Character(s) Boudoir of mischief, wine and songs

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Character(s) Boudoir of mischief, wine and songs


A Hot Mess
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Silent Hill
Rosalie Épine Chapelle


We do not choose to enter this life... Hungering and helpless, we come into this stale and plain world. So we spend our time searching for that one sublime revelation to fill the void. To lose ourselves in beauty and perfection.

Beauty can be elegant, seductive, full of pleasure...

Let me help us find it... To lose ourselves...


Name: Rosalie Épine Chapelle
Nicknames/Titles: Mistress, Mademoiselle
Age: WIP
Species: Vampire
Bloodline: Iscari
Sexuality: Pansexual
Accent: French
Blood preference: Sanguine - aroused individuals or the running hot blood during a climax
Type of eater: Messy eater, she indulges in crimson mess

Position: Switch
Positive characteristics: First timeline - Naive, excitable, adventurous, graceful, flirtatious, head is always in the clouds and playful
Second timeline - Radiantly charismatic, sarcastic, graceful, flirtatious, witty, confident and sensual
Negative characteristics: First timeline - Idle, idealizes people, selfish, worry-wart, unsure of herself
Second timeline - Selfish, ravenous, vain, slightly pretentious and full of herself, distant and self-destructive

Hobbies: Dancing, observing people is her favorite past time, reading and staring at artwork for hours
Likes: Theaters, art, golden chandeliers with diamonds that are covered in blood, vicious bite marks on women's bodies, men that see right through her, the idea of dying on a burning stage as she ends her grandiose performance, passionate lovers who aren't afraid to share blood and explore sin with her, all of the taboos
Dislikes: People who are not ready to cross boundaries, those who do not have fire within them, smalltalk, lack of creativity, modern age

The Human

Rosalie has been turned into a vampire back in 1800's, in the beautiful city of Paris. While she currently gives the vibes of a gracious, proud woman with taste and became a trend setter in Los Angeles, Rosalie's life as a woman in a French brothel can only be described as hell. Women were treated like property and men sometimes wouldn't wait for them to consent, nor even pay them. Rosalie, like most women at the time, didn't work there because they had a choice - some were forced and others did it for survival. Many whores of the brothel were mothers and in poverty.

Rosalie managed to leave the brothel and worked in a small and cheap theater as an actress and dancer, which caught the attention of both Francesca and Donovan Chapelle. A beautiful woman who has potential with some more training and supernatural enhancements. However, she needed to prove herself and she was set on a trial without even knowing.

She succeeded. But.. The story she tells everyone is that she simply impressed both Donovan and Francesca. Unfortunately, that is not the truth of her Embrace, it was far far darker.

Part of Rosalie misses her humanity and she misses the sun even to this day, the food and pure alcohol. While the upside is that she won't suffer from any disease, live longer to discover the world's secrets and indulge in pleasures without many consequences. However, a piece of her regrets the fact that she could never be a mother. Rosalie still has that silent longing, something that was ripped away from her forever.


The Vampire: 1900's

Becoming an Iscari vampire absolutely changed her life, even though it was not perfect at first, she got what she was fighting for her whole human life. She lived in a mansion in Paris, she got to visit Louvre and stay there whole night while sighing with longing as she observed for hours art pieces and lived a luxurious life. Donovan made sure that she got the unconditional attention from her tutor, one of the elderly Iscari, who was an actor. She spent years memorizing lines from the classic books, practicing gestures that were translated into her every-night life - she was doing this for almost 100 years every night.

When she interacted with humans, she surprised how much attention she would draw to herself. Both men and women - they'd admire her, shower with compliments and would do anything to have her attention. She remembered seeing Donovan entrancing every single person in one chamber where he held his gallery, people stared at him with adoration unblinking, throw themselves at his feet and he loved it. He had them eating from his palm. To have such control over so many people - mental, emotional and sexual - it was dangerous. The blood of Iscari offered unnatural beauty and radiance that would attract everyone's attention, but those powers corrupt the Iscari vampire.

