But I Never Seem To Make Any Sense!

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But I Never Seem To Make Any Sense!


Verdant Threshecutioner
Local time
Today 7:53 PM

Call me Absin, or Absinthe, whichever you prefer.

I'm a 24 year old male, a gamer (Who isn't these days), a writer (In a hobby sense, not professional sadly), and a bunch of other things that describe my hobbies and junk. I'd get into what I think about personal politics but I don't feel like making people hate me off the bat!

So, uh, I guess that's generally it. I'm gonna start workin' on a signature and whatnot shortly, and probably go about exploring the site.

Ciao for now, Mangos~

P.S. I love voice chatting, so if anyone ever wants to have a conversation about whatever, I have a discord server basically for that specific thing exactly!
Welcome to the Sanctum, Absin! We're excited to have you here. =3

I have no idea what a discord server is, though. 0.o
So kind of like Skype, except no video is possible?
Alrighty. Well, I've got to let you know that the only information we allow exchanged is Skype and email, and that it has to be done via PM. Discord servers don't fall into that. =/
Oh. Well, maybe I should talk to one of the admins about getting a discord server set up for the site. It's a free service, and it's awesome for having more than two people talking at once. What're the admins names so I can throw the idea at them, or even just ask if I can invite people to my personal server?
We've had the offer before. We decided against it because unlike written chat, there's no logs of what people say. It makes it ripe for abuse unless staff is constantly listening
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