MxM Bunny's Hunt

Currently reading:
MxM Bunny's Hunt

Radioactive Bunny

Cute but deadly
Inner Sanctum Nobility
Local time
Today 11:47 AM

I'm just going to jump right into things here...

What You Likely Want To Know:
  • I am a paragraph-type roleplayer, generally, and depending on inspiration can write 500 words or more. Paragraph formate is my preferred method and I generally write in third person, past tense. I can, however, also do chat-style rps upon request. If you prefer something other than what I normally do, let me know. I can usually work with it.
  • I tend to play male characters over females and favor M// ships over hetero ones. However, I am comfortable with transgender relationships as well. Do note that I have experienced a struggle with keeping interested in female characters in general (not just my own, but my partners' as well). If you are confident in your CIS girl characters and have something in mind, feel free to give me a try. I'm not against continuing to try and work with CIS female characters.
  • I favor story over smut, but I do enjoy a well-written scene now and again.
  • In my years of roleplaying, I've only come across one real limit to what I'll write: potty play. That said, some things I have little to no experience writing but that doesn't mean I'm opposed to it. I enjoy trying new things. So I'll give your fancies a try and if I just can't handle it, I'll let you know.
  • I can play any disposition (dom, sub, switch). If you are generally stuck playing one and want to play something else, I'm your bunny.
  • I am willing to play most any species to fit a story.
  • What I would like from you would be semi-frequent replies of at least two sentences or more. Specifically, give me something to work with. Sometimes, I understand, that can be just one line, but please try to shoot for a small paragraph. If English isn't your first language, please let me know. If it is and you're still iffy on grammar and spelling, I request you use spell check of some variety. A basic grasp of the English language is really all I request of you.
  • I am quite friendly with my partners and enjoy a fair amount of OOC conversations. I like to get to know my partners, but most of all, I enjoy planning and plotting ahead of the story with whoever I'm writing with.

The Ideas:
Generally speaking, I'm open to a lot of story concepts. I'll share a few of my favorite ships and fandoms. I do not have a lot of experience with post-apocalyptic or zombie settings, but I'm willing to do them. I'm also pretty fond of omegaverse and mpreg.
  • Opposites attract (i.e: jock x nerd, hero x villain, rich x poor, etc)
  • Taboo (Think Romeo and Juliet, potentially without the dying at the end)
  • Bandmates
  • Roommates
  • Sibling x Sibling's partner
  • Arranged Marriage
  • Holy x Unholy
  • My Hero Academia
  • Black Butler/Kuroshitsuji
  • Dot Hack/SOA
  • Fire Force
  • Soul Eater
Note: I do not play canon characters. I'm too scared to screw them up. If you wish to play a canon character, I'm okay with that.
If there's a fandom not listed here, feel free to ask. I tend to forget all the anime and shows I've seen.
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So, here are a few samples of past work:

Percival Snowe peered out of the window of the carriage as it rattled along down the road. He had half expected his new employer to sit inside with him, but he found the giant of a man taking up a spot on the driver's bench instead. It stirred a curiosity in him that was quickly placated by the assumption that the master he was soon be serving had very few staff. So, having no conversational companion he was left to just look out the window and muse over the sort of people he would be coming to live with. His ideas, as they came to him, were wild and probably akin to those of a child, at least at the start. While the carriage drew closer and his surroundings started to become foggy and dark, his imaginings went in the same direction. Was he coming to work for some necromantic practitioners? Did they actually intend to kill him rather than have him look after a small flock of children? Percy swallowed hard at that idea and gripped the handle of his one little suitcase tight enough to cause his knuckles to lose all color.

"Way to ruffle your own feathers, Percy," he hissed at himself, attempting to sound angry but only managing to sound scared.

When the rattling of the carriage came to a stop and the vehicle lurched to allow the monster of a man off the driver's seat, Percival found himself gripping his half-full suitcase to his chest hard enough his hands were hurting. He had well and thoroughly scared himself regarding his new employers.

He had sunk so deeply into the seat of the carriage that he nearly missed the hand that appeared after the door to his transport had opened. It was the voice that followed the hand that actually drew him out of his seat and to the opening of the carriage only to tumble gracelessly out onto the road, his suitcase falling free of him to clatter about off into the darkness on the other side of the carriage.