They'd bring people over to their mansion and indulge in hedonistic delights, feed from one another and generally make a mess in most of the rooms, while their Ghoul servants would silently clean everything up the next morning. Seducing people came so easy for Rosalie, even when she didn't intend to do so. Jokingly she asked someone to give her some money, and the person, not only gave her their money - they gave her their wrist watches, jewelry or anything else of material worth. She refused immediately, feeling severely uncomfortable. Rosalie was scared of having so much power.

Even less than hundred years later, Rosalie was still fairly naive as the Chapelles fought for some sort of recognition in the society. She was still learning, she was still the old Rosalie. Kind, gentle, patient, hopeful and starry-eyed. She wanted the world and only for the good reasons.

She also noticed how easily she loses herself in things that normally she didn't consider beautiful. Monstrous designs and creatures would mesmerize her. In the Parisian mansion, Donovan had a large statue of a nude Medusa, her body was ideal for the Roman ideals, but her face was completely terrifying. Rosalie would catch herself staring with wonder at the statue, completely lost and hypnotized by the perfection and characteristic and frightening face that she found to be very exciting - another curse of the Iscari blood - being entranced by what one may subconsciously consider beautiful. Rosalie found monsters, beasts and terrifying things beautiful. There was pain behind it - pain she felt. She felt like a monster, too.

While not everything was blood and roses, Rosalie would eventually come to Los Angeles where she met people she never thought existed, saw buildings unlike anywhere else and the beach in Santa Monica became her favorite place to visit. But Donovan needed a muse and he also needed to stay away from the public, given that technology slowly started to take over. He was once a celebrity and he'd risk being recognized by humans and officially stopped being a recognizable figure. This awoke violent tendencies within him, since he loved attention. She was entranced by his powerful presence and beauty, that she believed she was in love with him. She thought she was his muse. But he used her, scarred her body that would heal and use her as his plaything for his sadistic desires. Rosalie sometimes even forgot what he was doing to her, but she always ended up with the same feeling - she felt unclean.

Artiste Extraordinaire: 2000's

Rosalie here reached her peak - she not only has sharpened her talent of acting, her presence and beauty intensified to a level that would've normally frighten her. She was acting in Los Angeles' "Golden Angel" theater, owned and funded by Donovan, where she became the very face of it and also a recognized Hollywood star all over the world, both in human and vampire society, you could not walk the streets of LA without seeing her face on the billboards. And this was all thanks to Chapelles doing a very risque move that eventually changed Los Angeles for good. Some people think this is the golden age for LA and others say that its only going downhill. And oh, did the angel fall.

All three of the Chapelles are recognized and influential members of the vampires society, Francesca and Donovan became the parts of Inner Circle, while Rosalie is the trend setter for humans and vampires of Hollywood - which could eventually reach even outside of America, given Hollywood's importance. Because of her appearance and charisma on-screen, people desired to see her raw and passionate roles in theater plays, which made theaters IN after years of this art form being just a cultural artistic show which was mostly appreciated by the rich people who had money to attend the shows.

She has many important vampires wrapped around her finger, her personal apartment always buzzing with activity of both humans and vampires, indulging in hedonistic delights. Rosalie became a ravenous woman who craved more of everything to fulfill the emptiness in her very being. She grew bored easily, she would kill accidentally while feeding on humans, her libido went through the roof and she became less emotionally available. Dismissed as pretentious celebrity behavior, Rosalie suffered the biggest artistic block of her life, disgusted with the world she currently lives in, all optimism and hopefulness died along with the old Los Angeles. She never wanted any of this to happen. Alas, she had to become the apex predator of this day and age to survive.

She's a master manipulator, dangerous political player, yet very disloyal, her interests becoming more selfish. She still wants to be the person she once was, but that meant that she was weak in the eyes of all the players that surround her. And in the high steps of the ladder in vampire society, when you show weakness - you're devoured whole.

