MxF Catchy Title for a Search Thread

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MxF Catchy Title for a Search Thread


Speak beautiful things
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~π“Œπ‘’π“π’Έπ‘œπ“‚π‘’ π“‰π‘œ π“‚π“Ž π“ˆπ‘’π’Άπ“‡π’Έπ’½ 𝓉𝒽𝓇𝑒𝒢𝒹~

Kick up your feet, grab a coffee (or your preferred beverage), and enjoy rifling through my files. All plots are flexible. I am more than willing to hear out any additions, ideas, and alterations that you may have. My ultimate plan is to edit this thread as plots form in my head or I come across more muse inspiring media. Should you want a sample of my writing, I can provide that. Many of my roleplays have taken place elsewhere. If anything within my files interests you or a picture starts forming a story in your mind, slide into my DMs.

Thank you for your time!

~π“Œπ‘’π“π’Έπ‘œπ“‚π‘’ π“‰π‘œ π“‚π“Ž π’»π’Ύπ“π‘’π“ˆ~

Who Am I?
I am a 31 year old lady. I am a social worker and doggo mother. Roleplay has been a part of my life in some form or fashion for nearly as long as I can remember. My roleplaying journey started out as a wee kiddo on Neopets where I got unintentionally banned for unknowingly erping (oops). From there, I used to handwrite roleplays in a notebook with friends. I graduated from notebooks to text messaging, to Skype, to forums.
What are my interests?
They run the gamut. In essentially every roleplay, romance, in some shape, is a must. Explicit sexual scenes is also something I enjoy. As far as genres go, fantasy, modern, historical fiction. Those tend to be the areas I operate in, but I've always been willing to try something outside of my normal realm. My guilty pleasures definitely involve some sort of rugged, cynical, nearly cruel, or definitely cruel, man. I adore plots with ill timed, unplanned, or unwanted pregnancies. Forbidden love, forced arrangements, kidnapping are all things I can get behind. Also, assassins and prostitutes.
What are my expectations?
If I may say so, I think I'm a fantastic partner. I don't have many expectations. The ones I do have are sensible. Don't give me one liners when I give you multiple paragraphs. Don't give me lists of things because I honestly don't care to read if your character puts their socks on their feet before putting their feet in their shoes and then puts on boxers before putting on their pants. If your character does something wild like puts on tighty whities over their business slacks, absolutely list that out. I'm about that. Communicate with me. I love hearing ideas and I like OOC chatter in general. The best part about me, I think, is that I'm ghost friendly! Just dump me. That's, honestly, totally fine. Confrontation, no matter how simple, is not everyone's thing. I get that. I've been a guilty ghoster.
What are my limits?
Horror. I will not do anything that's horror. I'm too much of a wimp. My anxious self can't handle it. Don't come at me with scat, blood, urine, vomit play. In no way will I get behind that. Nothing else comes to mind as hard limits right now. So, in some ways, it may be a "cross that bridge when we get to it" kind of situation. I've crossed many boundaries in roleplays.
What are some of my plots?
YC is the son of the pastor of a thriving and prosperous puritan village. YC has everything going for him. His father is shaping him to be the leader of the village to continue its growth and keep it on the path of righteousness for God to continue blessing the residents. YC is betrothed to the perfect, chaste woman. She exercises precise modesty, follows every rule. Their marriage will result in a perfectly kept household with Godly children.

All around this village, other settlements failed in some way. Some fell from disease. Others were engulfed by fire. Yet, this settlement was untouched, convincing all those who reside in it that they have God's protection, that they have kept themselves pure in His eyes.

Cracks start to form, though, when MC shows up. She's a stranger to this settlement, already setting the residents on edge for being unknown, but they could not, in good conscience, abandon her. MC arrived in the village in a time of absolute need after her settlement had fallen and she was left as the sole survivor. God must have spared her, right?

YC is both disgusted and enraptured by MC. He considers her behavior uncouth. Yet, he cannot help but feel pulled in by her perceived wildness. YC's betrothed starts warring with emotions she had not yet faced. Will this newcomer be the downfall of this righteous society or will she bring in a new era? That's the basis of my idea for that one. If this got your mused stirred and you have other ideas, let me know! I'll include the series of songs that have inspired this.
The richest and thriving kingdom in the realm was not one of land. Rather, it was an ancient kingdom with unknown magicks that allowed for an unheard feat of architecture; An entire kingdom was built upon a ship.

On this massive ship, the closer to the stern, the wealthier the people since the royals resided at the stern. The farther to either prow, or down in the belly, were the dredges of society. As any normal city, there were crimes. There were heads of gangs, coups, and rebellions.

YC is the head of one of those outlawed groups. He moved in the shadows, did his work in darkness. Despite his wealth that he had amassed through means unknown, he lived in the belly of the ship and existed in the outskirts of the kingdom.

So, where I fit in is yet undecided. This idea has been bouncing around for awhile based on the included picture. We can go the route of possibly the royal becoming involved with YC in some kind of romeo and juliet thing. It can turn into a sort of kidnapping kind of plot. The king is becoming a little big for his britches. Or, it can just be meet cute sort of situation where YC and MC build some sort of life together in this odd city/society.
Some debate the existence of soulmates. The thought is easily dismissed as one would shoo a fly. Others believe in it wholeheartedly. Their gods must have made their other half. What god would be as cruel as to create someone without the possibility of them becoming whole? To the king's eldest son, that seemed to be his fate.

In the lore of his people, the gods split a singular soul. Each held a mark on their mortal flesh matching the other. There were some that resented the idea of this destiny and that they lacked the ability to have free will over their partner. Some wandered their whole life not finding their mate. Surely, that would not be the fate within the royal family, the bloodline blessed by the gods, born from the gods.

The eldest son was becoming increasingly desperate. His claim as heir to throne was slipping with each year his match hadn't been found. In an even further twist of events by the gods, his younger brother found his soulmate, weakening the eldest's claim further. With great embarrassment, the king dismissed his eldest son to be the leader of the realm's army. For years, the king has been claiming territories little by little with the goal of having a one world kingdom. This dismissal sent the prince across the seas to foreign lands.

Stepping foot onto the foreign soil, the prince accepted his death may be on these strange lands, but he vowed to at least progress his father's role. That was, until, in the midst of his conquest, knelt in the blood filled mud was the princess of the land. Upon her bound wrists, the mark that matched his.
MC is the Bride of Light, or the high priestess for the god of life and prosperity. She is considered the mortal wife of the immortal god. Her life is devoted to him, his worship, and expanding his following. It's easy, though, to preach the teachings of a benevolent god.

Behind the scenes, the gods and goddesses of this world have their own lives, their own wants. YC, the god of death and disease, is the brother of the god of life. YC has always played second fiddle to his siblings and is the least worshiped among the mortals. They resented what he took from them, what he allegedly caused among the world.

With the resentment building against his family, against the humans, he decided to cause the downfall of the Followers of Light. He would show the world what he could create, the religion he could build, the society he could foster. YC decides the best way to do it, and to get under the skin of his brother, was to seduce the Bride of Light and use her to further his take over.
Muse Stirring
Rather than pairings, I often come across images or songs that stir something inside me. These are a myriad of things that have struck something, but that I haven't quite formed anything around as of yet.
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