He groaned in pain as he tried to right himself from his topsy-turvy position. After a few moments of struggling, he managed to find himself sitting on his bottom rather than his shoulder and his clothes entirely out of place upon his frame causing him to frown in dismay before standing and working to smooth everything over. He stood no taller than five foot eight and with his disheveled attire, it was easy to see he was of average weight but had no obvious muscle tone which made him look, at least from the shoulders down, effeminate.

"Percival Snowe." His name left his lips slowly as his mismatched eyes started to scan around for his suitcase. "I'm… I'm sorry. I seem to have misplaced my case in the tumble," he said with embarrassment as he finally drew his gaze up to 'Mister Birmingham'.

Just another day. The words were scrawled through the steam on the bathroom mirror and had obviously been rewritten numerous times. A full-lipped scowl gradually became visible as the steam dissipated off the mirror and was matched with narrowed silver eyes.

"Just another day. Yeah, right." The voice that spoke was soft and delicate while still somehow managing to carry a tone of disappointment. It was indeed just another day. Same shit, different day was the phrase, right?

With the sound of a sigh came the quiet sound of bare feet left the linoleum floor of the bathroom and onto threadbare carpet.

It was less than five minutes before the clothes that had been laid out on the foot of a raggedy mattress were fitted tightly upon the graceful and lean frame of one Cameron Crowe, or Camy as he was prone to calling himself. Black fishnet stockings, tight denim shorts, a long-sleeved lace camisole covered with a black corset to keep himself covered in a way that wouldn't be completely offensive to the public eye. Still, bare feet persisted around the shabby apartment while food became president over leaving for work.

Putting a piece of toast with some butter in a pan, he browned the bread carefully on both sides before plucking it from the pan with a two-tined fork and proceeded to tear small pieces off with his teeth as he returned to his bedroom to acquire a pair of heeled sandals and slipped his petite feet into them then adjusted with a mindful nature to keep his toast from falling onto the floor to do up the straps of his shoes. Some moments later, his shoes were on securely and his toast was entirely devoured. His shoes were left nearly silent by the sad carpet as he returned his fork to the smaller than small kitchen then made his way further through the space just to push the weak door aside and step out onto the stairs then down to hit the streets and stroll with disinterest towards his place of employment.

Coming to the side door of his place of employment, the door that was usually reserved for employees, he paused and made himself take a deep breath then brought a brilliant smile to his features before stepping inside and winding his way through the staff and storeroom. Stepping into the main room of the establishment, he offered his greetings to his boss then moved to situate himself at a part of the bar to begin his shift.

"I'd like to speak to the fortune teller… oh and two glasses of your finest Riesling. My husband will fit the tab."

The words drew his silver eyes up from his pouring of a beer with a cheerful smile. "Two Rieslings and a reading? You got it, honey," he chimed out brightly as he spelled the beer over to its purchaser then turned to grab their most expensive bottle of the requested alcoholic beverage. Swiping two glasses off a shelf, he carefully poured filled both with Riesling then set them on the counter in front of the two newcomers. "I'll be right with you for the reading. Please wait here," he added as he took the card and went to start up the tab for the couple.

After making sure the card was secure with the open tab, he let his boss know there was a request for a reading then ducked out from behind the bar to lightly tap the woman on the shoulder. "This way, please," he said gently as he motioned with his unoccupied hand towards a shut door.

Beyond the door was his space. It was the only place in the bar where the heavy alcoholic atmosphere of the main room. The smell of incense was softer and not as oppressive. The sound of the music outside failed to penetrate the room. Upon entering the room, several small crystals around the room began to illuminate the space in a welcoming glow.

He moved to set a second chair at his reading table then motioned for the two to sit down. The table itself was draped in a deep purple cloth and held nothing more than a stack of cards and two candlesticks. "Make yourselves comfortable," he encouraged as he moved to claim a small crystal light off the back table then bring it to the small center one for the reading where he then took his own chair. Settled comfortably himself, with one knee crossed over the other, he folded his hands on the table. "Alright, what can I do for you, and by that I mean would you prefer a palm reading or tarot?"
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