Happiness seemed so far away... If only she could see the sunrise again.


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Frances of the Serpents


Man of the house? Over there - the redhead.


NOTE: This is exclusively a character for Dragon Age roleplays

Name: Frances (fake name)
Gender: Female
Age: 24
Orientation: Heterosexual
Race: Human
Class: Rogue assassin
Nicknames: Spitfire, Boss, Bitch, Miss Angry Pants, Red
Occupation: Head of the Serpents of the Rocks

Keywords: Sarcastic, empathetic, passionate, Chantry-hater, introverted, alcoholic, haunted, depressed and friendly


Frances and the Serpents

Nobody knows from where Frances actually came and why she insisted on attacking a group assassins in the middle of the night, but what men and women of the underground assassin organization know is that Frances wanted to die in a fight, but her skill and vigor in battle made the Head Serpent stop the fight and spare the poor fool. He recognized the pain and exhaustion in her eyes and took her in, especially after he learned of her deeds in the past. It wasn't long before Tobias, a man close to retirement of his position, loved the girl as his own daughter. She reminded him so much of his child that he's lost to Blight that he was ready to leave everything to Frances. Not only because he loved her, but because he knew she would not abuse the power of this organization and the resources.

The Lair of the Serpents is a convenient web of tunnels made by one of the dwarves in the group with the help of other hard working men. Except from the many passages that lead out to different locations of the Hinterlands, they have a direct passage to Redcliffe where they send spies and the place from which they transport their resources.The Serpents' interest was to bring justice to the innocent and Tobias took in people who were talented and had nowhere to go. Not only that, but they would adopt the children who lost their parents during the Blight and have them do minor things, such as spying, gathering information and finding their place among their new family. Frances loved children as if they were her siblings and they loved her back just as much. She showed fierce protection over them, especially given her past and why she's so determined to give her life to them. And she did not want them to end up with the Chantry, due to her terrible experience with them when she was a child.

The Nightlaws and Julienne

Before Frances officially became the member of the Serpents, she was sent to spend three years with the infamous group of Orlesian pirates, known as Nightlaws, but loosely called Phantasms by the Orlesians. There Frances perfected her skills and became a force to be reckoned with, but developed a new persona that is very well known as Julienne Bechard, the seductress and daughter of the terrifying pirate Demon's Grin, the leader and captain of the Nightlaws - Florian Bechard. If one has been in Orlais, they'd hear the bards sing of the cold-blooded killer and seductress, a very dark intrigue with which Orlesians are obsessed with. Julienne is not seen often, but when the masked assassin does make her appearance, some watch in awe, others clear the path and disappear from sight. It was one of the rare things Frances enjoyed. But learning Orlesian came naturally to her, as if she was meant to be one of them.

Frances finds it hard to resist and tends to work with Nightlaws from time to time. She adores sailing, the sea breeze and the songs of one of her trusted companions, William has a soft and melodic voice that flew in harmony with the sound of waves. In order to escape her ghosts and all the suffering she's silent about, she'd become Julienne and enjoy being a different person, for a little while.


Recent events

Tobias has died under very suspicious circumstances, but it was very quickly dismissed as weak heart. Both Frances and Tavros, her trusted friend who was loyal like a dog to Tobias, knew that something was up. But if it wasn't enough for Frances to lose the only father she ever had, many of the Serpents disagreed to accept her as the new Head Serpent and it didn't end with a vocal disagreement - they wanted to kill both her and Tavros. But the two of them weren't alone and it ended up with many deaths among the Serpents.

She never wanted any of this and if she didn't love Tobias so much, she would've abandoned the organization. Instead, she took it upon herself to lead these men and offer them the same shelter Tobias did, she accepted knowing that there were traitors in their midst.

Aside from doing what Tobias has already done, Frances wanted to spread the influence of Serpents, but still keeping a very low profile. To this day, little to no one knows who they are and even if they do, the Serpents misled them into thinking that their boss Frances is actually a man, purposefully giving false information so people know as little about them as possible, for that is their strength and why they prospered for so many decades.


