Character(s) Brian Khan, his followers, his friends... (Work in Progress)

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Character(s) Brian Khan, his followers, his friends... (Work in Progress)

Brian Khan

Athlete and workaholic in real life.
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Yesterday 10:35 PM
Sir, Mister
As of January 25, 2025, this thread is a work in progress unless said otherwise by original author.

Character Name: Brian Khan

Character portrait:

Brian Khan, his weapons, his mule. JPEG.jpg

If you look closely at his face, you'll see he has Asian features. Because he is Asian. I just call Asians a different name in my fantasy world. He is 6 feet, 4 inches tall and has a bodyweight of about 300 pounds.

Age: 25 years in the flesh. 100 years in actuality due to the magical anti-aging herb he consumes.

Skills and traits: A master of archery, swordsmanship, long-distance traveling, weight training, and the not-so-subtle art of smashing enemies and buildings with his large hammer. He may be 25 years old in biology, but the dude has been training for over 80 years since his adolescence.

He's extremely strong. He can squat 2,000 pounds, bench press 1,300 pounds, can propel a shot put ball with his palm at the speed of a shot cannonball, can deadlift 2,900 pounds, can outrun a tiger despite being 300 pounds in bodyweight, can outmatch the agility of the most graceful ballet dancers of the modern age.

He also used those 80 years to train with instructors and sparring partners in archery and swordsmanship.

He is incredibly simple-minded. His intelligence is only a little above average, but the man hoarded knowledge from books worse than a meth-infused squirrel hoarding nuts. He'd basically read and re-read whole books cover to cover thirty times in one year before moving on to new reading material and only after committing pages of those books to memory. His skills and know-how when it comes to long distance traveling, mule management, and calculating rations is very good. On par with experienced soldiers who are veterans at traveling to unknown territory during war. He is also not bad in haggling to save money or to buy things cheaper. He enjoys doing it too.

Backstory: Brian Khan is one of the very few pure-bloodline descendants of a group of people called the Scorgs, an ethnic group of people who dominated the steppes of the great Skrulig province. The Scorgs were a proud group of warriors and cattle herders who made a living trading spices, herbs, wool, and cheese to bigger cities. Life for them, then, was humble and simple, their people competing in sports against other provinces and cities with some selling their services as mercenaries or bodyguards for foreign nobility. In the year 290 of the Goat Era (GE), the large nation of Brulig started a series of conquests that led to the full invasion of Skrulig and her people. The tyrranical rule of Brulig's emperor led to the decimation and cruel enslavement of the Scorgs, them barely mustering the courage to swear vengeance.

Among the last few clans who survived and escaped Bruligian captivity were the Khans, one of the six mighty clans of Skrulig history that led the way towards the creation of the province's renowned martial art called "Mighty Chad-ism". Mighty Chad-ism is a combat system and a way of life that teaches how to build a strong body through increased meat consumption, rigorous physical exertion by lifting objects known as "barbells", and the art of living a stress free life. Mighty Chad-ism also teaches swordsmanship techniques, archery, blacksmithing, herbal alchemy, interpersonal ethics, and wrestling. They also teach how to wield a large hammer for combat for those strong enough to wield it. By the grace of the gods, the Khan clan were able to preserve their teachings in leather-bound tomes and by teaching masters of the art who would teach it to the young.

The Khans left their annexed province and traveled west. In the jungle of Bambalaya, they settled. They built a village for their community and taught the young men and women Mighty Chad-ism. Brian grew up in that loving community and became the best practitioner of the art. At age 25, he left his village to go on an adventure, perhaps come back to his village, or perhaps never. 75 years later, after so much training and experiences, this adventure is still ongoing in the universe of

1. A two-handed warhammer with its head made of steel, crafted by Scorg blacksmiths.
2. A straight-edge dagger.
3. A curved sword. Curved. Sword.
4. A longbow with arrows. Very heavy draw weight and under the right hands, can kill all manner of wild beasts and ne'er-do-wells from a long distance.
5. His pack mule he named Henry Cavill. Apparently, Brian considers Henry Cavill the sexiest male mule the world has ever known... Certainly better-looking than his cousin's ugly mule, Brad Pitt.
6. Books. Because knowledge is power. The stuff in it were written by his sage ancestors who mastered some science, some alchemy, and some form of ethical philosophy.
7. Barbells and dumbbells. But nothing modern. It's the old school ones.

1. Arrogant to a fault. He thinks he knows better than everyone and gets resentful when proven wrong.
2. He needs ten hours of sleep a day in order to be at full mental capacity throughout the day.
3. Eats a lot. He'll be fine with little food, but his physical frame immediately starts getting smaller and weaker every day that passes without him being well-nourished.
4. Terrible endurance by hiker standards. He can walk three miles just fine, but he can't keep up that pace very long, making him a slow traveler.
5. Easily manipulated by good-looking women.
6. He is a flesh and blood creature just like any other human there is. In other words, he is a glass cannon character who will bleed just like everyone else.
7. He is almost always lightly-armored. Although that enables him ease of travel due to lightness, he gets easily damaged by mere semi-strong physical attacks.
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Base of operations. AKA, "home".

Work in progress. This post will be edited.

Aside from the barn, the crops, and the house, Brian's farm home will include two attractive eighteen year old girls who will keep the place clean, the animals fed, and the crops watered. Farmhands, basically. Although physically weak except for some minimum strength and fitness for mild farm work, these two girls are eternally young and never aging. They can still be killed, but their bodies are bound by a spell that completely halts the aging process. For whatever reasons, the gods chose these two girls as the servants of Brian who will always keep the place well tended and their master sexually satisfied. I will include a portrait of them soon and give more information about them soon.
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Current and past relationships with other characters by other players.

Work in progress. This post will be edited.
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