Broken (open)

Currently reading:
Broken (open)

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Today 10:20 AM

Raven was a lone wolf in this dark decaying world. Of course, there were several groups of survivors trying to make a go of what was left, roaming and running. The running never ended. She had joined a group once, at the very beginning, but after 'The Incident' she preferred traveling alone. Life had become a constant battle for survival. This world was no longer meant for the living. If the flesh-eating creatures of doom weren't bad enough, there were still those of us with a pulse that had a fetish for violence. After the fall of civilization, laws no longer reigned in the corruption of man.

The girl was quick on her feet as she moved silently through the littered streets of a forgotten town. Blood-smeared cars stood abandoned on the street, windows smashed in. Trash, broken down outdoor equipment scattered about, and the bodies. The decaying bodies of the monstrous creatures, who were once ordinary people. She knew better than to try to hunt for supplies in the cities. They were nothing but death traps. She preferred sticking to the more rural areas and the outskirts of city limits, fewer houses and fewer dead.

The afternoon sun beat down on the back of her neck as she moved closer to yet another of the houses lining the block. There weren't many houses in the area, a single block of them. After the block of houses was a few stores and a gas station. Her black military backpack was nearly full, but she wanted to clear one last house. She had at least another two hours before nightfall, plenty of time to loot and get back to base.

The night was always the worst. Streetlights no longer pierced the black veil and the dead were usually more active. Her target was a three-story Victorian White House with blue trim on the windows. The wrap-around porch was a bit battered but still sturdy enough. She carefully made her way up the steps and walked around the perimeter of the house, making sure she was the only one around. Once she returned to the front of the house she tested the door, it swung open effortlessly. The girl's ocean eyes scanned the abandoned living room for any signs of movement. All was quiet. Slowly and silently she moved on to the kitchen, library, and study that made up the first story, her machete in her hand the entire time. She was on high alert.

The house was littered with scattered belongings of the forgotten souls who once called this place home. Raven moved up the stairs to the second floor, she had to step over a fallen dresser in order to get to go any further. She noticed a few of the doors were closed but most of them were open. With a sigh, she hopped over the dresser and checked each opened room systematically. They were empty, everything once precious to someone, left in a panic. She stopped in front of the first closed door and took a breath. She opened the door slightly and looked in.

She noticed a simple roamer and sighed. Nothing too hard. She opened the door wide, and the creature turned to her. It's lifeless dead eyes stared at her and it growled in hunger. She stood still letting it move closer to her. She closed her eyes and listened as it shuffled through the mess on the floor. The dead thing reached out for her and snarled, she could feel it's hot fowl breath on her skin. It was only then that she moved, shoving her blade deep into it's rotten skull. She pulled her blade out of it and kicked its lifeless body to the ground. The creature was so rotten there was minimal blood, but the stench was beyond fowl.

Raven stepped out of the room and moved on
to the next closed door. She pushed the door open and noticed a screamer. "Shit!" She moved with a quickness very few could match. In almost an instant she was at it's side and slit it's throat before it could scream. It snapped at her but she slammed it into a dresser. It bought her time to drop her machete and pull her father's military sword from a sheath on her back. She gave a quick decisive slash to the air and made contact with the upper half of the creature's head. Blood and bits of brain fell to the floor in a puddle.

Raven wiped her sword's blade off and placed it back in the sheath before moving on. The next few rooms were empty, except one of them led upstairs to the attic. She slowly opened the door and noticed one of the fat ugly bloated fuckers she hated the most. Before it noticed her she closed the door, deciding to leave that area alone.

The girl decided to go back downstairs and start going through each room carefully, looking for needed or interesting items. She found plenty of canned food, and a few other interesting items. Looting took longer than what she planned and the sun was already starting to set. She sighed and decided to just hole up here for the night.

The girl tossed down her bag in the middle of the living room floor and sat down next to it. She pulled out a bottle of water and a can of potted meat. She wasn't a fan of it, but it was better than nothing. She set the items next to her, and pulled one last item, a book. It was one she found earlier that day. She moved the bag to the wall and used it to prop her head up with.

She knew it was silly to sit here as if the world wasn't falling apart around her, but books were once something she had enjoyed. She remembered sitting up and reading about magical worlds and falling in love with people who never existed, late at night when she could sleep. Her mother would let her stay up late as her mother would read to her. Books were something precious to the girl. Her fingers gently caressed the cover of the book, and a small smile formed on her lips. She opened the book and began to read.

Raven read on well into the night, using a small gas lamp she had found for light. She let herself fall into the world of mystery and romance as she ate her food, and sipped on her water. It felt good to leave the world of pain and death and visit a new one for a brief time. Half way into her book, she fell into a peaceful sleep. Her weapons were next to her ready to strike at any given moment. She may be asleep but she was still deadly.
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