MxM Broken Like Me (Slice of life, MxM, Romance)

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MxM Broken Like Me (Slice of life, MxM, Romance)


Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 11:39 PM
Hi there,

I'm Elm, and I've been writing for over a decade. I'm just returning from a three month hiatus where my creative bug withered up and died. But I've been feeling more inspired recently and think I could revive it with the right person. Could it be you? Lets see...

I'll be quick summing myself up, but I've worked on my writing quite a bit to get it to a level of quality I really enjoy. I go for both quality and quantity and I'm hoping for a partner that has a similar writing style to myself. I write third person/past tense. 500 words is usually my minimum but depending on the scene it can vary quite a bit. I like solid writing but I'm not a stickler for perfect grammar and typos don't bother me. Gods know I make mistakes. As long as your writing isn't riddled with them and you've put good effort in, then I'm happy! I really just need a partner that pushes the story forward because I will definitely be pushing us in the direction we decide on together, I just don't want to be the only one moving the story along. I'm a big fan of fantasy, romance, adventure, and slow burns.

Expectations/Preferences for you and myself
-500 word minimum per post. My range is 500-1500+ depending on the scene.
-Third person/past tense
-Communication (For both plotting and just general communication about wait times between posts)
-Posts like once a week, more if possible of course, but this is a hobby and it should be fun. No pressure. Just let me know so I'm not constantly checking for updates.
-18+ themes like sex, drugs, violence, ect... I like detailed writing so things will get nitty gritty.
-A solid story that also includes smut where it fits. I don't have a preferred ratio but I'm big on sexual tension and slow burns that sometimes erupt suddenly. It should be organic if our characters have chemistry.
-In MxM I prefer to play the bottom. I've tried being a top and a switch and it just doesn't work for me.

This story can be Omegaverse if we'd like or just regular. Let me know if you're interested in it being Omegaverse.


On to the story idea

Inspired by Z.Pico's The Boy and the Wolf

Think of two guys, each coasting through their very different lives. They're comfortable in their routines and their futures seem sure. But then they suddenly crash into each other and both their worlds begin to tip. They're so different, so far away from one another, but at the same time they are so similar. For the first time someone is looking at them, someone sees them, and they are both so overwhelmed by that feeling that they get caught up in one another. They can't seem to stay apart. Since they meet each other their respective worlds come apart. Like a collision and now they are anchors for each other in this new strange reality.

My Character - As a child his home lit on fire, killing both his parents. Having his entire world flipped upside down at such an early age left him with scars, though they wern't all physical. From then he was raised by his grandmother, someone he could never feel close to. His life is mundane for the most part, moving his way through college, working part time, and spending countless hours at his therapist trying to untangle the darkness that plagues his mind. The anxieties and fears that still make it impossible to be in the dark without seeing things that his mind wants him to believe are real.

Your Character - Meanwhile he is a criminal, a member of an underground money lending group who are known for being ruthless. His every day life is often filled with fighting, money, and the smell of blood. He's lived his way so long that its almost second nature. He made the group with his buddies and over the years it's grown more and more successful thanks to their ruthless behaviour. They steal money, lend it out to people who ask, and then collect with interest. And if they go to collect and theres no money, they're quick to spill blood. Violence comes easy to him, almost too easy. And lately... something doesn't feel right.

Their meeting is more like a collision, their lives being thrust together in a wild, unexpected way. They're totally different people living completely different lives but despite that... they are drawn together. When they look at each other they feel seen and heard, as if their troubles actually matter to someone. Maybe it's because they don't know each other outside their late night talks, but they feel safe talking about the heavy things and laying some secrets bare. As if they're not being judged, just listened to.

This story will have some heavy aspects but I really want to focus on building their relationship. Forming a bond between these two very different people. I'm hoping for good chemistry between them obviously, but a relationship that grows from curiosity to genuine friendship, and then on to something else they wern't expecting. M/C is just a regular, troubled guy while Y/C lives a darker life. He doesn't want M/C involved with all the illegal stuff he does but that might be unavoidable once people catch wind of their relationship. I think it will be an interesting dynamic to write and their encounters will be both heavy and light hearted at times.

If you're interested send me a PM with some info about you and a writing sample! If we mesh well we can plot more together. Thanks!
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