Hair: Fiery red, wavy and curly, reaches down to her waist
Specific features: Faint freckles over her face
Eyes: Green
Height: 5'7''
Body type: Hourglass, stronger in the hips, but very athletic and flexible.

Fighting style: She's trained, incredibly quick and light on her feet. She's not necessarily strong, but she's very slippery and easy to miss. Daggers are almost like the extensions of her arms and dances around her enemies while cutting them little by little. She's been spotted jumping on top of the ogre quite literally to get face to face and stabbed him in every eye. While some may consider her fearless, any normal person would say that this is a stupid bravery and that she will get herself killed. Perhaps that's the point.

Style: She wears black all the time, not exactly because of her taste, but because its practical. If she cared, she'd wear dresses, but she thinks most of them are ugly. She's seen very often in leather, fur, wrapped in scarves, and sometimes a corset, so she can effectively hide her throwing knives. As her alter ego Julienne, its an entirely different case. She dresses to get attention to herself, hiding her true personality.


Typical Serpent outfit, it only includes a facemask to cover the lower part of the face


A well familiar image of Julienne Bechard, the infamous daughter of Florian Bechard, a seductress and cold-blooded killer.


A man who's been there from the start, a man who guarded Tobias and now kept his promise to the dead man and keeps Frances in check. Tavros is a man who's seen many things in past three decades, but still a very proud fighter.

Tavros in appearance has a scarred face. Cuts, bruises and stitches, he's proud of having that many battlemarks. His head is roughly shaved and sometimes grows a dark beard. His blue eyes look predatory and piercing when his face is completely covered in blood. Though he has all the skills as an assassin, in reality he's a Reaver and fights with two waraxes that he carries on his back. He is tall and terrifying, uses the blood of dragon as warpaint, but usually draws Andrastian symbols. Believe it or not, Tavros believes in the Maker and Andraste, despite his disagreements with the Chantry.


A boy or commonly mistaken, a man who's been following after the Serpents every so often as a bard and a messenger, when he has time to get off the Nightlaws' ship. He is one of the rare people Frances trusts without even questioning and because of her understanding and empathetic nature, he was there whenever she asked for him.

William is barely twenty years, though he looks like a middle-aged man. It's what the world has done to him, the cruelty of being an orphan and a slave. But the biggest reason to why William has aged so quickly is because he's the part of Nightlaws. He's a coward, he doesn't like fighting and death and prefers to stay away from it, but he has his virtues. And as Frances once said: "If you're going to be a coward, you better be a lucky and smart arse." William has lived to those standards. Just like the redhead herself, it's a miracle that William lives after everything. William is loved for simple things, such as his singing, lute playing and story telling, which he does almost every day on the Nightlaws' ship.


Nightlaws consider themselves free men, they're the extension of the Serpents, however they do not fight for a cause, they fight for the sake of fighting. This put Frances in a tough position, but this is where she has learned everything she knows. They set some records straight all over the world and where they dock, the decks are usually empty, the moment the people see the familiar black sails with a purple masked skull on it. This is where the best of the best are and its usually the lords and those with money who get to pay them in order to get something done. Nightlaws don't always hold on to the deal - many of their clients died by their hand. Nightlaws don't have a hiding place of their own - their home is the sea and they rule it.

Florian, the man of the Nightlaws himself, is a big and terrifying man, cold-blooded killer and horrifying tales of the Demon's Grin were about him and his terrible deeds. But, in the eyes of the people who don't understand the full story, this seems like criminal injustice, the truth about the Florian's actions are simple. He tracks down traitors, leeches and thieves who do not deserve to be rich, but innocents tend to be in the way and it doesn't end well. In Florian's eyes, it needs to be done. He's the killer of lords and with Serpents on his side, they managed to paint the golden walls of Orlais red after some of the lords tried to cross them.

Nightlaws are left alone.... For now.
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