MxF Canvas for your Cravings

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MxF Canvas for your Cravings

Mason West

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Today 4:43 AM
A Canvas For Your Cravings

Who Am I?
I am currently a full-time university student studying law. I have been roleplaying on and off for 5 years on The Inner Sanctum and 8 years in total from the first version of the Inner Sanctum site and offsite.

I've enjoyed writing and reading for most of my life. Authors like C.S Lewis, Stephan King and H.P. Lovecraft had greatly influenced my interest in fantasy, sci-fi, horror and other blood pumping genres. I began writing because I wanted to add onto the exciting worlds created by the authors I read. Being here, I try my best to make the spirit of these stories come to life and create for myself and others the same fascinating feeling of being engrossed in an alternative world made in your own design. I strive to make fantasy into reality.

Writing Style
My writing style will change depending on who I'm working with and the tone of the story we've created. A dystopian alien city where poverty runs rampant and government corruption that has left the infrastructure dilapidated will read much different to a blooming forest on a breezy and bright spring day. Regardless, you can see below what I can do and what I enjoy

  • I probably have way more I'm able to do but can't remember so just ask me if I can do X or not
    • Can write in any point of view. Third, first, Omniscient or the peeping neighbor across the street
    • I can respond as frequent as daily or as infrequent as once a week depending on the length of the response and my personal schedule
    • Capable of writing up to 2000 words with detail. Haven't tested my ability to write beyond that range besides long university essays but I'm enthusiastic to try.
    • Able to write the perspcetive of mutiple side characters simultatilously
  • These are requirements. No ill-will towards anyone who don't/can't do certain things.
    • Partners who are literate with the ability to write 500+ words. Short paragraphs are understandable when it's a slow point but I'm fond to detail and enjoy having a lot of content to respond to
    • Doesn't only write 100% submissive characters. When a character already gives all their will, there is nothing to work towards. Characters can be submissive but we all love a switch/dominant :)
    • No Mary Sues or Gary Stus. Everyone has flaws. If the banker making 500k a year on Wall Street deals with his mommy issues by buying a dominatrix, you can't expect anyone to be perfect
    • Communication. If you want the plot to go in a certain way or don't enjoy something or even if you like talking OOC, let me know. It takes two to tango unless you own a blow-up doll.

** Note ** If I don't list an expectation and you're unsure of my opinion on it (example of response times I expect from people), I do it for a reason. I don't really care about those things. We're all people and life happens. Sometimes you aren't in the mood; your manager at work is being a real bitch and you'd rather sit on your couch or go out instead. You do your thing and I'll do my thing and if it works it works. Compromises are my forte so if you expect more of me, less of me or whatever, just ask and we will talk about it.

Personally I consider these my most quality work in no order specifically. Fantastic work done with remarkable people who have amazing writing voices. You should check these out to get a taste of if you'd like to work with me or not

Low Fantasy - Insult-to-Injury

Sci-Fi - Survive, Together
Sci-Fi - Stars in the Void

The Actual Request - What You Are Here For
As the name of the thread implies, I made it to give anyone an opportunity to try a story they crave. Rather it be a Slice of Life, Brutal Fantasy World, Apocalyptic Romance, The more extreme the better. If you have a good idea, I'd like to try it out. If you don't have something exactly figured out, I'm open to indulging in some brainstorming to create a proposition. I have no limits regarding content, both plot or smut wise. I've done the softest sweetest love stories all the way to toxic nasty gore pieces full with manipulation, torture, BDSM and have enjoyed all of it. Shoot your shot.

Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Do you work with fandoms?
I haven't done any but I'm not against it. I've watched a lot of shows, played a bunch of games and read a lot of books. I think I'm going to be a lot more picky when it comes to working with fandoms. I don't really invest myself too much into these things often and to make a good fandom based story without an unbearable amount of cringe, both parties need to have in-depth knowledge of the lore, personalities of the characters, their backstory and so on.
Q: Are you Ghost Friendly?
Yes. Sometimes you need to take a break or maybe you're done with roleplaying in general for the time being. Don't worry about feeling bad, it does not hurt my feelings and if you ever want to come back, I always let bygones be bygones.
Q: Do you have any Preferences?
Sure. I always enjoy working with predominantly violent stories with romantic side plots. If you put chocolate ice-cream and a new flavor I've never tried before in front of me and chocolate is my favorite flavor, I'll probably pick chocolate. Doesn't mean I wouldn't try the new flavor, I might even enjoy it more than chocolate. So if you have a certain barbarous idea in mind, I'll almost certainly do it just because I'm comfortable and good with them.

Plots in the Making
Gonna organize this later into different categories for different plot types just for easier viewing. Might make a request thread of its own for it I'm not sure.

In 2100 a global war waged on. Destroy and conquer or be trampled by eventual manifest destiny has become the axiom of which humanity's last survivors thrived behind. Marching through foreign snowy woodlands, a small battalion of no less than 1000 corps men and women became engaged with a troupe in a frenzy of blood that would leave no body warm on either side, save for a lone scout sniper and his adversary, a markswoman. As the sun rose and fell on the snowy landscape, the snipers remained in their opposing roosts patiently for 3 nights, praying to catch their last remaining foe unsuspecting. In reality, the lone marksman was slowly hemorrhaging blood out from where he had been graced on their fateful first encounter. Bleeding out, the mission was beginning to seem like the last to the corpsman who had danced with death one too many times. However even on death's door, the divine lure of the exquisite form and captivating eyes he'd glimpsed through the scope for only a moment steeled his focus throughout freezing, blizzard nights. He wondered about the life he had framed in his scopes nights ago. What was her wildest dreams, her childhood, what brought her to be his enemy in the first place? The lines of his scope began to blur out of focus. On the fourth and last night of the senseful standstill, the dying soldier would wake from a fever dream to those glowing amber eyes hovering above him. In his sleep, she had evaded the traps set when the man took his position 4 nights ago. A white cloud puffed out of the corpsman's mouth as he exhaled what he had thought was his last breath when it came to light the pain in his side had dispersed..

Current Craving
Currently looking for a very wicked, fight club-esque type story. Violence, perturbation, gore, a lost romance. A dominant and strong female character would do well here. Could be a enemies x lover situation. I'm willing to do a lot of brainstorming to figure something out here.

If you are interested, don't be afraid to pm or comment. Have a wonderful day
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