World Catching Strays - World and Characters

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World Catching Strays - World and Characters


The None, The Nonely
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Reference thread for the RP Catching Strays (@notlydialovelace x @Breezi )

World notes will be compiled separately as the world is expanded, and brief character introductions will be given for the main cast as each character is created and/or introduced in-rp.
The world-setting is generally, a high fantasy setting on the cusp of entering a Renaissance, with mostly medieval/feudal and/or Classical inspiration. Technological level is post-medieval, with some early firearms having been developed, but with conventional weaponry standard to medieval-fantasy settings still being widespread and ubiquitous.

  • A semi-autonomous mercantile republic with several coastal port-towns. Travel is primarily for trade, and the mercantile elite hold the most power among the various classes and strata in Kyrios society. Due to having wide-spread and busy trade-routes, the technological standard seen in Kyrios is typically at the forefront of the continent, though certain regions may hold greater local monopolies on certain novel or hard-to-replicate technologies or crafts, which Kyrios merely transports as overland or overseas cargo, rather than necessarily producing locally. Skilled artisans are not uncommon, but without mercantile connections, are relatively less able to prosper than in more innovation-centric regions.
  • One of the well-known, but not the largest, port-townships of Kyrios. Primarily notable for being the main port that intercontinental trading and passages go through, as opposed to the other notable ports that deal mostly in coastal or inland trade-routes. Those from the clusters of outlying islands off of the main continent would typically arrive in Thysos first, though other passages are possible. As a result, the town has less trading infrastructure, and more hospitality venues, such as taverns, inns, hostels, and various places offering myriad forms of entertainment.
  • An affluent kingdom with agrarian roots but a strong culture of traditional crafts and magic. Many products the continent over, from wines to cheese, and from glasswork to bronze-ware, are produced in Sevestria. Generally ruled by even-handed but change-averse monarchs who value continuing the traditional crafts and extolling the traditional virtues of old Sevestria, rather than pursuing innovation to compete with some of the more bleeding-edge hotbeds of technological progress elsewhere on the continent.
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Name: Lora (short for Lorelie)
Race: Cat-kin
Age: 37
Homeland: Sevestria
Archetype: Mage


Lorelei was formerly apprenticed to the court-mage of Sevestria, but even after he pronounced her a full-fledged mage and subsequently passed away, she did the unthinkable and declined to step up, instead leaving the kingdom altogether. She has wandered as an itinerant mage in search of a new 'spark' to motivate her spell-craft, in the absence of the teacher who brought out her love of magic, which has waned after their passing. She has teamed up with various adventurers to accomplish various quests, but inevitably either leaves most of the work for the rest of the party and insists on taking breaks too often for their comfort, or overwhelms the enemy by going overboard with high-level casts that leave nothing for her comrades to do. She has a fondness for the low-alcohol drink Gold-Cider, a domestic staple of Sevestria, even though she cannot herself return there due to being declared an effective traitor to her kingdom who deprived them of a successor to court mage.
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