I'm already diabetic, the last thing I would need is a heavy dosage of brown sugar water. Started off with bagged Lipton, moved to the Republic of Tea and Jade Leaf at the behest of an older reader. I found the two, both tea and books kind of went hand in hand. It's as Tyrion Lannister once said so beautifully. "That's what I do, I drink and I know things." Love the little imp. With tea came health consciousness. Something I am still working at, but dutifully so. I stumbled across Roleplaying originally when looking into collaborative storytelling (You know, Dungeons and Dragons, but for lonely people who don't have many friends in Highschool and a lack of funding for rulebooks and dice.) and fell in love with the act. Unfortunately, I only had a few chance encounters before I needed to leave the scene and tend to familial ties. The very short mark of an era, but one that remarkably has me, six years later, looking back into it. Financially stable, matters prior have been settled, and now freedom I didn't have at sixteen/seventeen draws me back into this...Wonderful hobby! So, in conclusion; please forgive any grammatical errors, run-on sentences, and the like as I re-learn to navigate our language. It's a reunion six years in the making.

Here's to the company I shall find myself in. May the Sanctum prosper.

Cogito, ergo sum - René Descartes
Best wishes,

I have terrible news, just awful; You've discovered that magical cross-section between an entertaining social pass-time, and a fulfilling intellectual pursuit ... there's no going back now darling ...

One of us! One of us! One of us! *recedes into the corn field with her inflatable pink squeaky-scythe* One of us! ... One of us! Matcha for life wut wut!
Welcome to Inner Sanctum, friend!
It is a pleasure to meet you and welcome to the site! I do hope you love it here and I look forward to seeing you around!
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