MxM Casual/Romantic RP with Horror muses

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MxM Casual/Romantic RP with Horror muses


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General TW for horror themes. Murder, kidnapping, disturbing themes are fair game.

Hello all. I have been on this site for a little- while but took a break to roleplay on Discord for a bit. But i'm craving some fresh faces and this site remains a really awesome place to meet new people for roleplay. I love incorporating dark and macabre themes in a story. Especially with characters that aren't necessarily good people, but have complex, interesting personalities. I'm a big fan of exploring the mind of the "bad guy."

I used to put a bunch of rules and guidelines and stuff but i'm really trying to just be more casual about it lately. We're all just here to have fun. So I'm gonna try to keep these short, and I wouldn't exactly call them 'rules' so much as good info to have when writing with me.

-I'm 20 years old, don't really care about your age as long as it's over 18 of course, but I do like to know.
-Quality over quantity. As long as you put effort into your reply I don't have a problem with it. Doesn't have to be this whole long storybook, I just need something with substance that I can reply to. On the flip side, if it just ends up being super long, sweet. Don't apologize. Send me that shit.
-I love OOC chat. Yes we can be friends. Don't even hesitate. In fact, I really really appreciate plotting. Helps me write. Plus, chatting about the characters, life, or sharing memes is just a lot of fun.
-Long or short term is fine. I do prefer long.
-I deal with mental illness and sometimes disappear for days at a time. I am going to do my best to make sure you get replies regularly, and try to let you know if I can't! But I cannot promise this. If this will be a problem for you I completely understand, which is why i'm saying it right now. If this is an issue turn back now, because I promise it will come up.

I love and crave roleplay that has some element of romance, but it doesn't have to be the central/only focus. I prefer MxM.

Frank Morrison
First muse is Frank Morrison from Dead by Daylight. If you don't know him, here is the wiki page. If you are interested but don't understand/have questions, feel free to hit me up. The idea behind the game is that people randomly get taken by this creature called the "entity" to endure in torturous trials of survivors vs. killers. However, I'm very open to different AUs.

If you are familiar with the Dead by Daylight game, i'm open to writing almost any of the killers. I write a few of the survivors too. Frank just happens to be my favorite.​

Second muse that i'm wanting to try out is an OC of mine. Niklaus, Klaus for short. He doesn't have a last name yet. My reason for wanting to write him is actually to help me develop him better. He's a red room killer, meaning he kidnaps people and live streams torturing and murdering them on the dark web for money. He's in his early 20s. His backstory is under the spoiler.

Klaus had a relatively normal upbringing with himself, two parents, and a younger sister. He had friends, hobbies, and average grades. Klaus and his sister were always close. But when he was a junior in high school and on the cusp of the next stage of his life, his sister was brutally murdered. Her head was removed from the rest of her body, and her killer was never convicted. Someone was able to get ahold of a picture of the girls mutilated body and it quickly spread around. Klaus suddenly felt like an outcast. He had left school but it didn't stop the phone calls, emails, and texts from strangers tormenting him and his family with the photo day in and day out.

This whole thing triggered something in Klaus. Something deep down inside him that he didn't even know he had. Hate. This all consuming feeling of hate and the need for revenge was all he knew. He didn't feel like he could talk to anyone about the storm that was brewing inside of him. So he eventually ended up on the deep web. At least here no one knew who he was, what had happened to him. He was completely anonymous. Other people on these deep web forums were supportive, and it helped a lot. At first. Then, people took a different tone. Told him his rage was justified. That the person who did this, and the people who spread that photo, deserved to feel the pain that Klaus felt.

It didn't happen overnight. It took quite a bit of setup, in fact. Klaus's finished up his senior year online and when he graduated he took over full time in a small convenience store owned by his parents. All the while he prepared to start enacting his revenge. Hatred continued to build inside of him and it surged him forward for years. When the setup for his red room was finally complete, he was more than happy to start taking the lives of the people he felt were responsible, and broadcasting so all the world could see. And he has no plans to stop anytime soon.

I'm open to all things horror so don't hesitate to contact me if you have a different idea.

Speak soon, I hope!
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Hey! I'm interested. I'd love to make a character to roleplay with Klaus. The idea of a horror/romance rp just sounds so exciting!
open to doing either with you! (though i'm unfamiliar with dbd, i'm willing to give it a shot since the character seems interesting.) i fucking love the mixture of horror and romance, that shit has so much going on with it. shoot me a dm if you're up to it!
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